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As I honestly don’t know how to black out my entire page for a day, I figured I’ll just put links here to protest SOPA (Stop Online Privacy Act) and hopefully inform those not in the know. It’s so crazy, so bad, and so damaging to the internet in general that I think that if you don’t know about it now, you need to go out there and learn about it. But for those who don’t have time to read the plethora of articles out there, just know this…it may completely eradicate your favorite websites all around the web because of censorship. Even the ones you simply tolerate, like this blog.

I think many people are unaware of how this act is aimed at controlling the web and censoring all of its content. I had to actually educate my coworker on it, he had no idea what it was and that’s alarming. I appreciate he was worried that it would take away Wikipedia for him, something he uses on a daily basis, but that’s how the average person thinks about the net. It’s a tool to be used, but they don’t know the intricacies behind it, or the strifes that it goes through. Because it doesn’t just effect the tech nerds and geeks, but anyone who uses the internet in any way, shape or form. More people need to know the ramifications of this Act, so here are some links to some helpful information. This may sound dramatic, but it’s true. The future, is literally in our hands.

Educational links ways to support the movement against SOPA:


CNET: How SOPA Can Affect You

The Guardian: Stop SOPA or the Web Will Really Go Dark

Honestly, there’s way too many links to post up, but these were the ones that sealed the deal for me. Look it up for yourself and keep the internet alive.