
When I Think About You I Touch Myself…With Stuff…

Sex is important, I’ll be the first to admit that. Men and women want it, and can even need it. And for those ladies out there who say they have a headache, a cure for that is…sex. Sex is fun, it get’s people’s attention, it feels good, its a bonding experience, and well, it probably one of the best experiences you’ll have in your life. How can you deny yourself something that awesome? And of course, if you’re not a person who sleeps around or isn’t in a relationship or something, you end up having to take care of yourself. Something, I think women have a tendency to neglect, and men do all the time. Well, I’m not going to go into details, I promise, but ladies, please don’t be afraid to fiddle your diddle? Audition the finger puppets? Hitchhike under the big top?

This thought arose to me when I was not only browsing Gizomodo, but also having some indepth conversations with ladies I know. (Can we say “friendzone”?) They like to talk about how amazing sex is, but when it comes to groping the grotto, well, they seem to bypass that. Now I don’t know how many women read this blog or listen to the podcast, but I’m curious as to what you think about this? What’s so bad about getting a toy out and rocking the little man in the boat? I get how awesome sex is, and I’m happy that you ladies get as much out of it as we guys do, but we get almost, but not quite as much, just spanking the ole monkey if we’re single and/or missing our lady. Okay, now I feel like I have to use every euphamism for masturbation until the end of this little post.

I think that the whole hang up of touching yourself is a fairly new concept, adopted in the last century. It could have been a resurgence of a “purer” persona amongst women, but after reading this article and seeing the evolution of the vibrator and the dildo, women were into self pleasure for centuries. I guess, it’s rough because you ladies actually need an impliment to make yourself feel all tingly, and guys just need a good visual cue and or a fun imagination and sometimes that’s it. For some, it doesn’t take much.

Something I recall when studying Psychology, (I’m not sure if I actualy learned this, like learned it, learned it) that there was a period in history when society really dogged women for their sexuality. I mean, it seems to be something like that today, where women aren’t accepted for expressing their desires and needs. They’re whores, sluts, and whatnot, ridiculed for their libido when they should be applauded. Well, okay, maybe not applauded, but if you’re a guy with a woman who can’t stop a rockin’, so don’t come a knockin’, we should be ecstatic that they’re discovering their bodies and the bodies of others. But instead, society shakes their head in shame.

Men on the other hand are praised for their sexual conquests and exploits, getting high fives and pats on the back while having sex with the drunk chick at the party. Yeah, it’s not us guys in our best light. Nonetheless, the idea of sex for women is changing, as I keep meeting some openly horny women. Yeah, I know guys, but I seem to be in the friendzone for most of this.

Not all women are so free spirited that they look for the opportunity to get laid. There are still women out there who feel ashamed and refuse to even use the hands they were given to fluff the muff. I think it’s fine if, by choice, you are saving yourself, but if shame and embarrassment is what is stopping your want to stir the taco, then I say nay! Put away those archaic thoughts and let yourself feel fantastic. But then there’s another side. Maybe women just have a hard time getting aroused. Is it because porn, even soft core, story driven porn, lacking in the emotional department that even that doesn’t get the juices flowing? Maybe Romance Novels are more powerful tools for ladies because it’s more imagination than visual?

Okay, you’d think with all the research I’ve done with love, sex, and relationships I’d know all this, but I really don’t. I think it’s because it’s a taboo topic that most people aren’t willing to talk about. I respect that women are private about their private time, but if you are out there, please share. I want to know what you think is the reason for the shame of sex and masturbation. Luckily, anyone who writes on here is anonymous anyway. Would make a good thing to talk about on Geek Love Radio and everything. I hope it’s not because women still feel it’s wrong to do. I hope women are finding that it’s okay to pleasure themselves that way. I hope that women aren’t still discovering their sexuality late in life. That saddens me. Ladies, take a tip from Cleopatra, and get yourself a gourd and some bees and have a good time. Play with your bodies, learn what you like and don’t make it a miserable experience for when you actually have sex, because then…what’s the point?.

My Geek Love tip for life? Feel free to touch yourself!

Gizmodo Article:
