
Emotional Warfare!

Just a quick little post while I have a few minutes left on my lunch break. For a lot of people, or maybe it’s just me, it’s hard to tame your emotions. Like a wild stallion (guitar riff), it’s difficult to rein in and even harder still to control. Now I’m not going to harp on and on again about the whole “passion rules reason” thing, thank you Terry Goodkind, because in this case it has nothing to do with reason and all to do with your gut and your heart and your head and all that other sentimental stuff that goes on in a run on sentence like this. So the question is, how do you take hold of these emotions that run wild?

Take for instance you had a friend and you found yourself thinking about them, more becoming attracted to them, and even maybe falling in love with them. None of this was intentional, none of this was planned, and none of this had to do with reason. I mean, you haven’t acted on it because well, maybe you want to remain friends or they are married, or whatever the case may be. Whatever your reasoning is, it’s difficult to just say “no” to those feelings. As I said before, the heart wants what the heart wants. You haven’t acted on anything, but boy do you want to.

So we come to that crossroads, where you won’t be lonely. Wow, I’m just on a weird reference kick. But you’re there, and you have to make a choice. Just hold it in, make it seem like there’s nothing going on and pretend that you don’t have any feelings whatsoever for this person. That in turn eats you up inside as you watch them move on, get into relationships, get out of them, all the while you’re just sitting there taking it in and maybe even giving advice on the matter or worse yet, you are their close confidant. That’s when the proverbial shit hits the fan. So to speak.

Well, I’d like to hear your thoughts on this matter, as I’m running out of time and don’t have time to write in my two cents. So what would you do? What are your experiences? And feel free to berate me for all the corny cheesiness in this post.