
Love is like running which is like motivation, which to some…is like bacon.

Do you know what I love about running? The fact that if you run around your neighborhood and you start to get tired or you feel like stopping, you’ll find yourself in a spot where you have to make a choice. You either stop and just set up camp where you are, or you have to actually run/walk/jog back to where you started from. The beauty of running is that it forces you to keep moving, or you’re screwed. I think you have to approach relationships like you do running, or I guess, as the title suggests, bacon. You either go for the real thing, in other words, all the way, or you don’t go at it at all.

To continue with the exercise analogy, people who work out at home or with a video or an exercise plan, I feel, are more likely to stop because the creature comforts are all around you. You’re less likely to keep doing what you’re doing because the temptation is right there for you to vedge (veg?) out in front of the TV or something to that effect. Now, of course, if you’re motivated, have more will power than I do, and can stick to the plan, more power to you. But we go back to that complacency in relationships. Now the reason I’m talking about complacency in relationships is because, I’m observing my friends and the relationships they are going through.

Some people are fully committed to the relationship. I mean, they are whole hog in there. They went out for that run. They’re going at full speed, keeping pace, and they’re going to make that entire trip without slowing down, and without stopping no matter how exhausted they get in the middle of their run. Then there are those who get tired in the middle, poop out, and aren’t willing to keep going, to them, the finish line is just not worth it.

Well, sometimes we just don’t have that motivation to keep going. Whether it’s in love or exercise, sometimes laziness wins. But then you have to ask yourself. “Is that the kind of person I would want to see in the mirror? The one who wouldn’t even try? Who wouldn’t push himself or herself?” I hope you can, and I hope you’ll do it, no matter how tough it is. Because in the end, you tried, you pushed, and you broke through the pain, the sweat, the tears, and you accomplished something. And even if the run or the love is not for you, you at least did everything you could, and you can move on with your head held high. Or slumped, because damn…those things can be exhausting.

BTW, the way all of that was like bacon? Uhh…well…love and running can be addictive, and it becomes something you crave. I hear there’s a high you get when you hit that stride in your run. Then you want it all the time on everything. You can’t imagine your life without bacon…I mean, love and running. See? I knew bacon fit in there, somewhere. Because it fits EVERYWHERE.