
To Sleep Is To Dream A Nightmare In Waking

I was told once (or twice) to write about what you love, because if you force yourself to write about something, people will recognize it, realize it, and then turn away. When you add two hours of sleep to it, and you have yourself a formula for fun! Well, more nonsense than fun. But bare with me as I do feel the urge to purge my mind in the form of the written word. And it all begins with sleep.

Last night, I had a dream, a dream that woke me up for a moment and an exhaustion that put me back to sleep. Within that welcome slumber, a new dream would haunt me, and I would wake from the intensity, and then fall back into a blissful sleep. And then, the cycle would continue. In the end, I found myself “enjoying” two whole hours of sleep. That…was painful.

Now that I’ve been awake all day, and now writing a blog post, it feels like I can’t seem to hold onto any one thought or idea for very long. Of course, that’s no different than when I do sleep, but this time, I can actually feel it slip away. It’s like butter on a hot skillet, expect less sticky and fatty. But I will admit, I enjoy one thing that comes from being ridiculously tired. Your brain, goes insane.

You dream while awake, as your brain tries to make up for the fact that you did not get enough sleep. Parts of the brain try to rest, and try to nap while your eyes are open and you look awake. It’s like you’re on some weird, sleep deprived drug that sends you in a very mild hallucinagenic state. It’s trippy man!

Yet amongst all the waking dreams and stifled yawns is that need…to lay down and pass out. Right now, I want to do that. I want to nerd out over the new Kingdom Hearts ReMix, or the latest episode of Castle, or my decision to return into the Wheel of Time world. I want to talk about podcasting and relationships and…I blanked out. My eyes have closed and I’ve taken a brief nap. Sleep…what a waste of time. But oh, how it screws you up when you don’t have it.

Thus currently, I am functioning at sub par levels, and for many, there’s probably not much of a difference. So I will leave you with this. Do wizards really need wands or staves? Do Jedi need the lightsaber? Does Mario need the mushroom? Do we need sleep? Apparently so, because I’m about to knock out. Good night…or morning, as this is being scheduled to post in the morning. I over explain and often don’t make sense. Blah.
