
Desperate times call for desperate measures

This is more or less a question that goes out to the readers and the listeners. I’d like to think I have a lot of the answers, but no one can have all the answers, and I hope you out there might give me some ideas on what to do during desperate times? No money, no phone, no car, no home. Stuff like that.

Also there are times in life when you think you’ve hit rock bottom, and all of a sudden you find yourself hitting something WAY below that. As a result you find yourself in a situation/hole that you try to climb out of, but the dirt just keeps piling on top of you. Soon, the more you claw, the more debris and earth falls onto you, enveloping you so much, that you don’t know if you can dig your way out? In other words, desperate times.

So how do you survive a desperate time? What do you do to cope with it? What are the desperate measures you take when you’re in financial, emotional, or physical (not hurt, more like…you’re somewhere physically or spatially or whatever that you can’t get away from.) trouble? Thanks everybody.