
A Rant: Podcast Problems, Everyone's a Critic & Puppy Love? Really?

So, after spending hours working on the audio, and spending a few hours at Disneyland, with little to no sleep and ever growing anxiety and frustration, I have come to the conclusion, that recording on Skype is hard and the software I’m using sucks. With that in mind, the show that I was going to post yesterday, will not longer be…available, but will be done fresh and new later on, which leads me to rants, which this next show will be all about…

First I want to rant on our reliance on technology. Life was so much easier back in the early days of radio when, if you wanted to be heard…in a like, 5 mile radius or so, all you had to do was go up to this open mic and sing, speak, or do whatever it was you wanted to do on the air. Now that I have programs like Skype and the audio recording software, its like, you either use that or you have nothing. I mean, if you make something that people rely on and pay for it, it better freakin’ work, especially if its touted as the number 1 tool for use with whatever you’re using it for. Seriously? If you’re so great why do you keep freaking out on me and making me sound like a skipping CD on a rocky road that the Ice Cream shop needs to pave… Okay, that was a dumb joke, but you can rant about dumb jokes if you want. If you’re made to do something and your praised for doing it well, then DO IT WELL!

I hate how critical people have made me a critical person. I’m usually totally grateful and happy that people do what they do in their own way. But lately, I’ve realized, that I’m just a jerk! I criticize how people do things, and I always think I know better, when in reality, in hindsight I know I don’t know better. Yet I still catch myself being an asshole to people because I think I know of a better way to do things. What the hell? Who made me king of how things are done? Me, an empathetic person who usually can see things from other people’s points of view. Of course, I’m surrounded by people who constantly tell me how I’m doing things wrong and what an idiot I am, so am I just copying them? I just hate that I do that! And I hate that people criticize me for the way I think, just because its not the way they think. I’m working on it, and you should too, damnit. Too bad nobody knows who I’m talking about because people don’t notice when they’re being…never mind. Those people don’t read this blog anyway.

What’s up with being adolescent around members of the opposite sex? I get that people can become infatuated, or dumbstruck by people, but I honestly thought we outgrew that! I thought it was just some weird image that movies and television put on us, and we emulate it because we think that’s how its supposed to be. I mean, isn’t there an age when the butterflies go away when you talk to the man or woman you like? Don’t you get over the kookiness after you get to a certain age? Or is it that way for the entirety of your life? Are we just prone to acting like fools around the people we’re interested in because our “hearts” take over and we do things because we’re muddled? I’ve had this discussion and we have come to the conclusion that we revert to puppy love, adolescent ways when we’re around people of interest and we do and say things that could either be endearing or scare people away. I thought we could get over that, but maybe I’m wrong?

What do you have to rant about today?