
At a Loss For Words

Well, I guess I’m being a bit melodramatic. I know that there are readers out there, so thank you very much for that, I appreciate it. Unfortunately though I haven’t been as inspired as I used to be by the world around me, which I guess shows in my measily few posts that were about random things. There’s a lot to talk about for sure, but honestly, I’ve hit a writers block, or a life block, or I’m simply feeling like a block head. I just know that soon there will be more inspiration, more to talk about, but at the moment, my head is simply full of white noise. Even the interesting news and general life out there aren’t piquing my interest. But most importantly I’m curious about you guys out there. I don’t get to hear from you all much. How are you guys doing? What’s happening in your life right now? Anything fun, exciting, or crazy? Let’s have a convo!