
Aroma of Amour

I want you to think back to a time when you went up to a beautiful woman, or a gorgeous man, and as you were flirting you caught the scent of that sweet perfume, or that inticing cologne and that initial trifecta was reached. Their voice made your heart skip a beat, their face and eyes made your groin…tingle(?), but their smell made you want to close your eyes and revel in it. See the first two things are “easy”. You can’t help the way you speak, for the most part, and you can’t help the way you look, but you can definitely control the way you smell, and its a powerful way to attract someone without having to do much. For some it’s as easy as bathing.

Now I realize what I might be saying sounds pretty ridiculous. The average person probably takes a shower or a bath one a day. Then of course there are those who decide to go natures route, and try not to bathe at all, and so few are successful at that. If you see a wide circle around someone you know they went that route. And then there are those people, mostly women, who just naturally smell good. And when I say natural, I mean, its their everday grooming that makes them smell so…nice. Come on guys, you can attest to this right? There are those women out there who put on very little makeup, but when you’re up close to them, brushing your cheek against theirs, you can smell it. The soft powdery aroma. It has a hint of sweetness, and a touch of spice. Their hair, holding the fragrance of their shampoo, but it lingers all day, mixing with the other scents to make up that distingushing essense. It’s unique to her and you almost look creepy just standing their inhaling that floral attar.

Now, I can’t vouch for what a man smells like. I’ve smelled cologne on a guy, and I personally don’t get it. While with women its subtle, for men its a force to be reckoned with. And of course these scents are meant to attract, and to allure, like bait, but I just don’t get it. For guys, its all about this muskiness associated with masculinity. Its a combination of sweat, and…well not tears, but something else. It’s like combining natural body odor with something that’ll kick your ass the moment you get to close. Now I’m not saying all men’s colognes do this, but a lot do. It might be why I don’t do it myself, because I don’t want to kill anyone from the scent. Yet, it’s incredibly important and women love it. What women do in simplicity, men must pull off in complexity. (And I know people will argue that point, but we’re only talking about smells here.) And guys must smell bad all the time, because there’s so many fragrances out there to try to mask our own body odor. From deodorants to body sprays, men are constantly fighting with their own bodies to smell appealing. And it makes sense.

Imagine you’rse in a club or a bar. It’s hot, people are closely packed together, and you’re trying to hook up with the beautiful girl at the bar. There are already a combination of aromas out there. Tangy, musky, sour, and some just too heady to handle, yet you’re close enough to that woman and she’s close enough to you where you can smell each other. You smell of perspiration and nervousness, or confidence, and it’s very manly. She likes it and comes closer. You can smell the elegant perfume, or body spray or shampoo on her and it makes your pants too tight. In this scenario the obvious masculine and feminine smells are obviously attractive. I brought up that little scenario because I know guys, all girls smell okay in my book, who just have this overwhelming body odor smell that just…repels people away. The last sentence is the ideal situation, but I mention the guy with the stench because it’s amazing how women react.

Now say that scenario happened, but the guy was plain looking or even a bit fugly. Obviously the guy has marks against him, but the ultimate slap in the face for her is the fact that you smell like you wrestled with a bunch of oily drunk men and now carry their stench. This is not an exaggeration, some guys have this going on with them, and it could just be their body mechanics or something, but its pretty crazy. Now, this guy has no chance in hell of a date, but if he smelled better, there would at least be a glimmer of hope. That woman would be able to sit in a room with him and learn how funny, or whatever charcter trait she’s looking for to make her move. Then there’s the scenario where if you’re incredibly good looking, and you go up to a woman with that nasty scent. If you’re hot enough, she’ll hold her breath, smile, and bang you before the night is over. Such shallow creatures we are.

For geeks, I think we need every buff we can get, and smelling good should be one of them. It’s not only in your hygiene, but it’s in what you eat and in your environment. Keep those pretty clean, and healthy and you can add that bit of cologne for extra oomph. You want to avoid the scenario above, because we all may not dress sharp or carry ourselves well, but we can at least look clean, smell good, and sound smart and be funny. As much as people date for looks, relationships blossom from personality. And part of that is in your aroma of amour.