
This Time It's Not Laziness, Honest

Well, I’ve had a very interesting last four days and I feel compelled to share it, because this may be the only blog post this week. To start, Thursday was wrought with Marvel Movie Madness as I attend the movie marathon at the local AMC Theaters. From Iron Man to Captain America in chronological order, I watch every movie in preparation for the midnight showing of The Avengers. 14 hours of movie magic assaults my senses as I watch each movie with a fairly…*cough*…annoying nerd who seemed to lack some basic social skills and was doing his darndest to befriend me. I remained cordial, nodded and smiled when necessary, and I admired all the lovely geek couples that surrounded me, otherwise. I was surrounded by beautiful geek girls, for the most part, and they were all taken. As annoying as that was, it was still entertaining and it was exhausting to have to see the smooches and the actual enthusiasm from the geek girls. I still had a very good time, that I thought this would make a great podcast for this weekend. A review of a movie that I knew would not need my help getting hype. But…it never happened.

The movie ends with many leaving before the funniest easter egg at the end, and I make my way home. Six hours of sleep later, I am out again, and with a free movie ticket in hand due to the pretty shoddy job they did of playing the marathon the night before, I go to my next destination where I will be having dinner with some friends. I kill time by doing this that, and the other thing, why would I bore you with those details? But I had to do something with my time, so I use my free ticket to once again watch The Avengers. Yes, it’s that good. So good in fact that I feel it was better the second time. After which I spend all night with some friends at a restaurant she owns, and another late night ensues. Why does this matter? Because I’m EXHAUSTED, and my plans to record a podcast and write a blog post are thrown out the window by me being social.

And I was ready to do the podcast. Sure Dave had things to do, and sure I was still out when I should have been home with mic’s hot, but I think, I can make it back in time. Dave will be patiently waiting, and we can talk about one of the best super hero movies to come out…ever. Well, I am out later than I anticipate, Dave the Drummer has better things to do than to wait for my sorry ass, and the opportunity is dashed. May the Fourth be with me indeed. Five hours later, I awake to prepare to go out for Free Comic Book day. My sister then invites me out to lunch, hilarity with her and her boyfriend ensues, and she convinces me that I should go out to a midnight screening of Scott Pilgrim with Edgar Wright and Brie Larson as the special guests. My love for Brie Larson is enough to compel me to go out to this midnight event. This will be my 19th viewing of this movie in theaters. Yes, that does not include my times watching it on Bluray. And yes, I am a loser, but that’s beside the point.

Wanting to be there early and actually stay awake, I take a quick nap and I make a mad dash to the Comic Book shop to get my free comic books and buy some random ones I’ve never read before. I am still very brand new to Comic Book reading, and I’m fascinated by the culture, and I have a hard time getting into it, but it’s new and it’s entertaining, and it is apparently geek chic. I indulge in some Storage Wars after returning home with my haul. It’s a bright moon out, a big event apparently, and I feel I should be drinking on this Cinco De Mayo evening, but instead I am driving in a rush to the New Beverly to get myself a coffee before the inevitable line forms.

Two hours before the film, no line forms, so I relax and sip my coffee in peace. Half an hour into my slow sipping, I see them, the dedicated few. Nerds and geeks dressed in cosplay sit waiting. Still taking my time, I watch the line grow in my absense, and I find that if I wanted a seat in the nosebleed section, I needed to go now.

I was quite the loser, being the only person to go alone to this midnight showing. Scores of twenty somethings and thirty somethings line the block with their geek girlfriends and obnoxious male, nerd friends, and me standing there as the beacon of “forever alone”. To escape the very bad geek jokes and even worse “look at me” nerd attention, I use my iPod as my only source of sanity. From the constant kissing and smooching (I mean, they were loud) coming from the very annoying couple behind me to the billow of smoke coming from the couple in front of me, I felt as if despite all my rage, I was still just a rat in a cage. Also, as much as I enjoy doing things solo, this environment was too much, literally being the only person who didn’t have someone with him.

As the crowd grew to snake around the corner, my anxiety grew to snake around my brain. My only solace was the thought that I was going to see Edgar Wright and Brie Larson, two people who’s work I enjoy immensely. And after being ushered into the theater, I was graced by their presence, but unfortunately, they were there so briefly. A short movie directed by Brie played, questions were asked, one of which was about Brie’s love life (She’s taken…sadly, and yes I know I never had a chance with her, but one can daydream), and the movie started. This was my first time watching the film with such an annoying group of nerds as they shouted out “1, 2, 3, 4!” (Okay, it was just one guy, and it happened to be the guy who was behind me earliet, in line, who was making all the kissing and smooching noises on his relatively unattractive, girlfriend’s lips). I wanted to roundhouse kick the guy in the face until his jaw became dislodged and would require being wired shut for six months to heal, while being fed a constant dose of morphine to keep him from the pain, while someone tried to hypnotize him into not being such an obnoxious asshole who thinks that there’s no one in the theater except for himself and his girlfriend, who I think has a deep rooted hatred for the guy too, but felt so sorry for him that she dated him anyway, because she was afraid he would forever be a virgin, and she had a soft spot for people who seemed so depressingly pathetic, and probably on a bet and dare, decided to be his girlfriend for the unforseeable future, because she was being paid so well by his parents, who happened to be funding her education and her drug habit, and she’s simply biding her time until she can seduce her professor and run away with him to the Bahamas, leaving this loser in the dust to cry himself to sleep every night. Yes, I was that annoyed…

The movie ends, I still feel like a loser because at least that guy had a girlfriend and friends who met up with him, and I drive home to find myself with only 2 and a half hours of sleep before waking up to help my friend grade for his class. Have I had time to do anything? Yes, I had time to write this blog post. Possibly the only one this week. It was a fun weekened that went by way too quickly. So I apologize if this week’s bevy of semi-interesting to mostly self indulging blog posts are lacking. This time it’s not laziness, honest.