Critical Moment Of Awesome Podcasts

A Critical Moment of Awesome Ep. 28

Sincere Sarcasm
Sincere Sarcasm
A Critical Moment of Awesome Ep. 28

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This week Dave and I do a blast from the past episode where we talk about Abbott Costello and their Who’s on First skit:, Physical Comedy, Buster Keaton, Jackie Chan, 3 Stooges, Heroes the TV show, Camping, Occupy wallstreet tents, Neutrino update, Accents in films like The Three Musketeers and so much more.

You’re listening to A Critical Moment of Awesome, where two guys talk out about practically everything. From pop culture, to music, movies, games, science, food and more, we really do cover it all. If you want to suggest a topic, have questions or want to tell us what we got wrong, write us at Thanks again for listening.



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