
Why Are We Growing Up?

So, this part here I’m writing after I wrote this blog post, and I’m thinking, wow…I take this stuff really seriously. I mean, I’m trying so hard to teach a lesson or something to that effect. It almost seems like I’m so uptight when I try to even write about the lighter things in life. Like, well, yeah you could be funny and silly, but you got to take that seriously! Do you guys that that same feeling? I mean, I’ve felt that way since I first started writing on here, and that was almost a whole year ago. It’s kind of weird. You’d think with a name like sincere sarcasm, there’d be some kind of snarky remark or some smart ass comment, but even the fun stuff I take all seriously. I’m not like this in person, but when I write, it’s so…see? See? I’m doing it now! I guess, because it’s very hard to be humorous and sarcastic and ironic in writing…for me at least. So, yeah…I guess I really haven’t had complaints or anything, so enjoy?

Okay, well, I have a funny feeling that people who read that title and my question, “Why grow up?”, may be thinking I’m trying to find excuses to skirt responsibilities or something of that nature. Maybe you’re thinking I’m trying to condone never taking things seriously, but really…that’s not the case. Before I get into my big thing about not growing up, let me be the first to say that I think being financially responsible, having goals for the future, and knowing what you want from life is important. I’m not saying to party hard, spend all your money and never being an adult. But in all honesty, why can’t you do those things, like taking care of your family, yourself, building a career, becoming financially secure, and preparing for the future, and still act like a kid sometimes?

I follow a lot of nerds and geeks on Twitter, and I know how old they are and how they approach things, and they show success in many different ways, but they all have something in common. They never lost touch of their inner child. Many still play video games and make believe (ala Dungeons and Dragons), and still watch cartoons, read comic books, and collect action figures. They still get excited when super hero movies come out and still snicker at some type of innuendo. I think it’s what really differentiates the nerds from everyone else. And not to say that everyone else is bad, but I think people look at the nerd or the geek and their toys and think…immature.Image: Danilo Rizzuti / FreeDigitalPhotos.net

As a person who tries to see things from all sides, which probably annoys people on here because I always try to take on two different ways of thinking and the like, I will have to say that I can see the point of view from the serious person who can’t stand when a person doesn’t “grow up”. They can have all their faculties together, they could be wealthy…well, not incredibly wealthy because then people will put up with anything…and they could be on a good road with a job they love, and the resources to take care of themselves and their significant other (wow this is a long sentence), but if they love video games, comic books, action figures, even cartoons, it’s a no go from the love department. Maybe its because two people just can’t relate in that respect, but they get along so well everywhere else. There’s that connection of intellect, that wonderful conversation, but most likely the guy (isn’t it always the guy?) has a hobby that just isn’t “grown up”.

I’m not limiting myself to just hobbies, but attitude as well. What’s wrong with the person who can laugh loud and proud and make a fool of themselves just because its funny? Why can’t you be the person who likes to skip and frollick, just because you can and because you feel like it? What’s so bad about the one who can randomly tag you, say “it”, then run away? I think it’s great, fun, and well, keeps life interesting. Again, hopefully this guy, or gal, has their life in order, and knows how to be an adult when need be, what’s so bad about it? Most of you are probably saying, “Well, if its in moderation, nothing’s wrong with that!” But yet, people are turned off by it. Maybe people forgot what it was like to just enjoy life without thinking about it, or maybe our world right now is full of so much strife and struggle that we can only look at those people in embarrassment, knowing that life needs to be taken more seriously.

If you’re not happy, then what’s the point? If you’re not happy with your own life, your own ambitions, your own dreams, and your own self, how can you expect anyone else to be happy with you? If that means never growing up, so be it! Embrace the fun, the silliness, and the laughs. Life is already stressful and hard and upsetting enough as it is, and I think its cool if you’re all grown up, but stop hating on the people who aren’t.