
Narcissism and Me.

Its been a pretty hectic several of days for me personally with things going all around me, keeping me from having time to actually be online and do the things I want to do, like share articles, write up ideas, and the like. I know a blog is only as good as its content, and unfortunately, the content I provide doesn’t seem to have too many eyes and ears. But I guess its not for everyone, and the podcast, has a few more ears but I’d love to see it grow, of course. Which is why I’m writing this quick post about narcissism.

I want the added viewers and listeners, because not only do I want to help, but it fuels my ego. I think everyone wants their ego stroked every once in awhile, and also want to know that what they’re doing means something to someone outside themselves. And though I ask questions on the blog and on the podcast, few answer and it makes me curious.

I thought I knew how to go about getting a large audience, but I was obviously wrong. I’ve done research and I am at a loss. I don’t really know what more to do to get the listenership and viewership up. Of course everyone on the internet want to be heard and there are millions of sites online that can occupy millions of people. I’m not really looking for much. The couple hundred listeners and several dozen readers make this blog and podcast worthwhile, but yet I hunger for more.

Maybe I have a problem, or maybe I try to hard to cater to everyone and not just myself. Talking about the things I love, not just relationship stuff, but the geek stuff, like a discussion on Doctor Who, from the new season on, or the world of Anime, video games, movies, books…should I just stop making this a blog about one thing and make it about everything? *sigh* Even roleplaying, LARPing, D D? How about current news, sex, technology, and parties?

Well, I need to cut this short. Be well people, and let me know if you have any ideas to spread the word out about the blog and the podcast. Thanks again.