
A Blog Post About Me

I often look at this blog and wonder, why do people come on here and read what I have to write? What about my perspective or the things I bring up on this blog, makes me different from anyone else? Because honestly, there are a million blogs out there, hundreds on relationships, from news websites to personal websites, to forums. What do I do that makes me stand out? Part of me hopes its the fact that I’m greatly aware that I’m not the only source of information out there. Part of me aware its that I mostly do this for me, and not necessarily for the readers. I mean, I want to readers informed and I like sharing articles that pique my interest, but why come here when you can go anywhere else?

There are no answers from me, because I’m not funny, I’m not sarcastic…at least on the blog, I’m just one guy with a lot to say with a place that I can share it. I know this isn’t as spectacular as those other blogs there with its thousands of readers. And I’d be lying if I said I didn’t want that many people listening and reading. It’d be a God send if I had those numbers. But I’m a realist, and I know that this blog isn’t for everyone. I mean, how often can you read about one subject over and over again? How often can you read only about relationships and about nothing else?

I say I’ll change it up, write about other things, but I love the concept, the ideas of relationships and of people. The potential and the pitfalls. I thrive off how people interact and how people handle situations. I observe all the time, watching, and taking mental notes. Often I want to know why, or how, or what the reasoning is behind people and their motivations. I learn often, vicariously, through others. They are my font of wisdom sometimes. Because I’m only one man, I can’t experience EVERYTHING. Though that’d be pretty awesome.

In all honesty, this is how I want to make my living, how I want to spend my days and nights. Helping people, giving suggestions, advice, learning with people. This is what I thrive off of, and why I keep writing, why I keep thinking people may care what’s posted day in and day out. I put in the effort because, I hope that someone connects with something I post, whether it be something I said or an article I share, and improves their life in some way.

In no way am I perfect. Hell, I don’t even know how qualified I am to talk about what I talk about, given that I’m only human. I just know that everyday I learn a little something new, and I want to share a little something more. For instance, today, I feel we are all childish to some degree. We retain some of our childish ways because, well, its just easier. We handle relationships that way, we procrastinate, we wait to see if things will just work itself out. Those aren’t the “adult” things to do, but we do it anyway. We are (and I kind of mean me), the hopeless romantic, the hopeless dreamer, often believing that good will win in the end. That our good deeds mean something, to someone.

Again, I feel we’re selfish by nature. We often do things that benefit us, even those who give and give. They get satisfaction from it. I don’t even know if there is anyone who doesn’t do something without some kind of reward. And no matter how you cut it, knowing you did a good deed and feeling proud of yourself is selfish, because its about YOU!

Anyway, I’m done. I’m a struggling human being like everyone else out there and my selfish deed of the day, is hoping that I’m helping someone out there. Thanks for taking the time to listen.