Critical Moment Of Awesome Podcasts

A Critical Moment of Awesome Ep. 42

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We are back to topics. It’s all about food this week as we the British girl who ate Chicken McNuggets for every meal for the last 15 years and ended up in the hospital. That leads to the crazy foods and the Food Trucks that love them. But that’s all the bad food, the food that could essentially kill you, not the food that you quickly fall in love with, and that included cookies/biscuits. Specifically, it’s all about the Hob Nobs and how I’m not as addicted as Dave is. This includes a little adventure into Santa Monica and Ye Olde King’s Head, where I will now be frequenting every week for my weekly need for biscuits and other things. We’re starting from square one, and we’ll be trying to make this less of a crap shoot and show off some sanity.

Big shout out to Da_Nerdette on Twitter for the shout outs and the love. Follow her now on Twitter and check out her blog at for some comic and pop culture love.

You’re listening to A Critical Moment of Awesome, where two guys talk out about practically everything. From pop culture, to music, movies, games, science, food and more, we really do cover it all. If you want to suggest a topic, have questions or want to tell us what we got wrong, write us at Thanks again for listening.



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