
Sincere Cynicism: The Happy & Sad State Of Our World

Its only a few days from Christmas, and you’d think that something more upbeat, and more positive would make its way into the hearts of Sincere Sarcasm. Its a season of love, and caring, and miracles. Families get together endure each other’s company for a day. Friends and loved ones gather around sharing stories, sharing joy, and sharing gifts. There’s a spirit of the season that falls over us, that even when the worst happens, we still take comfort that the things we have are there. Its also a time of miracles, where even when we’re at our lowest, there’s sometimes, something that happens that makes things better. Its a very fantastical time of year, and I think I’m done hyping up the Holidays Season.

With such a positive, for the most part, atmosphere, why is it that more and more people are just becoming cold and cynical? What happened to our society when we believe that everyone is out for themselves and that no one is capable of loving and caring for others. Yes, we are a selfish society, I’m cynical to a degree, but I also believe that underneath if all, we care about other people, we can be selfless, and we do want the betterment of other people despite ourselves.

I think what brought this all about is the idea that love is just another word for sex. Now, I’m going to emphasize sex, because that’s pretty much the fuel for man/woman relationships that aren’t familial, and love, because despite popular belief, it is a real thing.

First I’ll talk about the love part. Yes, I’m mildly cynical, as I mentioned before, but I do think people can love each other. I mean, why else would it hurt so badly to break up with someone or get rejected? Is it because the sex is gone? Well, okay, maybe that’s a reason, but I’m pretty sure that’s not what’s on your mind the moment something bad happens. And when you are “in love”, you don’t think about just getting in their pants, you think about their well being, their happiness, and trying to do things that bring joy into that other person’s life.

Yet its becoming increasingly more common for people to believe that love doesn’t exist for them. First off, people who say that, are possibly looking too hard. They’re too busy trying to find it, and trying to make it happen, that they just don’t just let it happen. I think people get so caught up with wanting it and wanting it to happen, that they don’t just let it occur naturally. Because its when you’re not looking, when you’re not trying to find it, when you love yourself enough to know that if love happens, it will happen, that’s when it…uhh…happens. And that doesn’t mean, don’t date, don’t go out, don’t do dating websites, because you’re using that to meet people. I’m not saying just sit on your hands and expect it to come to you. But should you date someone, should you find someone, it could blossom.

You also can’t expect love to last forever on its own. You have to work at it to keep it going. Love can have a lifespan of a year, ten years, 100 years, its up to you. As I’ve mentioned in past blog posts, love and relationships take work, its not just something you do and hope it all works out. You have to make it work for it to stay strong.

Then there’s the sex aspect of the world. Yes, sex is great, and the desire is becoming more prevalent and its replaced emotion. We lust over someone, and that’s it. We desire them, we want them naked, we want their touch, and that’s it. No emotional ties, or we mistake our lust for love, and we screw up our idea of what relationships are supposed to be like. Its easy to do, it happens all the time, and we thrive on our hormones more than our own heart. You don’t need to love someone to have sex with them, that’s a given, but you probably do need sex to keep the love going.

I’m not saying sex is not a part of relationships either, and that it isn’t a big part. If you can’t enjoy each other sexually, then you’re going to have problems. If you can’t learn how to do it, then you’re going to have more problems. But sex can’t be the end all or the emphasis, but a part of what make couples work.

Love and sex are symbiotic, but they are not one and the same. Keep an open mind to what’s going on in your life. Don’t push away the people who genuinely care about you, this holidays season. And I promise, tomorrow, will be something more upbeat and more positive. Because negativity man, there’s too much of it, and it sucks.