
Yep, Everything On The Internet Is Peaches And Gravy! Unless You're a Teenager.

This may seem like an odd observation that may have nothing to do with anything, but let me know if you see it too. People on the internet are the most happiest go lucky people I’ve ever read. I mean, the economy is bad, people have no jobs, the weather is cold and dank, and well…why would anyone want to be so happy in these conditions? Now I’m not saying the internet is the joy capital of the world, but when you look at Social Networks like Twitter and Facebook, it seems like no one has a complaint in the world. Yet, when I talk to people in person…well, there is a lot to complain about. So what makes people afraid to be negative online?

Maybe its the fact that people don’t want to share too much information about themselves. With so much of our personal lives out there, maybe people are afraid to say anything bad or negative or pessimistic when things are already tough as it is. I mean, I write negative stuff on my posts for sure, because times are tough, but no one else does. I don’t know, I think its pretty amazing that people can stop themselves from talking about the bad and just focus on the good. Or maybe I’m just a weirdo. Mind you this is all speculation and all just based on what I see, and I don’t see everything.

I think its pretty well known that there’s a thing called netiquette. If you’re not familiar, its kind of the rules set for how you’re supposed to behave online with regards to pretty much everything. Yet, I grew up with the internet, when it was just a wee babe. I watched it grow into the behemoth it is today. So I was aware from an early stage what to expect and how to act online. But how about the younger generations? Okay, I’m not that old, but boy do I make myself sound that way. The rules are printed on websites yeah, but people don’t go on their computer and know that they’re supposed to act a certain way.

Well, I guess younger people didn’t get the memo, as its really the adults that I’ve noticed being more polite and more…tact. I haven’t done any professional research, but just listen to the news and you’ll see that the kids don’t know the netiquette rules. There are all these reports about cyber bullying. And its a pretty big freakin’ deal, because people are now killing themselves over all the hate that ends up online. So how did I learn the rules, and these people didn’t? Why are they showing so much anger and hate towards people who really don’t affect them in any way? Is bullying becoming an epidemic with more and more people able to bully thanks to the ease of use of the internet? Its very sad, and one of the caveats of the internet. There’s no cyber police, no one making sure that things like this don’t happen. Being a parent, in this day and age, has gotten a whole lot tougher.

I was bullied as a kid, I understand the kind of ridicule and anger that is endured. But I thought we lived in a more sophisticated time, where people had tolerance, and had an understanding in the differences in people. At least its good to know that people mature and grow out of that hate and rage (for the most part, or am I just being naive?). Because the things I see on my feeds are nothing but surprisingly good, and positive things.

Netiquette: http://www.albion.com/netiquette/