Jennifer Lawrence of Hunger Games Fame
Okay, well, first off, I put up these two actresses because they’re hot. That’s all.
No need to beat around the bush, but we as people can be with anyone we want to be with. It’s true. Okay, maybe it’s tough if you want to be with a celebrity or something, but it is known that celebrities have hooked up with and even married the “lay person”. So to think you can’t even be with an attractive actor/actress isn’t impossible. It’ll be difficult as hell, but it can happen. But I don’t want to talk about that, as I’ve never been with anyone famous, and wouldn’t know how to even start at how you could, but I’ve suprisingly been with some very attractive ladies. And if you’ve seen me, well…never mind, but why settle for less? If she or he’s hot, and you’re interested, then why the hell not?
I see on websites and on Facebook and Twitter and other blogs that the reason why most guy’s are single are that they don’t take the rist to ask anyone out. Of course, they also assume that the woman in question wants to be asked out, which really, it’s kind of hard to tell what a woman wants sometimes. I also see a lot of people talking about constant rejection and how they’re giving up because they’ll never meet anyone who will accept them for who they are. Here is the problem I have with these scenarios. They’re defeatist.
Right off the bat, a lot of what these people are saying are that they have checked every possible nook and cranny in the world to find the woman or man of their dreams. Yes LADIES, you too can ask a man out. One such scenario talks of a woman on the bus who notices a handsome man sitting across from her, and hope’s he’ll make the move. Why? If you are attracted to that guy, at least start the conversation and flirt a little. Give the guy a reason to talk other than a smile or a fleeting look. We are a polite society, for the most part, and we don’t just gobble up the first smile and think it’s a come on. We as men, and I think women too, need a little more proof that you want them in that dating sort of, I would have sex with you, kind of way.
The other problem I have is that, if I am able to get a girlfriend, get married, have relationships previous to that, and be me, then I think majority of people can do it. I’m not going to lie, there are a couple of lost causes out there, but in general I think 99.9% of the men and women out there have a chance with that person they want or at least FIND someone single who they want.
Which lead me to this whole mental process in the first place. Here I am trying to build something from a blog, a podcast, and whatever else I can scrounge up, in hopes of helping people and having a good time. The thought had crossed my mind that maybe there’s someone out there listening who got to know me, Dave, Dean or Lei a little better and wished they had someone like us in our lives. Yeah, that’s a HUGE stretch, I know, but maybe one person either now or in the future. What I type to that person is this.
No one person is unattainable. Sure you may have nothing in common and maybe you’re just totally hot for them and would like to see them naked to various degrees, who knows? We all have to start somewhere, and I think that we individuals as a whole have no reason to be “forever alone”. There are way too many websites, places, and people to not find someone we want physically, emotionally, and mentally. There’s just that matter of taking that next step.
Now, your mileage may very of course, and I realize that we may have a really hard time getting over being shy, but why give up? What’s the benefit of giving up? What happens if you stop trying for something that you want. You don’t get it. The same can be say for the great people in history who made a difference in our world. Well, this act of going out there, taking the risk, and steeling yourself through the rejection and the possibility of a fantastic relationship is your way of making a difference in your own personal world.
Brie Larson – from Scott Pilgrim 21 Jump StreetAs always, I can’t harp on being with people all the time. I believe some people are fine, happy and thankful to be single. Some people don’t want the relationship and just want to do things solo. That’s popular too. If that’s your thing, more power to you, and don’t feel pressured into getting with someone. If you want to be single, why the hell not? Live life with your friends, your family and even your pets, if that’s your thing. I feel like there’s always that blanket statement, or that underlying need to find someone to love. Parents push it, friends push it, and even the media push it. I don’t get it. Why is it necessary? People will still get together, get married, have kids, and have families. Why is it so important that you, the happy single, do the same?
So I hope you find what you’re looking for. Who knows for sure? Like for me. Maybe one day, Dave the Drummer will be right and I’ll be with that celebrity girlfriend. That woman who is as geeky as me, but hey, just happens to be famous. Maybe that will happen to you. What do you think about this? What are your opinions about relationships and those who volunteer to be single? Do you think it’s possible to date, not just outside of your league, but maybe even in universe of the celebrity? Share your thoughts.