
How Anything Can Bring People Together

I was originally going to write about how I’m around a lot of people who are pessimistic and may be just an extention of their low self esteem, and how some of that can rub off on friends and loved one, and can actually push them away. But then I realized, why would I want to bum people out with that? Instead, I’m going to write about how pretty much anything you have in common with someone else can bring people together.

Now if you’ve listened to the latest Geek Love Radio, you’ll find that there was a blog post on CNN about how geeks don’t necessarily catch onto flirtation and body language. I THINK I get body language, but not in terms of attraction, but maybe in terms of seeing whether someone is upset with you or whatnot. I think if you are having difficulty finding whether or not someone is flirting with you or is interested in you, you might want to try out what you’re interested in.

Now I’m not saying this is a sure fire way to know a person is interested in you, but you can tell a lot about a person when you and they share a common interest. It’s that connection that allows a person to be comfortable with you, because now you have something to talk about. Now you have something to relate to. And that’s how you can progress, with one single hobby. That’s because if they’re into one thing, they’ll be into other things in that same vain.

The moment I realize someone is into something geeky like, computers, or keeps up with the latest in any kind of geek news, I find that attractive. Now, you can’t assume they feel the same, but well informed and sexy is a great combination. So just know that when you and that person make a connection, if they come back for more, there’s a pretty good chance that they’re finding you fascinating and possibly attracted to you in some way. It could be your intelligence, your looks, but men, realize that women have the choice of whether or not they talk to you.

Of course, I wouldn’t be me if I didn’t cover every scenario, because that’s what I love about love, sex, and relationships, they’re unpredictable. But you can’t take every person who wants to talk to you as a sign of flirtation and a sign that they’re attracted to you. They may just enjoy the conversation, but if you’re into them and want to start a something, then that’s where you take that extra step. And you can be subtle about it, but that’s a whole other conversation. The point is that sharing a common interest can take the place of flirtation to those who don’t know how to flirt.

To reference the CNN blog again, they use an ice breaker such as “Mac or PC or both?” as a way to get a conversation going. I emphasize that this is pretty lame and can be a turn off. I mean, sure a woman may find it endearing, but honestly, its kind of corny. And the funny thing is, is that the pick up line is right there. This blog was based off of an event called SXSW, which has plenty of nerds and geeks. Two single people meeting there, amongst the bars, the events, and all that, is the opening line to flirtation. Its the common thread that brought you two together. I think that’s the best way to flirt, better than any pick up line. You have something to talk about, to relate to, and to use to get to know each other. That’s why I emphasize events like this as a great way to find someone.

I can look at Lisa, co-host of Geek Love Radio. She had something in common with her now boyfriend that brought them together. Not only was she attracted to him, but they had a video game that started it all. All it took was a little friendly competition to make the match work. You hear it all the time (from me), and I guess I harped on it enough. Who knows people? I mean even my nerdy, tech obsessed, video game driven drivel interest some people. Hmm, somehow, that doesn’t sound like a good argument…