
It's Summer Time & It's Time To Get SortaNaked!

I’m not complaining. Today is the first day of summer and the clothes are coming off for both women and men. The guys are showing off their guns and their six pack, the ladies are spreading the love with their cleavage and booty shorts, and then there’s me. The medium sized (thanks Dani) observer, watching the people go by as they look all good. I mean, how does a geek, who’s primary muscle that they want to flex is their brain, compete with those who have the physical prowess to win and woo all women of all shapes and sizes? For example, anyone familiar with Legend of the Seeker, a fantastic show based on one of my favorite book series, the Sword of Truth, has a male lead that my female coworkers fawn over. They just love his well…everything.

Really, I have only myself to blame, as the more self conscious go out there and get buff, and work out, and build their sexy muscles, I on the other hand, do podcasts, play video games, write blogs, talk for hours in a car, chat on Skype, and commute for hours on end. Not the most conducive formula for losing weight and getting all gunned out. Still, it’s an excuse, and I bet a lot of people have them. Hell, I don’t like working out, especially by myself. My most fun was when I was taking martial arts and rolling around with these skilled fighters. I’ve learned so much from that, and now…since I kind of disowned one of my closest friends whom I used to do these things with, I have no one.

I was told the other night that I need to go out there and make more friends. Well, it may not be evident, but I don’t like the general public very much. I think it’s simply because we really are wrapped up in our own little worlds. We always think we have the right of way, that what we’re doing is justified, and that chewing gum like a cow is acceptable human behavior. *RAGE!!!!*

Then there are those people, like those guys who know that people are watching them, as they walk down the street with their chest all out, showing off what little body fat they have left on them. And the women, who knowingly show off their body, but hate it when people stare. I’m sorry ladies, if you wear a low cut top, and a bra with designs on them, you want someone to look. So don’t get all butt hurt when EVERY guy, not just the good looking ones, stare down your blouse.

I’m the same way too, for the most part. I often times am wrapped up in my own thoughts, trying so hard to will others to my ideals. Staring down the guy who decides to walk around grabbing his girlfriend’s ass like they’re holding hands, trying my hardest to transfer my thoughts to him saying, “You look like an idiot who’s raping your girlfriend in front of the rest of the world. STOP IT!” But of course, they don’t hear my weak telepathic abilities, or maybe they mistake it for their conscious, and why would they listen to that? So I move on, trying not to annoy anyone, yet still thinking my annoyingly boisterous laugh can’t be heard all across the county.

So I don’t know how I got there, I just wanted to applaud the women who are dressing down for the heat. It doesn’t last long this year in California, so make the most of it. Oh, and btw, ladies, if I may just make a suggestion, dresses [ie sundresses, skirts, etc (yes, I’m clumping skirts into this category)] are an underused form of attire. Try it out more, you ladies look good in that. Anyway…enough about that. My lunch break is over, and I never seem to make much sense anymore. Haha.