Has anyone ever said to you “We need a global epidemic to regulate the population!”? I’ve heard that before, in history discussion, conversation, lectures, and books and most of the time they mean some kind of global disease to wipe out the populace. Well, I hope that never happens, and with movies like “Contagion”, it looks like the casualties wouldn’t be so bad (given we’re over 6 billion people living in this world and well, I won’t spoil the numbers). Then there are people who go crazy and kill other people, there are natural disasters, and there are now…economic disasters. Okay, so maybe I lost you there, and maybe that sentence just bored you to death, but seriously, I’m beginning to really grasp why people don’t read or listen to the news. The world is going to hell in a bread box.
Now I’m not here to get preachy, but I thought I’d just share that I’m actually pretty scared about the future. It’s not going to be that Star Trek utopia where money doesn’t exist except in gold plated latinum, but instead I feel it’s headed towards those dystopian, Mad Max, or any other post apocalyptic movie you’ve ever seen. And why not? To every bit of fiction out there, there is supposed to be some fact to it. Maybe the world will just turn upside down and we’ll all be crying for how things were! Or maybe the Vulcans will give us that warp technology to go and see the universe. Here’s hoping.
So why am I sharing this little nightmare with you all? Because we all live in blissful ignorance, and in all honesty, I’m going to probably go back to that blissful ignorance when I’m done writing this post. It’s what we do as humans, as far as I can tell. We often push back the thoughts of the insanely bad in hopes that our happy thoughts can bring us the insanely good. Or maybe so much crap happens in our lives already, we just think it’s all a part of that fodder.
I think I’m done bringing everyone down. Now have a cookie. Hopefully by the time you’re done eating it, you’ll feel right as rain.
Food for thought from the BBC: http://www.zerohedge.com/news/bbc-speechless-trader-tells-truth-collapse-comingand-goldman-rules-world