
I had this epic thing I was going to write…

Then I reailzed, I don’t remember what it was. Star Wars day threw me off, and now today is Cinco de Mayo. All these pseudo holidays are making me confused. Either way, I guess this is a good a time as any to remind you guys to go ahead and write to me on theglshow@gmail.com. I know there are questions out there, and I’m pretty sure you want to share your ideas on what kind of material you want to read on the blog and hear on the show.

Well, I’m going to get back to doing whatever it was I was doing. Oh, and if you don’t get a regular blog post from me between now and Sunday. Happy Mother’s Day to you wonderful mom’s out there. The rest of you non wonderful ones can go bugger off? Oh well, it’s your day too. Consider this your e-card. Wow…, there goes all that sarcasm I was supposed to share all this time. Damn!