
It's the Junk Food Podcast Network!

Geek Love Radio and A Critical Moment of Awesome are proud to be a part of the brand new Junk Food Podcast Network where they Make Pod. A huge THANK YOU to Da Nerdette and Jediras for finding us worthy to be a part of their network, which includes fantastic shows like An Elegant Weapon, The Next Element, All Things Good and Nerdy, and Spoiler Alert Theatre:Knights of the Podtable. Check out the the other…

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Geek Love Radio Podcasts

Geek Love Radio Ep. 100!!!

CLICK HERE to listen today, or check out the front page and use the player, or subscribe on iTunes and never miss a show and find us on Stitcher!!! This week it’s the big 100th episode, where things don’t go quite as planned. With scheduling conflicts and technology not quite agreeing with us, Dave the Drummer, Dani the Universe and Francis the Other Guy do their best with the voicemails we have on hand and…

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Critical Moment Of Awesome Podcasts

A Critical Moment of Awesome Ep. 74

CLICK HERE to listen today or click on the player on the front page of the blog, or subscribe on iTunes and never miss an episode. This week, Dave the Drummer and Francis the Other Guy record, in the FUTURE! Sort of, as we try to discuss what hasn’t happened yet. We start off with Inventive Ideas, We are in the future, but really in the past, Actors and their temperaments, Body Types, Lack of…

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Doctor What? Doctor Where? Ohhh…Wait…Doctor Who?

For those not in the know, Doctor Who is back, and he’s bigger and…better?…than ever before. If you’re not familiar with the UK Sci-Fi time traveling hero, he’s an almost immortal being who goes on adventures to save galaxies and worlds, especially earth, with people by his side known as companions. He has a tendency to find danger and on occassion, die and get brought back as a totally different person with all of the…

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The Ultimate Question: Hot or Not?

As a single man, and well, even when I was not a single man, I would meet and see women all over the place, and I would tell an anecdote to a male friend, and we’d have a laugh or a discussion or a debate whatever it was I talked about. Well, let me back up a little bit, because that’s how the conversation ends. How it begins is, “Hey ‘man’, so there’s this chick…

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Critical Moment Of Awesome Podcasts

A Critical Moment of Awesome Ep. 73

CLICK HERE or check the player on the main page subscribe to iTunes for the latest episodes. This episode it’s Dave the Drummer and Francis the Other Guy talking about well, us. But first we talk Burning flesh, the casual use of the word rape, and our crazy minds. That all leads up to the point where we reveal what we consider our personalities, we analyze our insanity and we confess our interests in all…

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Be a Dick. It's Cool.

Okay, no it isn’t, but apparently a lot of people think it is. I honestly don’t know what happened to the men (and women) of this brave new world where they feel the only way they’ll get any kind of respect or acceptance is to be a an asshole. I understand, sometimes you don’t always get the results you want by playing the nice guy or gal, but there has to be some kind of…

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Geek Love Radio Podcasts

Geek Love Radio Ep. 99.1234

CLICK HERE to listen today, check it out on iTunes to subscribe or you can hit the front page and check out the player. So many ways to listen, so little time. This week Dani the Universe and Francis the Other Guy do a brief episode, highlighting the anticipation for the big 100th show. As a result, this episode is considered a bonus one, even though it’s brand new, and therefore doesn’t fit into the…

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If It's Broke, Fix It

I think we all have this tendency to stick to things we think will work. Like if we slap a lamp to get a light bulb to work again, and it works, we’ll keep doing that until it stops working. But life is not a lamp, and slapping it the same way each time does not mean you’ll get the same results each time. So why is it, then, that we have a tendency to…

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Critical Moment Of Awesome Podcasts

A Critical Moment of Awesome Ep. 72

CLICK HERE to listen to the latest episode, or check out the player at the main page, or better yet, subscribe on iTunes and never miss an episode. Dave the Drummer, Dani the Universe, and Francis the Other Guy get geeky over what’s funny on the web. We start off with a good idea gone bad, with a boyfriend suprising his girlfriend by delivering himself by mail (http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2195196/Man-posts-girlfriend-prank–dies-couriers-lose-delivery-address-THREE-HOURS.html), we also discover the next best dating…

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What Happened To The Phonies? The Big, Fat Phony!

2012 is the year of reality. Humans really landed a high tech rover onto Mars, the Jersey Shore is really going off the air, Bronies really became a phenomenon, comic book movies are really a thing (and that’s awesome), and the President of the United States really did an AMA on Reddit. Those things really happened. And in the vein of reality, I’m curious if there’s a change in reality for women. I bet you…

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Critical Moment Of Awesome Podcasts

A Critical Moment of Awesome Ep. 71

CLICK HERE to listen to the latest episode or click on the player on the front page, or subscribe on iTunes and never miss an episode. This week Dave the Drummer (aka Andy Richter), Dani the Universe, and Francis the Other Guy talk about so many nerdy things, our heads explode. We start with things that we do that other people find weird. That leads into another talk about being a Brony and confessing to…

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Ah-Lazy Alonzo!

There are people out there who work their ass off to get things done. They will go the extra mile to get what they want, and they will push themselves, while sacrificing the things that they love but don’t need, to succeed. I’m surrounded by people like that, who forgo the simple pleasures so that they can get ahead. Some make it, some don’t, c’est la vie, but…maybe it’s because the internet connects so many…

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Geek Love Radio Podcasts

Geek Love Radio Ep. 99

CLICK HERE or click on the player on the main page for the latest episode, or better yet, subscribe to iTunes to get every new episode so you never miss out. This week it’s all about the sex, well, almost. We first answer an e-mail talking about marriage from the last episode. Here it is in it’s entirety: Hello, Dani, Dave, and that other guy (Francis), I just found your podcast and listened to the…

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Just An Observation: But Women HATE Women! N'est-ce pas?

No matter how many different ways I cut it, the math seems to produce same results. 1+1 = HATE It’s the reason why reality TV is popular, why small claims court gets a television audience, and why people don’t mind gathering around for a cat fight, but there are women out there, that for some reason, don’t get along with other women. And you can tell me that this is how it’s always been like,…

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Critical Moment Of Awesome Podcasts

A Critical Moment of Awesome Ep. 70: The "We Decide To Offend Everyone" Episode

CLICK HERE to download the mp3 or click on the player on the home page or better yet, subscribe on iTunes and you’ll never miss an episode! This week Dave the Drummer and Francis the Other Guy get into a bit of a discussion when out of nowhere, Dani the Universe joins in, and that’s when things get crazy. From Schwartzennegar’s new western (Austrian cowboys?), Expendables 2, Cronenberg’s son has a new movie anti-viral, People’s…

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What's in the Swag Bag? Apparently Good Looks &…Swag.

As an “older” geek, I’m not always privy as to what’s “cool”. Often times I’m educated by other people on what it’s like to be “rachet” and whatnot. People are often telling me how to dress, as apparently I do not dress well from either side of the fence. The nerd girls want to see me in more hipster doofus/geek duds, while another group is pushing for me to gain “swag”. Okay, that should be…

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Late To The Game: Breaking Bad Is Breaking Good

I must first state that I am only on the first season, so with that in mind, I decided to take the plunge into the dark and dirty world of the crazily popular show “Breaking Bad”. Every person, whether I know them or not, is telling me to watch this show, and of course, “The Wire”. The only reason I don’t watch “The Wire” is because I would probably have to dedicate a few good…

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Critical Moment Of Awesome Podcasts

A Critical Moment of Awesome Ep. 69

CLICK HERE to listen now. You can also subscribe via iTunes or click on the player on the main page. Thanks for listening! This week Dave the Drummer and Francis the other guy go into the strangest subjects, many of which we’re uncertain we’re certain of. Dave seems to like to open the show with…farting. He has a fascination with it, and well, we delve into that into bit and onto other bodily actions like…

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Elevator Go Down To Levels Of Social Awkwardness?

Either I have nothing interesting happening in my life, or…no, that’s it. You’ll be able to relate to this…I promise…? I’m guessing many people on here have to ride in an elevator at some point in their week. If you don’t, then I’m guessing you’ve still ridden one at one point or another in your life. No? Then live vicariously through this post. But if you do have to take an elevator, like myself, to…

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Geek Love Radio Podcasts

Geek Love Radio Ep. 98: Love part 2/2 – Love Hard With A Vengeance!

CLICK HERE to listen to the latest episode, or Subscribe on iTunes or click the player on the front page to listen now! This week, Dani the Universe, Dave the Drummer, and Francis the Other Guy somehow get back to the topic of Love once again. But first, we try to answer the questions of one listener, Ivan, who asks about whether you should let the person you’re interested know you’re a Brony, and if…

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Critical Moment Of Awesome Podcasts

A Critical Moment of Awesome Ep. 68

CLICK HERE or check out the player on the front page for the latest episode, or better yet, subscribe on iTunes to never miss an episode! This week Dani the Universe, Dave the Drummer, and Francis the other guy talk about what we still do now that we used to do as kids. We talk slstill having stuffed animals, being accident prone, and playing video games. We go into what we’re passionate about and Dave…

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"Ti takaya neobichnaya." "Kaibigan lang ba ang turing mo sa akin?" (Why Men & Women Suck At Communicating)

WRITTEN BY: Dani the Universe – DaniDaniRevolution@gmail.com For years now, I’ve been asked to explain to my male friends the complexity of the typical female mind. Scores of books have been written on the topic and people still can’t seem to figure us out. What’s with the subtle hints? What do all our little nuances mean? Why can’t we just be straight-forward with what we want? Waa. Waa. Fucking waa. You know what I find…

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I don’t know what to write about. Did learn something not so great about myself today. That was interesting. The internet is like the TARDIS. You know you’re going somewhere, you just don’t know where you’ll end up sometimes. And when you land, you may not know what’s behind that door, but somewhere in the back of your mind, you know you’re meant to be there. Hmm, I don’t think that makes much sense, because…

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Curiosity Lands On Mars: Both Figuratively & Literally

Well, history happened. I was going to be asleep at this time, but decided to stay awake for this event. A big deal apparently. Who woulda thunk that science would be this loudly and openly celebrated. It’s like the first steps towards truly exploring space, the final frontier. And Twitter was a flutter, pun intended, with images and talk of what a great achievement this is, and I have to admit, this is an amazing…

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Critical Moment Of Awesome Podcasts

A Critical Moment of Awesome Ep. 67

or subscribe on iTunes or check out the player on the front page to listen to the latest episode! This week we have Dave the Drummer and Dean the Movie Cynic with Francis the other guy talking apocalyptic siutations, really crazy movie ideas, movies being ruined and Dave tells his stories of rage, high school deported kids, The Big Lebowski, almost get to Wes Anderson, and we finish off with a list of Depressing movies…

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Geek Love Radio Podcasts

Geek Love Radio: Ep. 97 – All You Need Is Love Episode

CLICK HERE or visit us on iTunes or check out the player on the front page to listen to the latest episode. This week we have Dave the Drummer, Dean the Movie Cynic, and Dani the Universe all talking shop with Francis the other Guy. They discuss what they know about “love” all thanks to the voicemail left by The Anonymous Caller. This is an all love episode this week, so open your hearts, your…

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Critical Moment Of Awesome Podcasts

A Critical Moment of Awesome Ep. 66

CLICK HERE TO LISTEN TODAY or go to front page, and you can play it on the player up top. This week Dani the Universe, Dave the Drummer, and Francis talk about pet peeves, we give funny nicknames to ourselves, and we discuss the topic of the Dark Knight Rises both the movie and the tragedy behind it. We discuss how Twitter handled it, and how the internet as a whole handled it, and I…

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Movie Review: The Dark Knight Rises

Okay, this will have to be brief as it is 3:30am, and I’m exhausted. But the new Batman movie is a strange phenomenon with people in line when I left the theater at 3am. People were in line to see this movie at the crack of dawn. It was amazing. I will do away with what was bad. Bane was a ridiculous villain, mostly because of that damn mask, and well, he just would not…

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Critical Moment Of Awesome Podcasts

A Critical Moment of Awesome Ep. 65

CLICK HERE or click the player on the home page to listen to the latest episode. This week it’s Dave the Drummer and Francis talking all sorts of oddities from the Cat Video marathon, to my own dwindling interest Comic Con, to classic video games, and even some little people. That does not include Dave. It’s all that and much more this week on A Critical Moment of Awesome. You’re listening to A Critical Moment…

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I Have A Tendency To Wear My Heart On My Sleeve. I Have A History of Taking Off My Shirt

It’s been a very weird week with a hodgepodge of stuff coming from every direction, and it’s easy to get beaten up by it all. In my case, I’m feeling very beat up, but no one wants to read about me. Well, I’m only assuming that you don’t, maybe you do want to read about me, in which case, I can tell you stories. All of them involve space aliens, but that’s beside the point.…

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Geek Love Radio Podcasts

Geek Love Radio Ep. 96

CLICK HERE to listen now or click the player on the main page to listen now! Don’t forget to subscribe on iTunes and never miss an episode. This week on GLR, Dani, Dave and Francis get nerdy on you with another voicemail from the Anonymous caller, the largest woman in the world is getting married and yet another large woman who is looking to get fit and uses sex to lose weight. If she can…

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Just One Of Those Days

I hope everyone had a fantastic weekend. I’m writing this at 3:40am on a Monday morning, just meer hours before I have to go to work. I have a lot going through my mind and it’s keeping me from going to sleep. And since I usually have so much to write on here, I thought, well…one day isn’t going to hurt anyone if I didn’t write anything of note. So instead I bring you this,…

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Critical Moment Of Awesome Podcasts

A Critical Moment of Awesome Ep. 64

CLICK HERE to listen to the latest episode or click on the player at the top of the home page! This week Dani the Universe and Francis the Other Guy talk My Little Ponies (AGAIN!), we review Pixar’s Brave, we discuss individuality and community in books like Harry Potter, and how love is in all types of music and literature. Apparently Dani hate’s the love. We briefly discuss The Amazing Spiderman, and then we dissect…

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Want to Date? Sugar Date & Beets…Sugar Dates & Pistachios!

Image: FreeDigitalPhotos.netI think life is most interesting when you rsquo;re single and ready to move on to starting a new relationship. You rsquo;re ready to go out there into the vast, mystical forest of the dating scene, or maybe you already have a girl or guy in mind that you rsquo;re ready to take to the next level. It rsquo;s a scary and great moment of transition, excitement, dread, fear, and well hellip;fun. And when…

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Hold on a second! Eternal chaos comes with chocolate rain, guys! Chocolate rain!

WRITTEN BY: Dani the Universe – danidanirevolution@gmail.com Let’s talk about My Little Pony. (Why? Because fuck you, that’s why.) I’ve recently noticed a surge of interest in Bronies. For those of you (that I guess live under a rock) who aren’t aware, Bronies are fans of the show My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. The main demographic of fans are, believe it or not, heterosexual males between the ages of 16 and 30. Don’t get…

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Critical Moment Of Awesome Podcasts

A Critical Moment of Awesome Ep. 63

CLICK HERE or click the player to listen today. Don’t forget to subscribe on iTunes, so you’ll never miss an episode. This week’s Crit Mo is jam packed filled with nerdery as we talk My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, I review Ted: the movie, and discuss the odd situation when the audience “Eww”-ed. We discuss Internet Celebrity, not ours, but other people, like the host of My Drunk Kitchen, and things we did that…

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Geek Love Radio Podcasts

Geek Love Radio Ep. 95

CLICK HERE or the player above to listen to this latest episode! This week, Dani, Dave and Francis answer another voicemail from the Anonymous caller, and we discuss the question at hand. Sex. From there we get into the seedy world of lingerie and what’s so great about it. And what about bad dates? We’ve all had them, at one point or another, and some are worse than others. Share your bad date experiences with…

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Do You Hear The Words That Are Coming Out Of My Mouth?

Written from my iPad. It’s really hard to do this. Image: FreeDigitalPhotos.netIf you’ve listened to the podcast, you know what I sound like. Pre-cohosts, I had a voice described as “sexy”, and one person told me that they use my voice to help them fall asleep. However the voice sounds, it’s often considered misleading, and it wasn’t more prevalent than when I visited the local coffee shop. The woman at the register was not looking…

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Critical Moment Of Awesome Podcasts

A Critical Moment of Awesome Ep. 62

CLICK HERE or on the Player at the Top to listen to the latest episode. Wasn’t able to record anything this week, so I bring to you an ICE (In Case of Emergency) episode, where Dave the Drummer and I get a little loopy and geek out about…well, I don’t remember. But we knew this was going to happen one day, so please have fun with this mystery episode and expect a brand new Crit…

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U G L Y You Ain't Got No Alibi! You Creepy. Uh Uh You Creepy!

WRITTEN BY: Dani the Universe – danidanirevolution@gmail.com During all my years lurking 4chan (or “The Insidious Evil Pornographic Website of Sin” as Fox News likes to call it) I’ve noticed a lot of things about people. The nature of these observations are weighed upon heavily by which specific boards I tend to frequent and, like any sane woman, I find myself drawn to the misogynistic hellhole known as /r9k/. Now this particular board is ripe…

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Movie Review: Seeking a Friend for the End of the World

I was debating on watching “Seeking a Friend for the End of the World”, “Brave”, or “Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter” and felt that in the end, a good comedy was in order. I needed a pick me up and I thought a good laugh was just what the doctor ordered. The trailer for “Seeking a Friend for the End of the World” (let’s just call it SAFRTEOTW or SFEW, because apparently the acronym is as…

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Critical Moment Of Awesome Podcasts

A Critical Moment of Awesome Ep. 61

Shout out to DisneyGirl85! Follow her on Twitter today and follow an eloquent gamer who has good tastes in podcasts. CLICK HERE for the mp3 or click the player above, or better yet, subscribe to us on iTunes and never miss an episode. This week, we go into traditional format mode as Dave the Drummer and Dani the Universe get hostile, as I try to steer this little ship into unknown and confusing waters. But…

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We're On Stitcher Radio!

You can hear our show on Stitcher SmartRadio, Stitcher allows you to listen to your favorite shows directly from your iPhone, Android Phone, Kindle Fire and beyond. On-demand and on the go! Don rsquo;t have Stitcher? Download it for free today at Stitcher.com or in the app stores. Stitcher SmartRadio- The Smarter Way to listen to radio Why Stitcher? With Stitcher rsquo;s free mobile app, you can listen to your favorite radio programs and podcast-…

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Geek Love Radio Podcasts

Geek Love Radio Ep. 94

You can also CLICK HERE to listen to the show. We have a huge show this week with not just, one, or two cohosts, but three of GLR’s talking heads are here: Dani the Universe, Dave the Drummer, Dean the Movie Cynic and myself, Francis the other guy. This is the D3 episode and we start off strong with our biggest fan DisneyGirl85 on Twitter, where not only does she show love for the show…

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Your Eyes Really Shine When You Read These Blog Posts!

WRITTEN BY: Dani the Universe In the past, I have made no secret of the fact that I hold a great amount of disdain for false modesty. In my opinion, it’s a sneaky, underhanded way to fish for (usually undeserved) compliments. No one owes you praise; if you deserved it, it would be given freely. Instead, you poke and prod at those around you with bullshit like, “I’m so fat” and “I hate my hair,…

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Critical Moment Of Awesome Podcasts

A Critical Moment of Awesome Ep. 60

CLICK HERE or on the player above to listen to the latest episode. It’s Dave the Drummer, Dani the Universe, and Francis the other guy, talking all things geek and this time we butt heads over an iconic movie Bladerunner, where one side thinks it’s a fantastic work of art, while the rest of us kind of had it go over our heads. From there it’s tea talk, surviving third world water, winning the lottery…

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Do You Have The Intuition To Trust Your Logic?

I “know” someone, well I actually do know someone, who has a problem. Imagine if you will, a lone individual, who for some time has been smitten by another lone individual. Yes, this person likes another person, but does not know how to approach it. The heart and the mind say two different things, and all of a sudden it becomes a war betweem the intuition and the logic. It’s a battle that’s been raging…

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Batman Vs. Superman: ALMOST No Contest

As anyone who knows me, I sometimes wait to see if something pans out before jumping right. I wish I did that with Snow White and the Hunstman this past weekend, but you really can’t win them all. And I’m still reeling on how that movie was number one this weekend at the box office. I guess Kristen Stewart may have some movie staying power after all, but that’s beside the point. In the case…

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Critical Moment Of Awesome Podcasts

A Critical Moment of Awesome Ep. 59

CLICK HERE or click on the player above to listen today! It’s Dani the Universe and Dave the Drummer and myself Francis talking about the geekiest and not so geekiest topics out there, looking for that critical moment of awesome. We talk E3, Dennis Hopper on 24, the Myers Briggs Personality Profile, magnets on computers and System 32, Spring cleaning and revisiting the past, the Biscuit vs Cookie, being The sober guy, Jackie Chan and…

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She's Not A "Gamer Girl", He Said See You Later Girl!

Written By: Dani the Universe A few hours ago, I was having myself a lovely chat with someone I had met on 4chan. The topic of video games inevitably came up and I was slightly surprised to learn that someone from said website did not regularly partake in the hobby. He was, however, curious as to whether or not I got harassed on a regular basis by men for being a “girl gamer.” This is…

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Geek Love Radio Podcasts

Geek Love Radio Ep. 93

Dani the Universe and Francis talk all sorts of love, sex, and relationships as we navigate the dating world, parents, and flirting. But first…. Listener e-mail: Open relationships do not have to be about “desperate times” as you described it. Nor are they a sign somebody can’t commit to a single relationship. For the poly/open people I know, they just don’t put the limits on love that monogamists do. Polyamory, for instance, is based on…

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Ctrl+Z Our Break Ups

We all have those games on our phones. The Angry Fowl, the Cutting of the Rope, and the Drawing of the Something, and we play it to pass the time, to make a wait at the doctor’s office or DMV go by a little faster, and they all (for the most part) have something in common. When you pause the game, you get an option. Continue, Redo, or Quit, or something to that effect, in…

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Critical Moment Of Awesome Podcasts

A Critical Moment of Awesome Ep. 58

CLICK HERE or click on the player above to listen today! Dave the Drummer and myself, Francis go for a conversation that starts off silly but leads to pure and utter contempt as we start off with such weird subjects like, famous zip codes and area codes used to represent people, fights with Hurleys in Ireland, random local news, architecture, food and cooking, Renn faire and Puck Faire, the difficulty of sarcasm irony, and FINALLY,…

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For The Hoard-er

WRITTEN BY Dave the Drummer A lot of people have called me a hoarder. I don’t see myself as a hoarder. More a collector. I just happen to collect basically everything. Musical equipment, broken electronic stuff, toy ducks, trash, dead batteries, costumes, comic books, cigarette butts, whatever that shit under my couch is, photos of people I don’t know that I find in the street, I collect it all. People get weirded out about my…

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Shy-ness, It's Not Just For The Geeks & Nerds Anymore, But It's For The Cool Kids Too

WRITTEN BY DANI THE UNIVERSE – danidanirevolution@gmail.com I was having a good ol rsquo; fashioned chat with a friend the other night (drunk in his car outside of a dive bar with a taco in my hand while I bitch and moan is my idea of ldquo;good ol rsquo; fashioned chat rdquo; and no one will tell me otherwise) and the topic of flirting came up. Now my friend being something of a * cough…

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Happy Geek Pride Day && || Towel Day

I’m guessing if you come to this blog and listen to these podcasts, you probably have an idea of this day. If you don’t know, there here is the non-solicited history of this day that no one else in the world cares about, but should really be a national holiday. The year was 1977, and a man named George Lucas debuted a little film, that would later be synonymous with the word geek, called Star…

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Critical Moment Of Awesome Podcasts

A Critical Moment of Awesome Ep. 57

CLICK HERE or listen on the player above for the latest episode. Dean the Movie Cynic, Dave the Drummer, and Francis geek out over Adult Swim cartoons, Sherlock Benedict Cumberbatch, TV shows, David Lynch and his movies and Not David Lynch, Chris Dodson on iCarly, More David Lynch, U2 and Bono as the richest musician, Casshern, Pokemon, War Games and classic Matthew Broderick, Post production work in movies, and Artists clashing ideas. Check out Dean…

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When I Think About You I Touch Myself…With Stuff…

Sex is important, I’ll be the first to admit that. Men and women want it, and can even need it. And for those ladies out there who say they have a headache, a cure for that is…sex. Sex is fun, it get’s people’s attention, it feels good, its a bonding experience, and well, it probably one of the best experiences you’ll have in your life. How can you deny yourself something that awesome? And of…

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Geek Love Radio Podcasts

Geek Love Radio Ep. 92

CLICK HERE to listen to the latest episode! Dean the Movie Cynic joins Dave the Drummer and Francis on this week’s episode where we cover love, sex, and relationships from the male geek perspective. We start the show off with some competition through jealousy, where any guy that’s in the picture, friend or more, can mean a competitor in the eyes of us men. We also talk about how our crush and our likes and…

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Internet > Real Life…No Wait RL > Internet…Wait, Movies > Both. Yeah.

Written by Dave the Drummer: How much of your life do you spend online? Counting things like XBox Live, WoW, so on. Make it easy and break it down to hours per week, in general. I’ve been keeping score, lately. While I was in school, I was averaging around four days total spent on the Internet. Now I’ve finished and I have nothing planned, that’s probably going to go way the fuck up. I fall…

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Critical Moment Of Awesome Podcasts

A Critical Moment of Awesome Ep. 56

CLICK HERE or the player above to listen to the latest episode today! Dani the Universe, and myself Francis Fernandez navigate the geeky world of tattoos of video game pin ups, hot australian guys, koala std, people butt hurt over adoption joke in avengers, roleplaying games, Dani’s tip of the week, why people love to hate and why do people love stupid. We need to be a stupid reality show to get anyone’s attention. Any…

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Zelda Is A Girl – The Dilemma Of The Ignoramus'

via – Zelda InformerMy coworker came up to me, and mind you she’s young, clocking at 19 years of age, and exclaimed, “You should get a video game pin up girl tattoo. You know, like of Zelda. I just found out she was a girl! I always thought Zelda was the guy!” I can excuse that, because she’s young and not into video games. But it fascinates me that there are people out there who…

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Of All The Directions I Can Go, I'm Going Bananas, b-a-n-a-n-a-s.

Have you ever felt just completely lost in life? I’m not going to get all philosophical on you, I’m just saying, it’s tough to write something all the time, which I realize, I don’t really have to do. I’m happy that people go on this blog and read the stuff I’m into and passionate about and when my pals feel like writing, they do the same. But I’m forgetting my purpose here. To talk about…

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Critical Moment Of Awesome Podcasts

A Critical Moment of Awesome Ep. 55

CLICK HERE or click on the player above to listen to the latest episode! This week Dani the Universe and myself, Francis, we talk tattoos, video games, truth or dare, and so much more. It’s a fun time had by all as we navigate the seas of geekery and have conversations only a lady and a gentleman can have. You’re listening to A Critical Moment of Awesome, the devolution of a great idea. From pop…

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Geek Love Radio Podcasts

Geek Love Radio Ep. 91: Timey Wimey Changey Timey

CLICK HERE for the latest Geek Love Radio Fixing out schedule a bit here, and I don’t know why. But check out a brand new GLR so soon after the last one. How awesome is that? Pretty awesome. Dani the Universe, and myself Francis Fernandez take on the world of love, sex, and relationships from a geek’s perspective. What does that entail this week on this off scheduled GLR? We talk a little Avengers in…

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This Time It's Not Laziness, Honest

Well, I’ve had a very interesting last four days and I feel compelled to share it, because this may be the only blog post this week. To start, Thursday was wrought with Marvel Movie Madness as I attend the movie marathon at the local AMC Theaters. From Iron Man to Captain America in chronological order, I watch every movie in preparation for the midnight showing of The Avengers. 14 hours of movie magic assaults my…

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Get Your Ass Out of Here, There, And…Everywhere?

I wouldn’t be sincere or sarcastic if I didn’t point out that the world sucks, otherwise we’d all fall off. Now the world doesn’t really suck for me, but events around the world do, kind of, blow. Governments are trying to pass laws that give up our privacy, foreign countries are unsuccessfully lauching missles, and the title for the most beautiful woman in the world is being fought between Beyonce (meh) and a British woman…

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Geek Love Radio Podcasts

Geek Love Radio Ep. 90

CLICK HERE to listen to the latest episode. Dean the Movie Cynic is recording with me, Francis on this weeks episode of GLR. You’l find this episode has a bit more movie talk than normal, with scenes from romantic films as well as what can be considered good love stories on film. We also touch on how the hair can make the man, obsessive men and their need to be loved. Or maybe the man…

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The Gaming World Reaching an Apocalypse?

It seems that more and more people are becoming gamers. Whether they’re picking it up hard core title on the big 2 systems or are casual gamers who like to play on their phones or iPods. Which ever way you slice it, you’ll find that practically everyone is playing some sort of game. There are even millions playing a game, that’s a game and not a game at the same time. I’m talking about Draw…

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I was going to post something today. Something informative, something funny, something even a little bit ranty, but instead I took the last few weeks to read The Hunger Games trilogy. I just finished the book last night and boy and my tired. The book hit all the right spots for me, and I’m actually emotionally drained by that ending. I have heard all the rants about the ending of the series, and I get…

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Critical Moment Of Awesome Podcasts

A Critical moment of Awesome Ep. 53

CLICK HERE or check out the player above to listen now! This week’s Crit Mo has Dani the Universe with Dave the Drummer, and myself, Francis Fernandez and I feel bad as Dani and I kind of dominate the first part of the show with talk of Mass Effect. Dave can’t relate until we make our way into talk about prom, the way women doll themselves up, and then the Trilby, which apparently is a…

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Why Do We Love People Who Won't Love Us Back?

I was speaking with someone the other day who had quite the dilemma. She had a romp with her friend rsquo;s best friend. We rsquo;ll call them Dude (the friend) Guy (best friend of the friend). I have a bad feeling about this naming convention, but go with me on this. Now Dude is madly hellip;smitten with said girl and has openly said so to his best friend Guy. Dude has also let the girl…

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That Story I was Writing: Chapter 2

HQ was a tower Stuart built himself underneath the bustling metropolis of The City. It was a fairly nondescript city that lived up to it’s name. Apparently the mayor felt it was easier to make a name for a place that had such a simple name. His citizens thought he was stupid. The City is now the home of the Chosen, and the mayor is not the wealthiest man in the country, laughing to himself…

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Critical Moment Of Awesome Podcasts

A Critical Moment of Awesome Ep. 52

CLICK HERE or click the player above to listen today! Dani the Universe joins Dave the Drummer and Francis Fernandez on this very fun Critical Moment of Awesome, where start off silly, then get into some pretty good subject matter. But first we talk expensive food, the wealthy, Arizona, movies, and race. Once we get through the “comedy”, we talk about what we term an American phenomenon called “white culture”, discussing such things as those…

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It's Chapter 3! This Story Has No Cool Name

Her apartment was dark and dank, just the way she liked it. It gave off a feeling of, ldquo;You rsquo;re not welcome here, rdquo; or ldquo;You need to leave, rdquo; or ldquo;This may be the home of a serial killer rdquo;. It meant she had her privacy, it gave her comfort, and it gave her a reputation. She did not think of herself as anyone menacing or unapproachable, she just hated people and was not…

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Geek Love Radio Podcasts

Geek Love Radio Ep. 89

CLICK HERE to listen today or subscribe on iTunes. Dani the Universe joins Dave and I on an episode that sends us back into the past to give us an idea of our future. But first, we give homage to Andy Garcia, our favorite impression, as it was his birthday last week, but that’s beside the point. From young love to first loves, we talk about what was, and what was funny about it. Then…

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Movie Cynic: It's A HodgePodge!

A weekend hodgepodge with the Movie Cynic where it’s movies, randomness and cynical insight. Check it out today, and don’t forget to subscribe. I mean the guy talks about VHS! Do people even remember what that is? He’s got a couple of questions for you as well. What are innovative movies for you, and what movies came from the ashes of bad movies?

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Critical Moment Of Awesome Podcasts

A Critical Moment of Awesome! Ep. 51

CLICK HERE or Click the player above to listen to the all new episode! This week it’s Dave and I talking about: The Boys Vol. 2, Ugly people in films, Attractive people on TV, Dive bars and Heineken Beer, Southern California is the big tourist trap?, Being old, Why do people wish others a Good Friday? Are nerds religious or atheist? A whole lot of blasphemous talk. Shoes make the man. How to be intimidating.…

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The Half Assed Nerd

I think being a nerd/geek is a lie. What?!?!!? I was originally going to talk about the upcoming big comic book movies coming out this summer. Then I realized, I don’t have much to say about them other than they’re going to be awesome. So I want to show you the bit I did write, which is short, but it made me realize something. So here we go with the entry first. “With these movies…

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Why The Hell Not?

Jennifer Lawrence of Hunger Games Fame Okay, well, first off, I put up these two actresses because they’re hot. That’s all. No need to beat around the bush, but we as people can be with anyone we want to be with. It’s true. Okay, maybe it’s tough if you want to be with a celebrity or something, but it is known that celebrities have hooked up with and even married the “lay person”. So to…

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There Was A Divorce Expo: The Future of The Separation Anxiety?

As a divorcee (sp?), I know what it feels like to have to leave someone you thought you’d spend the rest of your life with. Of course, that was a ludicrous thought in this day and age, when cheating and divorce is like breathing. Yet, for those of us who didn’t want to get it in the first place, apparently there is no somewhere we all can gather, and of like mind, bitch about our…

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Apple: The New Flavor Of Kool Aid

I drink Coca Cola and I drink Pepsi. Depending on the people I’m around, I have to choose accordingly. Does that sound weird to you? Well, it’s how I keep the peace around people who LOVE Coke and those who LOVE Pepsi, otherwise I face their wrath at how one is better than the other. Now admit it, you have friends like that too, if you’re not one of “those” people yourself. It’s okay, the…

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Geek Love Radio Podcasts

Geek Love Radio Ep. 88

CLICK HERE TO LISTEN NOW! We have Lei in the house this week as Dave’s internet gives him a hard time. First we talk listener e-mails and comments with Tommy and Slacker giving us some questions, some advice, and hopefully we can give some answers. We also touch on National Cleavage day, and a service that shows that, maybe we do have all our bases covered. You can check this out and so much more,…

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Let the Games…CONTINUE! Game of Thrones is BACK!

Game of Thrones Season 2 has started, and with all the hype, it was exactly what I had hoped for. A reader of the books, and yet I haven’t read the latest one (waiting for paperback), it’s great to see people get excited over some sword and sorcery again. I grew up with this kind of entertainment, starting with the Final Fantasy video games, to Piers Anthony’s Apprentice Adept series, leading into more books, movies,…

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Critical Moment Of Awesome Podcasts

A Critical Moment of Awesome Ep. 50!

CLICK HERE or check out the player above to listen to the latest episode. If you’re looking for nerdy discussions, talk about minesweeper and odd tangents with some kind of juvenile humor, you’ve come to the right place. Listen now! You’re listening to A Critical Moment of Awesome, where two guys talk out about practically everything. From pop culture, to music, movies, games, science, food and more, we really do cover it all. If you…

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Geek Love Radio Podcasts

Geek Love Radio BONUS! Ep. 87

CLICK HERE to listen today! Huge shout out and thank you to Thomas Johnson for donating to the show. Your contribution is awesome and this show goes out to you. This week it’s Dean Hansen and me talking the geek love with an all discussion show from online dating and the older generation to misinterpreting a woman’s actions. Long distance love dilemmas and the reason why we actually love people. It’s all that and so…

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