
What's Up People? What Do You Think?

What I like most about doing a podcast and a blog is being able to share my ideas with you and my thoughts on things. But what I REALLY like most is being able to hear from you and what you like or think. This is your chance to share your opinions and what you want to hear on Geek Love Radio, like topics, articles, questions, stories, whatever. You’re the reason the podcast exists, and I want it to be helping you out, so share your ideas.

And then there’s the blog. Most of the time…okay, some of the time, the podcast and the blog don’t intersect. As a matter of fact, I even post things on the Geek Love Radio Facebook and Twitter that don’t even make it onto the blog or podcast. So I open up to you. What kind of things do you want to read about? Do you want more relationships stuff over geek stuff or the other way around? What kind of subjects in relationships and geekery do you want to read about?

Finally, this is your chance to just let your voice be heard. What do you like about the blog and podcast and what do you think needs improving? I mean, in all honesty, this stuff ain’t perfect, and may never be. But we love what we do and we love being able to share what we know and what we’ve been through to hopefully help in some way. So tell us now here in the comments of this blog post or in an e-mail to theglshow@gmail.com. Hear from you soon.