
Nerd Fears? I COWER at Nerd Fears…wait a minute..

A friend of mine pointed me towards an article on the nine greatest nerd fears today. This all comes from a site called Dorkly. A site I did not know existed until today, and I am fond of their sense of humor. Now, I don’t want to just vomit the list verbatim, but after reading it, I had a few thoughts of my own. Of course, the tone of the list is great. I like that it’s fairly tongue in cheek, which is a phrase that still doesn’t make much sense to me, even after I read the Wikipedia entry. That’s beside the point, I do believe that the fears are valid, and I wanted to just touch on a couple of them. The rest you can see when you click the link below.

First off, the fear of George RR Martin dying before the Song of Ice Fire is completed. I am a fan of the books, and was excited when they turned it into a series, and even more excited as they have a little teaser for the second season. Still, like Robert Jordan, who’s Wheel of Time series is twice as long, and maybe not as epic, the powers that be did find a way to finish the series. Using Jordan’s notes, another author came in and is now completing the series. Do I think this is a great idea? Hell no. I’d rather the original writer finish his own works, but if worse comes to worse, and the aging George RR Martin were to pass, I’d be content, because I don’t have much of a choice, to accept another author taking up the reigns. An understandable fear, but I think that as long as the notes for his series and his finale are there, I will live.

By far, my favorite nerd fear deals with the Star Wars movies. Now, I realize any self respecting Star Wars fan refuses to acknowledge the existance of a prequel, I being one of them, but it is inevitable that the new youth of the world will encounter it. Now I know that this article is being facetious, but I can’t help but feel the power of that fear. Now, my stance on the Star Wars movies are that the original trilogy were okay, with the second one being the best, but all three overall were just…okay. The philosophy and the world of Star Wars is great and the Force is an awesome concept and that is why I prefer the Old Republic over the original trilogy. The Old Republic, though a video game, I feel, got the feel and the universe of Star Wars right, while adding a very compelling and surprise filled story line. So, should my future kids encounter the Prequels or the Original Trilogy, I won’t care, because hopefully they’ll have a remake or continuing stories from the Old Republic. And as I mold my future children into gamers, they’ll hopefully latch on to the Old Republic as the world of Star Wars and not these movies. But I digress.

via – Dan Dare.org

I will admit that I am a Joss Whedon fan. I enjoyed the Buffy and Angel series, I like Firefly and Serenity, and I”m excited that he’s doing the Avengers movie. I completely agree with Dorkly in regards to Joss Whedon bringing out another television series, that will, like all of his recent TV outings, fail. Movies do seem to be his forte, and though I would have loved to see a series like Firefly, make it to cable, I think that his greatest success is in the movie space. Short bursts of Whedon seems to bode well with audiences better than long drawn out doses of him. I personally prefer a full on series, but if I HAD to choose, I’d say he should stick to movies, because that will be where his greatest success will come from. People like his movies, not his shows, which is a shame. His characters are fun, likable, and he has a way of easily encapsulating them into a two hour movie. Either way, I’m looking forward to whatever else he has coming through the pipe. I think that’s the right phrase…

Lastly, I thought I’d touch on the fear of Doctor Who becoming an American series. Sure American television likes to take things like The Office, which was original a British original, and turn them on their head and make them for Americans. But here’s the problem and one I find annoying about American TV today. We’re a picky lot when it comes to network shows. We don’t give them a chance anymore. Most shows don’t make it a full season before being dropped like a hot coal. It’s sad, because so many good shows just don’t get an opportunity to hook the audience. If it’s not hot in the first couple of episodes, it’s automatically deemed a failure? Really? So should Doctor Who ever make it on US soil, I don’t think it’d last. And that wouldn’t be a bad thing. I truly believe that if it failed in the States it would still live on across the pond. In the UK, Doctor Who will thrive, regenerate, and thrive again. He or hopefully she, will go gallivanting across time and space with a fun, hot, or quirky companion, and entertain us all for years to come. There’s also a movie in the works, so that’s always good.

I’m hardly as funny as Dorkly, and honestly, I wasn’t even trying. When am I ever funny?!?!?!?! But I love this list, the fears, and I really enjoy the idea of anything Game of Thrones and Doctor Who. And if I can just interject one bit of hipstery goodness, but I was totally a fan of all those things before they became hip. Okay…you can hate me now.

via – http://www.dorkly.com/article/26731/the-nine-greatest-nerd-fears-today