Written by Dave the Drummer: DaveofGLR@gmail.com
So, I finally got around to leaving the apartment during the weekend, on my quest to find something or other. Mostly to discover more about people, how to meet and talk to them, hold a decent conversation and so on. There wasn’t really a whole lot of options on where to go, but as luck would have it, a new metal bar has just opened in my city and a band I really wanted to see was playing, Rites, a kick ass sludge / doom group. Armed with a couple of bucks for a t-shirt, a record, a couple of drinks and two good friends from out of town, I went in search of awesome tunes and the aforementioned something.
So, I get in, and not a whole lot happens apart from listening to the music and buying merchandise. I looked around, trying to see how people interacted with each other. A lot of people seemed to know each other already, and when the second band of the night, Zom, played, a wee group started the head-banging. It soon became an event in itself. That made me think, there’s something I could join in with, despite my regular stance of wallflower. I decided to file that away for the next time.
The next day, I was bummed and disappointed with myself. All I had to do was make one “Friend”. I was out, surrounded by people who all share a collective passion for loud music, and I stood around. The fuck, man? Then, out of the blue, I get a message from an old role-playing friend I’d run into, looking for an opportunity to meet up and shoot the shit. Seeing the chance to take another run at making that elusive friend and maybe get myself stuck into a game or two, my friends and I headed out. Turned out a band was playing, Lancelot Lynx. They were shit, which matters more than it sounds like. Normally I have a compulsion to say when music or a movie is terrible. I’m a complete snob about that. I fought and fought to suppress the urge, and totally made it. Dedication! There I was, out of the house TWO NIGHTS IN A ROW, not talking about how the band is awful.
There was a terrifying older lady who was pissed out of her head and tried to pick me up. Like, off the floor. Then she had a sneezing fit on me. Was this the first real action of my single life since my last girlfriend? A drunken lady sneezing all over me and dribbling on my hair? How should I respond to this? The only was I knew how, like a tree. I just stood there too scared to move while my friend laughed it up before his girlfriend rescued me.
My old house mate turned up, and we talked about arranging a game at some point. As the band was getting ready after their intermission, I spied the bookings manager / sound man and talked with him about putting on a small two day festival in the venue. I got a name and a number! Sure, it’s a dude, but this isn’t just about meeting chicks, it’s about meeting people, and I bet this dude knows people, and some of those people will most likely have vaginas.
I took a smoke break when the band started up again, and crouched by the wall outside. I’m just minding my business, when a guy happens along me and mentions I look like a dude he knows. This seems to happen a lot, so more dedication and I managed to not make a remark that could result in me getting my ass kicked. Turns out the dude was pretty cool! We talked about horror movies, the band and how nice it was to have a decent venue in the city. HOLY SHIT, YOU GUYS!
Image: photostock / FreeDigitalPhotos.netOK, this might not seem like ground breaking stuff. I met two dudes. But think about it. I went from one night, not knowing anyone in the damn place, to meeting a guy who worked there and a movie fan! Honestly, if I hadn’t have over come my need to wallow in my own self-defeat from the previous day, that wouldn’t have happened. Sure, I got sneezed all over by a drunk lady, but at least she seemed interested, right? Not my type, but that’s promising, right? It occurred to me that it was all true. This shit doesn’t just fall into your lap. At least not all the time. You gotta make opportunities and leap at others. It’s hard, it’s often embarrassing, but the pay off may well be worth it.
Next week is another gig, two great bands I want to see. More opportunities! More records and tapes! With any luck less drunken women with the sniffles! This shit just got exciting.
The Rites record is fucking brilliant, too.