
Geek Love Radio Postponed: Due to me being sick for the first time in a long time.

Hey there party people, how are you all doing? I don’t know how many people were anticipating the return of GLR for its second season, but I sincerely apologize it didn’t occur on the day I said it would come back. As you may know if you read my tweets, I went to the doctor’s yesterday for a check up and got a flu shot with it all. I was told by the nurse that it would take two weeks for the thing to kick in, but until then I may experience some of the symptoms of the flu. I have to admit, I wasn’t prepared for this sensation, nor the fact that it kicked me in the butt so quickly.

So last night as I was ready to talk to Dave, the Drummer and possibly start recording, I felt ill enough to lay down, in which I proceeded to have the most anger and hate filled and most vivid fever dreams I’ve had in a very long time. I woke up worse for wear, and my body aches like an M’er F’er. So…I hope today I’ll recover a little more and feel a little better. If not? So Season 2 of GLR to come soon, I promise.

Until then, here’s just a cool, gritty, live action fan trailer for a movie that’s not going to happen, based on Poke’mon. The little kid in you is excited. Hehe.