

Well, I’m not feeling up to writing anything profound, or any articles I read. Aren’t we all allowed to be lazy? I think so, therefore, today, I will be lazy. Though I guess what I write on here doesn’t take a bunch of science or anything, its just research and opinion. Besides, today is a good day to go out, have fun, and not think about crap. We all deserve a day like that. Weekends are good for some, but a weekday? Even better for others.

By the way, I saw someone cutting their nails in public. I mean, maybe I’m a weak stomached guy, but that’s disturbing. Like, really disturbing and gross. Its not something people want to see, whether you have hang nail or not, do it in the comfort of your own place, away from the prying eyes of the common man. Relax guy, relax.

And finally, follow me on Twitter at twitter.com/randomwizard. That’s it, have fun everyone!