
1st Short Post: Teens are More Sexually Responsible Than Adults

I guess the older you get, doesn’t necessarily mean the wiser you get. I guess as we get older we get more desperate or more hungry for sex? That’s speculation, because as far as I know, people are horny all their lives, for the most part. I understand biology screws with that as you get older, but old people still get it on. I know, I painted a horrible picture in your mind of an…

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Hmm…Harry Potter Midnight Showing Experience & Review

Okay, went to see the Midnight Screening of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1. Before I review the movie, which will be pretty lame, because I normally don’t review things very well, I have to say that Harry Potter has become a stoner movie. I mean, more power to the people who do it, I’d rather not and have no interest, but wow…I was just so surprised by how many teens, and I…

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Quick Entry Day 2: Understanding Women

Well, the last few months have been very…enlightening as I have made and more and more female friends. And it is because of these women I’ve been able, to at least touch the surface, of how complex the female mind works. And if you’ve read the ladder theory, you’re probably thinking I’m already putting them on this ladder. Well, no comment on this one. But that’s not the point, the point is, that the men…

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Quick Entry Day: Ladder Theory

Okay, nothing too thought out too today, but I was re-introduced to the Ladder Theory yesterday, sorry Christy, I forgot, then remembered your talking about the Ladder Theory. I’ll leave a link after this brief post so you can read it. But in a nutshell, its how men and women place people they’re interested in on a ladder. For men, its a single ladder where women are ranked by how much they want to sleep…

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Sex, stalking and Flirting on the internet while I VYou, though its not about you, its about.me.

Okay, that may all seem rather random, but it all is interconnected and related in some way shape or form. Because we all know that the internet is now really integrated into our lives one way or another. There’s Facebook for stalking and whatnot and befriending, and there’s Flickr for trolling through pictures, and so much more. But now the internet is making it easier and easier for people to get to know each other,…

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Narcissism and Me.

Its been a pretty hectic several of days for me personally with things going all around me, keeping me from having time to actually be online and do the things I want to do, like share articles, write up ideas, and the like. I know a blog is only as good as its content, and unfortunately, the content I provide doesn’t seem to have too many eyes and ears. But I guess its not for…

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Well, I’m not feeling up to writing anything profound, or any articles I read. Aren’t we all allowed to be lazy? I think so, therefore, today, I will be lazy. Though I guess what I write on here doesn’t take a bunch of science or anything, its just research and opinion. Besides, today is a good day to go out, have fun, and not think about crap. We all deserve a day like that. Weekends…

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Time Heals All Wounds Or Just Let Science Do It

I know I’m a little late to the game, as this article is over a week old, but I keep forgetting it existed, ironically enough. But unless you didn’t know, scientists have found a way to take away traumatic memories from lab animals. In other words, we’re getting closer to blissful ignorance, as this may lead to the removal of all the painful memories that lead to heartache, sadness, hurt, and trauma. That breakup would…

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Broken Phone: Second Times the Charm

Okay, nothing geeky, relationshippy or anything, just a quick rant. Yesterday my phone broke, again. I don’t know how many people out there have had this kind of problem, but its getting really annoying in my book. This time, my phone’s bootloader isn’t working, so it stays on this screen, and…well, its just bad. The funny thing, I’m complaining, only because I feel like that’s the thing I should be doing. When it happened, I…

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Annoying Women's Behavior? Uhh, I'd Have To Say Yes.

I’m not saying men aren’t annoying, but I stumbled upon this article on Guyism, and thought to myself, wow, this is good. Its good in the fact at how accurate it is, and I guess it would have to be since its coming from a woman. Each point she makes from the delayed text messaging to stalking you on Facebook, to nibbling from your plate were spot on. The more I read, the more I…

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I'm Not Politically Minded or Anything, But Voting Happened, And I'm Surprised

Very short post, possibly. But I voted yesterday, a painless experience which makes me wonder why more people don’t go out there to vote. The biggest measure being watched, I think, was the legalization of marijuana in California. Now, after hearing arguments mostly for than against, I’m in shock to find out that Prop 19 did not make it. Its a flat out no. Wow. I mean, I’m not a proponent for drug use, and…

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Three Things I Learned Today

#1: Now, I’ve tried to give advice on how to relieve stress, or to overcome sad or difficult situations. I try to give you some suggestions on how to deal with people, with heartache, and with jerks. At least, I think I did. I even tried to bestow some knowledge on how to handle anger and loneliness. But the one thing that I discovered today, that really turned my day from meh to good, was…

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Happy November Everybody Now…Are They Hot For Teacher ( well, you, I just wanted to use the title of the song)

Now, maybe its a bit pretentious to think that the girl you’re talking to is into you because she’s giving you the time of day or actually listening to you. I mean, I think people jump to a lot of conclusions when flirting and talking with a girl, and most of the time they’re not going to tell you. “Hey, I like you, I think you’re great, you should ask me out.” That’d be too…

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I don't even know what to call this post.

Nowadays, when people are struggling, and good news is few and far between, it becomes harder and harder to keep up appearances. You’re trying to make ends meet yet at the same time trying to appease family and friends. They don’t know the true turmoil you’re going through, or the struggles, because you put up that facade. Its almost like you hide your reality from them because you’re afraid to face reality yourself. Whatever your…

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Today is a Day of Sharing Randomness, Where its Candy, Crabs, and Dating.

CANDY: With the fast approaching Halloween, one must learn the intricacies of what they’re giving away to the kids, or maybe consuming yourself. Well, that’s not necessarily true, but I guess someone felt that there was a need to rank candy based on several factors. Its actually real, and very scientifically involved, so if you don’t want to know about the science, don’t click the link. But I found it fun actually, and it is…

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Yep, Everything On The Internet Is Peaches And Gravy! Unless You're a Teenager.

This may seem like an odd observation that may have nothing to do with anything, but let me know if you see it too. People on the internet are the most happiest go lucky people I’ve ever read. I mean, the economy is bad, people have no jobs, the weather is cold and dank, and well…why would anyone want to be so happy in these conditions? Now I’m not saying the internet is the joy…

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I Learn Something New Everyday: This Time About Monogamy and Poly-amorous Relationships

So as I was hunting the interwebs for some interesting articles to discuss here on the blog, I stumbled upon one about monogamy on a web site called Em Lo. I found the article interesting, as it pointed out the top ten reasons to be and stay monogamous. As a monogamist myself, I thought that it was a fairly light and enjoyable article that had some pretty interesting points. The points seemed valid, and had…

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Scaring the Crap Out of People…hopefully not literally.

I think the scares are gone…or are they? There’s a weird sensation when we find ourselves scared. Adrenaline is pumping our senses are more…sensitive, and your heart is beating a mile a minute. Fear manifests itself in many different ways for many different reasons. But the best producer of the scares are anything that’s associated with Halloween (only over a week away). I’m talking about the scary movies, and the haunted houses, and the pranks.…

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Text Me Your Naked Body…Please?

Everywhere in the news you find out that celebrities, athletes and even teachers are joining a fun trend of sending out pictures of themselves naked through their phones. Thanks to the internet and cell phones we now have the ability to show off our body parts to show our love or lust towards those people around us. Now, I’ve personally never done it, that I can remember at least. I don’t ever have this idea…

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A Brand New Week. Time for the Good, the Bad, and the Honesty

The Good: Stanford University did a study on how love affects pain. In brief, newly in love people feel less pain because their brain reacts as if on cocaine or morphine. We’re on an emotional high that makes us giddy and distracted that we don’t feel a lot of things. So romantics have another reason in their belt to fall in love. Not only do you get butterflies and sometimes feel kind of light headed…

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Another Look On What The Hell This F****** Blog Is All About!

I originally did it to dispense advice, which is funny because that’s what the podcast is about. I also thought I would relay geek news and relationship articles I saw on the web here, because not everyone has time to look up stuff online and read those articles. I thought, hey I’d bring it to you. People don’t have time in their day to search through blogs, websites, and news media to find what they’re…

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Thank you Passing Through, you've given me a lot to think about.

I had something I wanted to write about; a chat I had with a new acquaintance(?) of mine, but I got a comment and some brutally honest advice and criticism about what I’ve been doing. And I want to say that I thoroughly appreciated it. I’m not going to recap what was written, but instead I think I’ll cut and paste what was written. The only things I want to point out is that it…

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Weekend Begins, Don't Say the Wrong Things to Your Sig. Fig…err, Man/Woman. (Was supposed to be a math joke…)

A lot of times men are told that say the wrong things to women. Of course, I understand that as I’ve said a lot of wrong things in my time. And yet when a woman says something wrong to her man, its usually overlooked. Now, I know every relationship has its own set of pet peeves. Many of which, hell, are probably no big deal to other people. But when it comes to knowing what…

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Real Life Gets In the Way

Look at the people around you. Each one has their own life, with its own problems, romances, and complications. If you really stop to think about it, that’s kind of a woah moment. You don’t realize that yeah, you have your family and friends and you’re involved in their lives and are the extras and supporting cast of the movie of your life, but that you are essentially the extras in a strangers life and…

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You just need some bandages, & a healing potion…on second thought, a phoenix down.

Whenever I write something like this, I always try to look at that subject matter from my perspective and the perspective of a man who doesn’t give a crap. A man Tom Lykis would be proud of. Someone who doesn’t get emotionally attached and is just a jerk or an a-hole or something. A guy who’s just in it for the sex and has no emotional ties to any woman he meets. Then I realize,…

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Geek Love Radio Postponed: Due to me being sick for the first time in a long time.

Hey there party people, how are you all doing? I don’t know how many people were anticipating the return of GLR for its second season, but I sincerely apologize it didn’t occur on the day I said it would come back. As you may know if you read my tweets, I went to the doctor’s yesterday for a check up and got a flu shot with it all. I was told by the nurse that…

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Porn…isn't just for sex anymore…its for comedy?

First off, I’d like to point out that porn or pr0n, isn’t just for the single male anymore. More and more single women are becoming interested in it. Couples are using it as a tool for their sexual escapades. I think that’s great, because its something pretty hot and sexy that you and your significant other can share and be aroused or at least entertained. It can provide an intimacy and a little window into…

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Help me, help you, help me.

Everyone goes through a lot of stress in their everyday lives, and people are fighting to make ends meet on a day to day basis. Some people are just down on their luck or give up because they’re situation looks tremendously bleak. My situation is bleak too, but the moment I let it get me down is the moment I don’t strive to be better and work my way out of it. So we need…

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Weekend!!! But that's not the topic. People like crappy videos…with doodoo on it.

Did that catch your attention just a little bit? Did it? Because it got my attention (well, mostly because I wrote it and it had to have my attention), and I’m not talking about literal, physical crap, so don’t think its anything gross. But it does have to deal inadvertently with two girls and one cup and “crap” like that. No pun intended. I don’t really understand why people like really bad stuff on youtube. Now, I…

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In all honesty…

I joke about the number of people who read this blog and listen to the podcasts, and I hope those who do do…(doodoo?) knows that I appreciate their continued reading and listening. Again, I do it because I’m enjoying it and hoping to help people in some way. Lately, its been a little harder to write posts for this blog, mostly because life is life, and it always rainbows and roses. Even if one person…

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Mr. Nice Guy, meet…You're Ruining Her Life!

Okay, maybe that was an exaggeration. You probably are not ruining her life, but apparently being nice can lead to the total annihilation of an otherwise, not so bad…pretty good…okay…relationship. Okay, maybe its better then that, we’re all a little cynical about relationships aren’t we? Okay, probably just me, but to get to the point here, is that…things that you thought were being nice, may actually be screwing you over. I was victim to doing…

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More tomorrow…today = meh?

Hey everyone. Just wanted to say that I’m not posting anything of substance today. I’ll put something up tomorrow, and probably more than usual to make up for the lack of content today. Its about content, its about what you have to say that’s important. All I have to say is, just…do something that makes you feel good. And not just that regular good, but like sex good, but without the sex. Of course, if…

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What happened to GLR? & What's Crit-Mo?

Hi everybody, how’s it going? I’m just sitting here trying to do a bunch of things at once. I’m not a very good multi-tasker, but I’m trying. First off, you’ll notice the GLR Feed is missing, and there’s a GLR page in the upper right hand corner. That’s the new little page for Geek Love Radio, which has been up for a little while but now its more official and I think its been cleaned…

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The semi whenever RANT!!!!!! Stop it already!

img via the Celebration GameWell, I don’t rant enough because honestly, there’s a lot of things out there to hate. Don’t hate people, but get really annoyed over things that bother you. I may have mentioned this before, but it normally takes a lot to bother me. My fuse is pretty long, but its only because I don’t show my irksome demeanor! Yeah, that’s right, I’m not menacing, but that’s beside the point. First thing…

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You can lead a horse to water, but a pencil must be lead. (Well, its actually graphite, but then it wouldn't make sense.)

I don’t know about you all out there, but I’ve found myself a time or two, misreading the signals of people around me. Sometimes I think that they have one thing on the mind when they really have another. I don’t know if people intentionally lead other people on, but I do know that some people do it with the utmost intent. I know that women flirt and do all sorts of things just to…

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When life gives you a dilemma, make dilemmanade

I saw that on a shirt somewhere. Well this is going to be a short and sweet post. First off, I am attempting to try a new podcast where I talk about anything and everything. I did a pilot episode last night/this morning, just to test the waters. I don’t know how I feel about it yet, as things aren’t all peaches and gravy and roses right now. Enough stress to break a wood board…

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Being alone is pretty deep, as emphasized by this video.

Over the weekend, I went to the Los Angeles County Fair with friends, and a friend of a friend. We got to talking one moment about the need for other people, and the want to be with someone. We discussed how wome people are tired of being alone. I’ve been truly alone for a short while, as normally I do have people around me, helping me, supporting me. I’m pretty lucky that way. But I…

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You're about to get schooled! (That means you're learning something right?)

I wanted to be lazy today, to not talk about anything as I’ve had a fairly full weekend with the County Fair as well as a trip to the Japanese import, Round 1. And yes, I did indulge in fried goodness, and it may be the only time I go this year, and probably why I’m feeling sluggish today. Note to self: Stop eating Krispy Kreme chicken sandwiches and deep fried pb j. (Highly recommend…

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Two Sides to the Sex Addiction Coin

I guess its kind of hard to avoid the scandals and the news about people with sex addiction problems. You hear about it all the time about how men and on occasion, women, have this insatiable need for sex. I think there’s even a tv show out there about treating sex addiction as well as other addictions, run by Dr. Drew. Either way, we always hear about the sex addict who wants it in excess.…

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Time to start drinking beer, because apparently, its GREAT for you.

I guess I’ve had it wrong all this time. This tasty, tasty beer here is the key to a long life, and so much more. You’d be surprised by the power of alcohol, or maybe you’re not. All I know is, that my alcohol resistance, or allergy will no longer be an excuse, and I am here to take up the mantle of drinking…but not to the point of being wasted. Maybe you’re wondering why…

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Can you survive without a cell phone?

Not that I’m very popular or get a bunch of texts and phone calls, but when my phone crapped out on my on Thursday, I’ve been waiting for a replacement to come in. Yep, I’ve had to live 5 days without a cell phone. Not just a cell phone, a smart phone. A smart phone with the abilities to keep me connected to everything and anything anywhere. Of course, you probably already knew that. So…that…

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Hopelessly romantic…or fool

The phrase hopeless romantic has been thrown around haphazardly as of late. I’ve been known to use that phrase time and again. But what is a hopeless romantic? Its a person who loves love, they are fascinated by the happily ever after and the fairytale of true love. So is that wrong? Well, as a man who believed in that, and am jaded at the moment, I don’t think so. In a world that’s so…

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Facebook & Virtual Sex (not related)…a reality!

FACEBOOK! Geek Love Radio is officially on Facebook. Yay??? Well, it makes it easier to keep track of the podcast and the blog as it will be updated with new posts and episodes and the like. Plus, who isn’t on Facebook? So check it out today at: Geek Love Radio on Facebook Don’t forget to Like it when you get there! VIRTUAL SEX! I think the Japanese have it right when it comes to the…

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Brains….brains….grrr…arg…not zombie related…but emotional stuff…

Wow, is it just me or am I making less and less sense nowadays with my titles. I mean, seriously, I realize I’m “trying” to be funny, and failing miserably at it, but wow…I think I’m getting desperate. Anyway, I’m rambling because my phone just crapped out on me and I don’t want to buy a new phone. Yeah I know, boohoo for me, but man…this sucks…anyway, onto what I wanted to talk about. I…

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Hump Day = Say Something Deep Day?

Just a fair warning, I’m here to either totally depress you with this post, or inspire you in some weird way. If I did neither than…I’m lacking in awesome in some way. Nonetheless, I think its troubling when we live in a world where we have so many conveniences, and technology makes our lives so much simpler, but yet we find ourselves more and more stressed everyday. We have to worry about the next pay…

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I'm sorry…I am unattractive and only date ugly people

Yesterday I showcased, sort of, a dating website dedicated to beautiful people where you have to be voted in to be a part of the site. I have never used a dating site in my life, and I’m pretty sure I wouldn’t qualify for Beautiful People.com. I’m not hurt by that, I’m realistic about my looks. Though I guess, back when I had low self esteem and I thought I was beastly looking, I’d probably…

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R2 D2…is so…big….

I am an R2-D2 fan, and well…those crazy cats over at Carlton College did a pretty cool thing to their observatory. An unknown prankster decorated their campus with a huge R2-D, and did it in a way where there was no vandalism and no real property damage. I don’t know about you, but that’s pretty awesome stuff. So when you look through the telescope, its like you’re looking through the eye of the famous droid.…

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I'm sorry…I only date hot people.

I’m a modest person, and a realist. I know I’m not handsome, or cute, but I don’t think I’m horrible to look at. Though, if I were to label myself in the looks department, I don’t know what I am honestly, but I do know I have a great personality? But that’s beside the point, we’re shallow people in general and no matter who we are, or our status in life, we like to look…

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The Blog is Coming Back?

Well, I guess its a good thing I’ve been doing this blog for awhile now, but apparently…the blog is coming back. I wish I could remember what podcast I was listening to, I know it was a tech one, and they were saying that Twitter…the micro blog…is inspiring people to write their own blog entries. That makes sense, since you really can’t put everything on your mind in 140 characters. Its concise for sure, but…

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Sometimes you can't fix everything…

Just a short little weekend entry, but I think I’m going to depress ALL of you. Well, I doubt what I’m about to write is depressing, but it ain’t happy. All I wanted to say is that sometimes, we make mistakes, and we cause problems for ourselves that are worse than they were meant to be. Maybe you said the wrong thing to a good friend and now you’re not speaking, or you did something…

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Women are so cruel…take 2!

Okay, you’d think I’d get this whole blog thing and podcast thing down by now. I’ve been doing it for months, and I still find myself screwing it up in one way or another. This time I get a blog entry done, all proofread and everything, and I close the tab. I CLOSE THE TAB!!! All my “hard” work, gone. That’ll teach me to not use Word or something. So I guess you’ll have to…

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Just a thought…take 2

Okay, I wrote something I considered remotely funny. It was equivalent to… “A mushroom walks into a bar, and asks for a drink. The bartender says, ‘I’m sorry, we don’t serve your kind here.’ In which the mushroom replies, ‘Why not? I’m a fungi!’” Anything? Oh well, I also complained that its too hot right now and that I’m melting in the triple digit heat. I also mentioned men get periods too and that I…

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Why Booz = more sex…really?

I’m normally not a drinker and I know that drinking leads to more sex, and I figured it didn’t need to be studied. Its a fun fact for those who like to drink and party, why question something that got you what you wanted, both guys and girls? Well, I guess some people in London thought it was necessary to figure out why being drunk gets you more tail. The answer IS actually pretty fascinating.…

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I heart Scott Pilgrim vs. the World

Well, I’ve watched the movie for a third time, or is it fourth? I don’t know, but it is awesome every time. And I will explain why I think its awesome, well…just to me I guess, and how it reached the top as my favorite movie. First off, I love the 80’s video game references and sound effects, such as the ones from Legend of Zelda. The humor is subtle, natural and not forced. It…

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No love…just juicy burger goodness.

Heh, I guess this blog isn’t just about relationships, its about stuff I find pretty fascinating, and if you’re from the West Coast, you know all about In Out Burger. If you don’t know about it, you need to come over here, get a Double Double, and get some “animal style” fries. People will argue there’s a better burger and fries out there, but this is a California staple and widely regarded as the best…

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You keep missing the past, because you don't aim for the future…

Does it make sense? I hope so, and I hope no one else has ever said that before, because I got that idea from something I heard yesterday after doing the latest Geek Love Radio. I’m pretty sure next week’s episode is about break ups and divorce. I’m never sure because I’m a fickle, fickle pickle. Either way, when I was talking with my friends about next week’s episode, we began to converse…though I’m tempted…

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I'm all for women's rights, especially the one that involves breasts.

Normally I’m not a political person. I don’t advocate for this, that or the other thing. I really am not like that, and I don’t like to force my view points on other people. But I think in this case I am going to make an exception. Because I think that people should be aware of a big concern some women have had for awhile now. I am also concerned by this issue because…well, I…

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They did it…a guide to Facetime sex.

I don’t know if anyone recalls, but around the time that the iPhone 4 came out with its Facetime application, I kind of eluded to the fact that it can take phone sex to a whole other level. Its the obvious next step, and I’m honestly surprised that they didn’t have a guide for this before. At first, I thought it was a joke, but apparently not and its backed by an Indiana University professor.…

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Dating and Star Wars…hooking up in hyperdrive

Well, I guess it makes sense, doesn’t it? Even Star Wars enthusiasts need love, and they may have found it from these speed dating events orchestrated at the Star Wars convention in Orlando, Florida. Apparently it was such a big hit with some people, that they quickly got going to the commitment chapel ,at the convention, to pledge undying love for a long, long time in this galaxy…okay, I won’t finish the pun. But you…

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Cartoon Themes of My Childhood.

I couldn’t pass this up. It has nothing to do with relationships, but everything to do with when I was a kid. Now I’m singing these old, cartoon theme songs again in my head, and I’m loving every minute of it. Your childhood does have an impact on your relationships nowadays though. So have a listen, and be a kid again. See more funny videos and funny pictures at CollegeHumor.

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Forget regret, or life is yours to miss.

-image via http://9gag.com/ We’re all trying to find happiness, and I think a part of our journey to being happy is learning from our mistakes. And a byproduct of our mistakes I think, is regret. So this is just a quick entry on regret. I realize that some people say you’re not supposed to regret anything in your life, that everything happens for a reason. But if that’s the case, how do we learn anything?…

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Do ugly people know they're ugly?

New Law Would Ban Marriages Between People Who Don’t Love Each Other I was trying to get the Old Spice commercial about beautiful people found here. It makes more sense to this post. Instead, its about a law that bans marriages between people who don’t love each other. Sorry to the people who take it seriously. Okay, I have no idea what I am, ugly or not. I obviously am not aware if I was…

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There's this rumor…that geeks make good lovers

I’m not writing this to toot my own horn, because if anything, I don’t know if I am. I may not have had any complaints in my life, but I do know there are better lovers than I out there. Nonetheless, the other day my friend brought up in conversation, and I am unsure of why it was even brought up, but she tells me that nerds are supposedly incredible lovers. I was surprised…sort of.…

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An example of video game addiction.

I had recently…maybe not that recently, talked about addiction. A professor of mine had once said, we are all addicted to something in our lives, whether its alcohol, sex, food, the internet, celebrities, or video games. We all have some kind of addiction that we need fulfilled on a regular basis. My hobby is video games, I do play when I can, and well…this video called out to me because…WOW!! First off, I play World…

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Nothing is fair in love & war…what is it good for? Absolutely nothing

As teens, we love everybody. Our hormones are raging, our hearts are fluttering, and we just rub ourselves up and down on the next girl or guy who’s into us. We don’t care, and we experiment, and we get frisky in all different ways. Apparently, the same is the case with seniors. Just because you’re old, doesn’t mean you’re not wanting. I just find it so amazing how we grow and evolve and when love…

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False advertisement. I'm not sure how sincere I am or how facetious I'm being.

Listening to: Marian Call (@mariancall): Got to Fly Mood: Epiphany is a mood? Last thing eaten: Spaghetti Well folks, as you can tell, I’m in an odd mood tonight. Mostly because I realized something about myself and this blog. I am sincere in my intent, trying to help people by lecturing them unnecessarily and sharing anecdotes that may not mean much to anyone but me. I am mildly sarcastic when I do my post titles,…

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Let's go out on a date…but first, let me check my phone.

Okay, yeah, I really have to work on those post titles, but I wanted to talk about how dating is becoming a much easier “ordeal” thanks to smart phones. More and more people are giving up their feature phones for smart phones. There is a greater connection to your life there with instant e-mail and twitter, and facebook all on a handheld device. Its pretty amazing when you think that more and more people are…

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GLR Ep. 10 Show Notes

This is the show where I talk about cheating. What causes it, why it happens, how to notice it, what to do about it, wow…there’s so much to talk about on the subject. So much so that I talk so much I go over time. Its no good sometimes. I also did some research again, so check out the sites to find out more about cheating and infidelity. http://www.truthaboutdeception.com/ http://www.celebratelove.com/cheater.htm

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The holodeck is coming!! One step closer to the United Federation of Planets

This has nothing to do with relationships and everything to do with me just geeking out a little bit. This news is a few days old, but Japanese researchers have taken us one step closer to the reality of a Holodeck from Star Trek: TNG. Our ability to live out fantastical adventures in 10 by 10 room is becoming a reality as said Japanese researchers have created holographic images that we can feel and touch…

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KAHN!!! Err, Comic Con

Okay, I must briefly rant about all the San Diego Comic Con coverage I’ve been hearing the last few days. Not rant in a bad way, mind you, but rant in the sense that it makes me want to go even more. If anything, just to see all the new movies coming out, see all the cosplay, and just check out all the swag. Now, I find it hard to believe that the layperson does…

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"You're not helping, you're just making it worse!!!"

Have you ever found yourself in a position where you were trying to help someone, but the entire time was spent berating them? You don’t mean to, and you probably don’t notice, but maybe…just maybe you were acting like a big jerk. I think that’s me. I find myself wanting to help people, but I might not be of any help whatsoever. See, when I help someone, I try to stay as neutral as possible.…

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Some things never change…

Everyone will meet someone in their life who will be a perpetual liar. All they know is how to fabricate the truth to their advantage, so that they look like the victim, or they look like the hero. Some do it for attention, or for boredom. We’ve all encountered them at some point in our lives. Some of them are our friends or our loved ones, and others we my never see it again. And…

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I have learned another lesson, that I think I need to share with those who actually read this blog. (Thanks by the way.) I learned that we really need to continue to look inside ourselves, AND THINK before you talk. Or at least be aware of what you’re saying or doing. You want to be aware of what you’re doing wrong or right when you approach a person. I learned that I creeped my ex-sister…

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What doesn't kill you, may only make you more screwed up.

Everyone at one point or another will experience heart break. Some will be fine, act like life is normal, and others find their lives turned upside down and don’t recover, even though they can. I need a constant reminder that it takes time to heal wounds. All wounds. Does that make me a weakling or a wuss, even…I can’t believe I’m using him as a reference…but even Chad Ochocinco admits to it on his show.…

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Its Friday, ENJOY the weekend.

Happy Friday everyone, and thanks again for coming to the site. I don’t have much to say today because I’m extremely tired. I did the show last night, I was up until 4am making sure it was okay. So today, I blink and hours fly by. It amazes me how quickly this day is going by. But I guess, as I try to add a little bit of “advice” or suggestions every other day, here’s…

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I'm so ANGRY!! Let's hug it out!!!

All over the news, alleged recordings (via radaronline) of Mel Gibson talking badly with his girlfriend (ex?) over the phone. I’ve listened to many talk shows discuss this subject as well as dissect it from different points of views. But I’m not going to talk about that, because…well, this isn’t a gossip site, but it does take into account a very important subject. Anger. From what I can tell, the person on the phone has…

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What we wouldn't do for (the possibility of) sex.

Day in and day out, on TV, movies, radio, and podcasts, sex is on the minds of the masses. We all think about it at one point or another, whether we’re a virgin or a seasoned pro. From the moment puberty hits, and even the curiosity of childhood, we experiment and play with thoughts of sex and with ourselves. It is the driving force for advertisement, for media, and for our everyday lives. And it…

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I'm addicted to you.

After a few computer complications and crashes later, I am ready to talk about my next subject. Of course, this also means that Geek Love Radio is delayed a couple days, please bare with me as I try to figure out my computer woes. Unfortunately, I only have one usable computer. Anyway, despite that, I would like to talk about addiction, because I think that people of all shapes and sizes are addicted to something,…

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Is it bad to be different?

I’ve always known I wasn’t alone when it came to talking about relationships. I always knew that there were others out there with a different opinion than myself, and I have to admit, its surprising. Just looking through podomatic.com and reading the other podcasts out there, I feel that I am certainly in the minority. I mean, yeah, I guess I want to talk about love and relationships and all that, but everyone else really…

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A whole week…almost passes.

Wow, I guess real life can get pretty hectic to where you forget your priorities. For those who regularly visit the site, I apologize for the delay, and will work harder at posting on a regular basis. Once every other day, I figure, would be enough judging that there is only so much I can write about. Such as…the end of a three day weekend and how holidays can affect you, especially if you’re recently…

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Conspiracy Theories are Fun?

Well, I was just introduced to the conspiracy theory on the music industry, and I found it very enlightening. Now, for those of you who are unaware of what that is, just Google the words “Music Industry Exposed”, and you’ll find the 9+ part Youtube series. Each video is ten minutes, and its enlightening to say the least. Now I’m not saying I believe or disbelieve what is said in the videos, nor am I…

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And now for something MILDLY different.

Hi everybody. (hi, Dr. Nick). Well, I am in a bit of a predicament. For those who read the blog and listen to the show, I ask for your assistance to spread the word out about Geek Love Radio and Sincere Sarcasm. I appreciate you listening to the show and reading the blog and would love your feedback and would love to continue to get the word out about this blog and podcast and share…

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Okay, a little off topic here.

I like to complain about how quickly smartphones are evolving and becoming more and more sophisticated. They’re mini computers in your pocket, and I don’t know how I lived without my Droid. But that’s beside the point, I just like talking about technology, and I may have to intersperse those kind of posts with ones about relationship, because this is really something that’s on my mind. So the people who are bored already, I apologize.…

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Sit back and relax, because it only gets worse from here.

You never know when the worse will happen, and it will always catch you by surprise. That’s the problem with life sometimes, is that you can get overwhelmed with a lot of bad things, and it can pile up to where you’re suffocating. You really have to catch yourself, and realize that when you have too much on your plate, you need to stop and take a break. I know that may seem pretty obvious,…

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Happy Father's Day, now stop being a pushover!

Well, I wanted to combine my Father’s Day wishes to all the dads out here, working hard being a dad. The closest I’ve ever been to being a dad was being a councilor at a group home. It was weird to get acknowledged by the parents and relatives that we were like Dad-lite, but I definitely appreciated the Father’s day wishes. Anyway, thanks Dad! Too bad you don’t know go online much. Now the second…

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Let's settle this once and for all…FIGHT!

We live in a world of dominant personalities, and people constantly fighting to be the alpha anything in work, marriage, families, etc. We try to let our own personality shine, and we try to get our own way. We’re individuals with our own wants and needs. Even those with a more submissive way of thinking want their own demands met. So how do we handle this in a world that lacks compromise?  We settle. Often…

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"So you're telling me there's a chance…"

Yes, I used an obscure Dumb and Dumber reference when Lloyd asks Mary (ironic) if there was a chance they would get together. Well, I asked her folks. I gathered all my courage, fearing it’d be the last time I would talk to her and…and through all the flirting and the everything she did, I was wrong. Or maybe…well, that’s what this little post is about. People who send mix signals, and in the end,…

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Who needs sexting when you can get naked on your smarphone camera?

Well, the WWDC coverage from websites like CNet have given out all the details and the Twitter universe has been alive with talk about what it means with all the new features coming with the new iPhone 4. And as I read the news about the latest Apple must have, I found some pretty funny tweets about how sexting would be a dying art on the new iPhone. It took me a minute to really…

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Sometimes how you look is all you need.

Many times you see people around you, their head held high, their posture erect, and their stride confident. And then you notice how clean cut they are, their clothing well pressed and giving them an air of je ne sais quoi. Oddly enough, as I have found out recently, your clothes can give you a boost in confidence and charisma not found in any other means. Now, I’m not saying that if you dress a…

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