Critical Moment Of Awesome Podcasts

A Critical Moment of Awesome Ep. 32

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The introduction of our first contest ever! The t-shirt contest consists of you, a slogan for the show (keep it PG please), and the new logo, which should be up after the Thanksgiving holiday, and you too can own an authentic Critical Moment of Awesome t-shirt. Check out the blog on the right column for some more details. Not much though.

This is a less off the rails episode where we discuss some pretty interesting topics, and cover topics all across the board.

First off we talk movies we’ve waited in line for. Talk about Black Friday and us being “move elitists” again. Then there are rom-coms, and bad choices in movies. We move on to Smallville, two years too late?

Objectifying women who show off their body and pretend they don’t know it? Gender issues and roles as well as clothing stores that cater to the good looking.

Then there are the holidays and how they make us fat. Well, we make us fat and we use holidays as excuse? All that and more on this week’s Critical Moment of Awesome. Thank you everyone again for listening, and please don’t forget to share the show with others.

You’re listening to A Critical Moment of Awesome, where two guys talk out about practically everything. From pop culture, to music, movies, games, science, food and more, we really do cover it all. If you want to suggest a topic, have questions or want to tell us what we got wrong, write us at Thanks again for listening.



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