Image: photostock / FreeDigitalPhotos.netLately I’ve been finding myself surrounded by incredibly attractive women. It’s not me, personally, its my circumstances. And each woman has something I really like about them. They’re geeky, nerdy side, they’re interest and love of certain things, their sense of humor. Whatever it is, I find them fascinating. Now, I don’t want to be with all of them, but I wouldn’t mind dating some of them to find out whether or not it would work out. The only problem is, that I seem to keep finding myself as the perpetual friend. No matter how many women I meet, get to know, learn to like, I find myself constantly in the position of the good friend. The one they can talk to. The one that’ll listen. It feels like this cruel joke, where for some reason I’m the butt of it. But that’s okay, I’m not worried, I feel like I’m a pretty good person to be in a relationship with…or am I? Hell, I am always the friend after all.
You’ve heard of game, haven’t you? It’s that innate ability to flirt, entice, and arouse that hot chick at the club, or comic book convention. Wait, you don’t know what that is? It’s okay, I don’t know what that is either. But if you happen to be one of those people who have game, then congratulations, you’ve successfully vaulted most men in terms of the food chain. You’re confident, you’re desirable, you’re funny, and you have people attracted to you. Say you’re like me though, a man with no game, what do? (As you can see…a little Dani the Universe eking out there.). There are times, let’s call them lulls (no, not lulz), in the life of the average person where they’re single…but not by choice. That is when you hit that plateau…the perpetual friend.
No matter where you turn, you show off your good guy nature. You are friendly, good to talk to, you listen to people, and you’re just as ldquo;sweet rdquo; as you can be. Yep, sweet, the term that pretty much indicates you are in the friend zone, indefinitely. And we don’t do this by choice, it’s simply by our very nature. And this is not a nice guy thing either, it really is a measure of our charisma. Some of us just have more of it, or a better grasp of it. Like the Force. Not everyone can wield the Force in the same way, each person has a different master of it. Yes, I’m equating charisma with the Force. So, when we men are trying to show off our game and try to get together with a pretty young thing…that was bad wasn’t it…a hot chick? Okay, no better, but when we try to go ahead and try our bit with wooing said woman, we have varying degrees of success. All right, you know this already, so let’s move on.
Yet, there are some of us, who, no matter the level of charisma and charm we have, we always find ourselves in the friend zone. We could be plain looking, not fit…err, overweight, maybe we’re too thin, or maybe even funny looking. I happen to be big and funny looking. Now if the woman you’re trying to win over you is superficial, then you can proudly and safely move on. But if you can’t even get the girl who is pretty and doesn’t care what you look like, then you have some problems. They toss you on the friend ladder, and you’re stuck there, indefinitely.
So what do we do about this? Well, I hate to tell you, but you become the most patient person this side of the Andromeda galaxy. You have to hold your ground, keep looking, make friends, and you know what, you’ll find someone. Hell, if someone like me can get out of the friend zone with women, you can too. And maybe you’ve been there awhile, months, years even, well, then I have to tell you. You need other venues. You need to go out there and open up your circle of friends, or acquaintances? You have to cast out your net even more. Otherwise, you’ll end up always being in the friend zone for those few women who are in your life. And no matter how awesome and hot hot and how geeky they are, if they’re not attracted to you like you are to them, you better move on. And yes, I realize that some women can take you from the friend zone into the relationship zone, but you can’t bet the house on that.
As women like to tell me, there are so many people in the world, just because you can’t find them in your own backyard doesn’t mean they’re not out there. Well, to you ladies, I say this. The world is huge. Even dropping it down to 1,000 people is still a big number. And a 1,000 people whom have the same traits and qualities as you, and I’m supposed to find this needle in this 7 billion person haystack? I guess so. Or, you can give me a freakin’ shot first before throwing me to the side. NO!? Oh well, we can’t control that, but we can keep looking for that needle, and eventually, like most geek love…be happy. Because no one knows how to love better, than a geek.