
The Half Assed Nerd

I think being a nerd/geek is a lie. What?!?!!? I was originally going to talk about the upcoming big comic book movies coming out this summer. Then I realized, I don’t have much to say about them other than they’re going to be awesome. So I want to show you the bit I did write, which is short, but it made me realize something. So here we go with the entry first.

“With these movies coming so close, why does anyone have to choose? For once, I think that we’re going to have three solid entries into the comic book movie franchises. They all look amazing, each with it’s own tone, and it looks like that the world is taking the comic book movie seriously. So much so that even women want to go watch these movies, which normally was a “guy” thing. So why are they versus each other? No reason, I just thought it would be a good battle.”

Correct me if I’m wrong, but doesn’t being a nerd mean you actually know more than your fair share about any given subject, especially something you’re super excited about? Should I not be so obsessive about information that I should be able to spout out facts and figures due to my sheer fandom? I think I realized something. I’m a half assed nerd. I am just geeky enough to get by, but not enough to I guess, truly appreciate the Big Bang Theory, Neil DeGrasse Tyson, or apparently comic books. But now I’m beginning to see that maybe most of us are just half ass nerds.

Just because we love Doctor Who, play video games, watch anime, and read comic books, doesn’t make us into any given category. Or maybe that’s just me. I listen to podcasts like the Nerdist or Tech News Today, and I think to myself, that the people who host the show and the listeners who write in are the real nerds. And here I am, trying to play as one of them with a podcast about geek love and nerdery and trying to post a blog that is supposed to be able to appeal to “those people”. The socially awkward, the savants, the extremes. Isn’t that what a true nerd is? Someone who can mod their Xbox, or use Linux exclusively, and I’m not talking about Ubuntu.

It’s funny to be confused about your own “kind”. I don’t know what I am, because I always think I’m a nerd and then I go to a local comic book shop, a Gamestop, even a collectibles warehouse, and I am shown up by these people who…well, appear geekier than me. And then there are the nerd/geek girls. These ladies are proof that Geek Love Radio is a viable resource for the less socially inclined to find a relationship. There are couples that don’t make sense. Hell, my own relationships didn’t make sense. How does a five find himself with 8, 9, 10’s? But the nerd/geek can find themselves with hotties with the bodies, all the time. I like that proof in the pudding.

So I just leave with this thought. Maybe the word nerd is too loose a term nowadays. I think those terms, like nerd and geek, need to be reserved for the extremes, as a badge of honor. And I’m serious about that. These people know things and can do things that I, the less geeky, can only dream of. Maybe we need a subcategory, not because we need more division amongst the ranks of the geek, but because we don’t want to take away from those who really know what the hell they’re doing. I’d hate to say “yes, I’m a nerd”, and not be able to live up to that term in the form of intelligence, obsession, and skill. Maybe glite (geek-lite?) I don’t know, I just know that I carry the title with honor, but I don’t know if I qualify. Not looking for validation, just sharing this odd thought and wondering what you think about it?