
The Importance Of Being Earnestly Asleep

During the week I normally try to get as much done during the day as possible. Like a lot of people in America, specifically the Los Angeles area, I drive a long, zombie inducing commute back and forth from work. This causes problems, like not getting enough of what you want done, not writing a blog post about a subject you are so into, or even gettingn sleep. And that last part is what’s screwing me over. Usually, when I get a rare chance to sleep, I sleep for hours, at least a good eight. That’s the least I need to function like a normal human being. Now, I’m lucky if I get five hours. I can give up doing things I want to get more sleep, and I guess I’m doing that already for being so tired everyday, but man…this is what I feel like writing when I’m tired. I talk about the thing I want more than the latest technology or a truck load of money. Okay, the money, I’d be pretty happy about. I wonder if the wealty get a lot of sleep?

So hopefully this weekend I’ll be well rested, with grand ideas to talk about during the week and share the entertainment known as our lives. That’d be good. For now…I’m going to record a podcast, stay awake, and sleep the weekend away. Good night.