
Happy Thanksgiving!!! &…Blogs Are Hard To Keep Up With

Happy Thanksgiving to everyone celebrating. I know there’s a lot of food, a lot of family, and not a lot of movement as we digest our feasts and cornucopias. Still, I hope everyone is having a fantastic time catching up, relaxing, and enjoying this holiday. If you’re from outside of the country, sucks you don’t get to celebrate our countries obsession with holidays. Which honestly, I’m not complaining about. I love the time off and all the food and celebration associated with all these holidays. So more power to them, and I hope we get more.

I’ve also been a horrible blogger lately, not putting in as much as I should, and I really have a lot I want to write about. Sorry everyone. I’ve been working hard on the podcasts, where as a result, the blog really has suffered a bit. I promise to make a better effort to actually put up some awesome content on here. I appreciate everyone’s patience. If you want to read more, look to our suggestion panel on the left hand side, and you can probably find a good book on Amazon.

Anyway, that was just a shameless plug. Thanks everyone again for having this great patience, and you’ll hear, see, and read more from me soon. Caio!