
2011 Relationship Trends – We Love To Love Other People's Love

It’s the end of the first week of the new year and often, actually before the end of the week, but meh, we reflect on the year that was and what to look forward to in the future. For now, we will discuss the last year and how relationships were effected by how the world was in 2011. A list can be found on MSN, the link will be posted below.

Image: piyaphantawong / FreeDigitalPhotos.netIf you’ve been a long time reader of the blog or listener to the podcast, first off, thank you, secondly, you know how I feel about marriage. I was married once, briefly, and though it was a joint effort in it’s destruction, I did learn one thing. Many people I’ve talked to, including myself, do not believe marriage is a very good option anymore. Fewer and fewer people get married, because of the economy, or because of the ease of just living together without having to rely on marriage. Hell, people have kids now and aren’t married and that’s a perfectly normal thing. It’s an expensive, complicated, and dirty mess if a marriage doesn’t work out, and you see celebrities all the time marrying and divorcing like it’s just a shirt you put on and take off. Marriage has lost a lot of it’s meaning and a lot of it’s clout and in 2011, it certainly showed, with fewer marriages all around.

People love numbers, and in the number 2 spot, if you can call it that since the article is mostly images, they talk about people getting married on 11-11-11. All I have to say to that is hellip;NERDS!! I know, there’s a more numerical significance other than binary, but my mind went there, okay?

Well, I’ve been cheated on, that’s not something I keep to myself, and it seems that it makes sense with the internet providing an improved hub for hooking up. Cheating was probably low in the past because you had to actuallay physically meet and know who you were cheating with. Now in the age of technology, you can cheat with anyone who has a computer, opening your possibilities. Do I condone this? No, of course not. But affairs will happen and one can’t escape the fact that relationships are hard work, and we don’t always get what we want in sex, attention and love, so we look to other means. I realize it’s the cool thing to do now to go and have an affair on your partner, but at least think about why you feel you need to do it in the first place. All I’m saying is, if your relationship is going down the tubes anyway, and you decide to cheat, at least plan to break up with whomever you’re with. Otherwise, work it out, make it happen, and take responsibility for the relationship you decided to be in.

Sexting is hot. Okay, I haven’t sexted for a long while, and when I was sexting, it was in chat rooms so therefore it was cyber sex, but yeah, sexting is apparently awesome. Thanks to cell phones being the norm even more so in 2011 than in previous years, we can share our love and our need to bone any time anywhere. Oh, and thanks to the handy dandy camera on our phones, the sexy pictures get to punctuate our need to get it on. Fun times indeed.

Lastly, the article touches on Sugar Daddys hellip;daddies hellip;dad-ees, anyway, there are more trends, but since I’m writing a 400 page thesis on each thing they talk about, I think I’ll end it here. And when you go to the site, you’ll notice that all the posts are fairly short. This is me ranting on from my geek perspective and expanding on those ideas. Anyway, Sugar Daddys, first off, great candy. Secondly, I actually had no idea this was happening. I mean, it makes a lot of sense, and I thought they’ve been around forever, but in this case, it’s been trending in the year 2011. Yet, part of me thinks that it’s not just limited to men. I think as women continue to gain success and upward mobility and the likes in the workplace, they too are taking on the roles of the Sugar Momma. I mean, Cougars have become more popular and more accepted, and are more willing to spoil their male companions with gifts and the like. Now this is only from things I’ve read and heard from other people, so if someone is willing to do the research and go grab themselves a few Sugar Mommas and find out if the spoiling is true, let me know where to sign up hellip;heh hellip;heh hellip;heh.

via – Ask Men.com

Which reminds me, there was a site talking about how Helen Mirren could possibly play the next Doctor in Doctor Who , speaking of male companions. I think that’s kind of awesome. A female doctor, which almost seems unheard of, would be a great change of pace. She’s already played the action star several times and has shown she can keep up with the rigors of an action-y show, with a lot of running around and the like. She’s also very attractive for her age no matter what people say. This could also lead in to younger female Doctors and well, let the sexy Doctor Who begin! I figure with Tennant, the ladies already had their attractive Time Lord. Besides, after two seasons and two Christmas Specials, I just haven’t warmed up to Matt Smith as the Doctor. David Tennant spoiled it for me on awesome Doctor Who . Anyway, I’ll post that link at the end of this entry as well.

There you go, my little spin on what MSN considers the trends of 2011. I don’t doubt them, because honestly, I don’t have the means to prove them wrong or the means to do my own research. More power to them. Again, there are more trends and the like on their website, with pictures of movies, which I guess doesn’t surprise me. Here’s hoping 2012 provides a lot of love, sex, and relationships for geeks and nerds of the world.

via – MSN Biggest Relationship Trends From 2011

via – The Mary Sue – Helen Mirren Wants To Play The Doctor