
Broken Phone: Second Times the Charm

Okay, nothing geeky, relationshippy or anything, just a quick rant. Yesterday my phone broke, again. I don’t know how many people out there have had this kind of problem, but its getting really annoying in my book. This time, my phone’s bootloader isn’t working, so it stays on this screen, and…well, its just bad. The funny thing, I’m complaining, only because I feel like that’s the thing I should be doing. When it happened, I wasn’t really all that upset, which is a big deal in my book. The first time it happened, I was stressing out, I was getting all weird about it, but this time around, it was different. I mean, wouldn’t you all get upset, or angry, or really frustrated if your phone continually broke on you? I know I would have, if it wasn’t for the fact that, I finally realized something. It could have been worse.

I recently had a discussion with a budding new friend that involved pessimism and optimism, and there was something she said that really hit home. Optimistic people have bad things happen to them just like everyone else, and sometimes more so, but its how they handle the situation that makes them a positive person and someone people want to be around. Of course, I didn’t know I turned into this kind of person until recently, but when she said that, a light bulb turned on in my head, and it was like…huh…I guess that’s me.

Thinking positive and all that is the difference to how we handle stress, anger, frustrations, emotions that would normally stop down and depressed people in their tracks. Of course, maybe a broken phone is trivial in your eyes, but to me, I know I would have reacted differently in the past, because it wouldn’t have been such a simple matter for me. But I guess I’m getting over that, and I was curious to you all out there. Are you a pessimist or an optimist or a realist? How would you handle a situation where something “bad” continually happened to you? I’m not saying my way is the right way to handle things, but its certainly easier on my heart and soul. What do you think?