
I forgot to press the button

Here I was, ready to post the show notes of the brand new Geek Love Radio and what do I do? I forget to press the button that actually publishes the episode. Now it has to go through the approval process, etc, etc. Then when I get that little e-mail I’ll actually be able to share and share alike! I must have been really tired last night. About as tired as I am today really.…

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Busy busy busy

Okay, I’m not that busy, I just don’t manage my time very well. How’s everyone doing? I hope you all are having a great start of the week. I take this opportunity to just say, what’s up? What’s going on with everyone? I thought I’d throw out a quick question to everyone. What are some of the things you all are geeking about recently? What’s got you getting nerdy? For me, it’s the upcoming second…

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Who Needs friends when you've got booty…calls?

You know what I hear about a lot? The dreaded Friend zone. You people (and by “you people,” I mean FUCKING EVERYONE) have beaten this issue into death, then resurrected it with self-pitying Necromancy just so you could continue beating it. But you know what no one ever talks about? Something that’s even harder to escape than the Friend zone. Yep. I’m talkin’ ’bout the Booty Call zone. Now hear me out, denizens of the…

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A week without internet is like, you know…night.

Image: photostock / FreeDigitalPhotos.netMaybe you’ve thought about it. Maybe you’ve even tried it. But with the internet as such a part of our lives, it’s difficult to think of a life without it. Well, I’m tempted, to unplug, simply to know what it feels like. Now, this last week you may have noticed a void of blog posts, and that was because I tried to at least unplug a little. I avoided Facebook, Twitter, Google…

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See Spot. See Spot Run. See Spot Chase Dave For One Great Workout

After the excruciating pain the “supposed” beginner level exercise gave me, I realised I needed something meant for total wimps. Thank fuck for the Wii! I wanted to keep this whole thing, object free; as in using no weights, not leaving the house, and pretty much doing what I normally do, only with more movement. The last thing I wanna do is head to the gym. That would suck for me. Also it’s far away…

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World of Flancraft: Level 2 – What do I do with myself?

So, I started my workout and have been going strong for about the last two weeks. I’m running every other day. Okay, maybe it’s less of a run and more of a jog. Well, maybe less of a jog and more of a stumbling forward. But you get the idea. Mixing that in with some push ups, crunches, and the ocassional weight lifting, I think I’m in the right direction to a better body. And…

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Sex, Sex Will Keep Us Together! Think of me babe whenever!

Alright, so… not gonna dance around the issue so let’s jump into it. Sex. Sex is… pretty cool, right? Not a lot of people would disagree unless they have some really unique problems like… well, fuck, I don’t know. If you have a problem with it, go ahead and email me because I’m kind of fucking curious. Image: photostock / FreeDigitalPhotos.netHow important is sex in a relationship? I guess the answer would vary for different…

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The End of An Epic. The Midnight Showing Dilemma

The Movie: Harry Potter The Deathly Hollows Part 2 The Situation: I didn’t know the Situation was a part of my blog post… (rim shot) Firstly, I want to share my love of this franchise. I enjoyed the books immensely, often times consuming them in a single day. I get a kick out of the movies, where I get teary eyed at the trailers, and feel deeply about the words of the book being realized…

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Dave the Drummer & The Rock 'Em Sock 'Em Work Out…"Francis, why are you invading my blog post?"

By Dave the Drummer I realised the other day that there is pretty much no way I’m ever gonna be a fatty. I’ve been very thin my whole life, I’m one of those people that can pile away the food and never put on any weight. Lately, I’ve been eating more than usual, and LOST weight. So lame. So instead of giving up, like I usually would, I figured I’d do something else, because I…

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World of Flancraft – The First 20 Levels of Becoming Better Than You Are

Roll Intro fade into cool cinematic and lead to a splash screen of the title: World of Flancraft Level Up! via – World of WarcraftI am currently on a quest to find out who I once was. I’ve often talked about it on the blog and the podcast about how I lost who I once was. I can remember being hilarious (if I do say so myself), and being such an uplifting person. For years…

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Finally on Google + & New GLR Ep. 60: Tough Love

Of course…I join while I’m at work, so I can’t really play around with it. But I’m excited. I’m looking forward to adding people and goofing around with the settings and inviting…the handful of people I actually know. If it’s awesome, I may have to just give up Facebook all together. Well, only if everyone else joins me on this thing. Anyway, I’ll post a blog sometime in the future, and I’m thinking of changing…

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Rapid Rants & Fast Fantastic-ness! BOOM BOOM BOOM!

And…we’re off!! I hate how fragile people’s relationships are. And I’m not just talking about couples, I’m talking about friends and the like. It really does take very little to make that house of cards drop if you say something you regret or do something out of haste. You don’t think it through, you get drunk, and then you make the big step to do something about it. You tell someone you love them or…

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Perpetual Friends In Perpetual Motion

Image: photostock / FreeDigitalPhotos.netLately I’ve been finding myself surrounded by incredibly attractive women. It’s not me, personally, its my circumstances. And each woman has something I really like about them. They’re geeky, nerdy side, they’re interest and love of certain things, their sense of humor. Whatever it is, I find them fascinating. Now, I don’t want to be with all of them, but I wouldn’t mind dating some of them to find out whether or…

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Explain to me why I should like you and then we'll talk.

Written by Dani: Unreciprocated feelings. That’s what I wanna talk about. Sit down, children, and shut up and listen. Dani’s talking now. You know that shit feeling you get when you have the hots for someone and they either A. designate you to the friend zone or B. couldn’t give less of a shit? Of course you do. Everyone does. And as much as we all absolutely love playing victim, it’s really nothing you can…

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Fantasy Is Back-ish! Game of Sword of Thrones of Truth!

The first season of “Game of Thrones” is all done and gone; season 1 being ten episodes of pure awesome. Why is it so awesome, you may have asked…supposedly? Well, having read the George R R Martin series of books, I was a fan from the get go. This series of books and the resulting tv shows were critically acclaimed, and loved by fans who have read the books or are new to the whole…

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The Comfort Zone…When Good People Go Lazy

Image: graur codrin / FreeDigitalPhotos.netIt was recently pointed out to me that I’ve gotten comfortable in my life. You know, complacent, fine, lazy, conforming, accepting the mediocre, etc etc. I’m content with the way things are, I’m okay with the way things look in the future, and I have very little ambition outside of the podcasts and this blog. I want to see Geek Love Radio, A Critical Moment of Awesome, and Sincere Sarcasm grow…

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Gay Marriage Approved In The Big Apple!

Image via: The Daily PoliticalThe New York governor has recently laid down the law and said to the people of his state, same-sex marriage is legal, something I honestly thought California would have down pat by now. With states so diverse with culture, with people of all types, and with a very accepting populace, you’d think we’d all be right there with Governor Cuomo in saying that the gay and lesbian community have the right…

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Mr. Kirkland, it's a disorder. You're out of order! No wait…you're right. It's a disorder.

Image: Idea go / FreeDigitalPhotos.netWritten by: Dave the Drummer When I was way younger, I got diagnosed as having bipolar disorder, which basically means I’m an emotional wreck. Being Irish, I thought so what else is new? You can tell a lot about a culture by their drinking songs. Americans love the shit out of counting groups of things in reverse order, Australia has one where the person drinking is a bastard or something, and…

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It's Summer Time & It's Time To Get SortaNaked!

I’m not complaining. Today is the first day of summer and the clothes are coming off for both women and men. The guys are showing off their guns and their six pack, the ladies are spreading the love with their cleavage and booty shorts, and then there’s me. The medium sized (thanks Dani) observer, watching the people go by as they look all good. I mean, how does a geek, who’s primary muscle that they…

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Spoiler Alert!? I Think Not!

This has nothing to with anything relationship and whatnot based, but it is a little bit of a rant. How did we find ourselves in a world where spoilers are okay? I know with the internet, it’s so easy to get spoilers out there, pirate out video of movies yet to be released, and even ruin the ending to your favorite book series. (I’m looking at you, ruiners of Harry Potter) So when did this…

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My Carpet Is Dirty & No, That's Not A Euphemism

Image: federico stevanin / FreeDigitalPhotos.netBy Dave the Drummer I’d like to write more for this blog. Mostly I don’t know WHAT to write. My day-to-day life consists of sitting on my ass, watching movies and blathering away on the Internet to people I know on there. Once in a while I’ll think “Shit, I should really do something with my time right about now.” I’ll sit with Notepad open, then what seems like an hour…

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You'll Love the Smell of Pine-ing

I was told a story, which means I guess I’ll be telling you a paraphrased story, of a boy/man…probably more “boy” than man, who, on a fairly regular basis, confessed his undying love for this girl. Okay, that’s a mild exaggeration, but you get the idea. He told her how he’s perfect, she’s perfect, so they’re perfect together, born to be forever…and she tells them that there’s no way in hell that they’d ever be…

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This Deserves A Blog Post?

Stay tuned, because tomorrow I will be posting the first ever drunk episode of Geek Love Radio. Now, if you’re easily offended and easily annoyed, I suggest you probably skip this Red 42’s Day and go for the “regular” show. BUT if you are easily amused, like I am…(I laugh probably the entire episode), then enjoy the next one. So this is a forewarning or a hype up…or just me wanting to fill this sad,…

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Emotional Warfare!

Just a quick little post while I have a few minutes left on my lunch break. For a lot of people, or maybe it’s just me, it’s hard to tame your emotions. Like a wild stallion (guitar riff), it’s difficult to rein in and even harder still to control. Now I’m not going to harp on and on again about the whole “passion rules reason” thing, thank you Terry Goodkind, because in this case it…

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Stop Using Your Vagina As An Excuse To Be Lazy

Written by Dani: So… feminists… Yeah, you feel that? The air just got a lot more tense. I’m not a feminist; I’m an equalist. I don’t expect being given the right to vote without also being expected to pull my own fucking weight. “Yeah, I can open my own fucking doors but wait… you want me to lift BOXES? I mean, I know it’s equal opportunity employment but seriously? Oh hell no. Get the BOYS…

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Don't Be Happy, No One Will Like You

Image: federico stevanin / FreeDigitalPhotos.netEverything is a bit off today, as well…there was a holiday this weekend in the States, so things are all going to be off by a day. Yeah, I know, there’s no set schedule in the world of Geek Love Radio or anything, but just letting people know. There are shows ready to go up, but they’re not ready to go up. Do you know what I mean? Err…never mind. Anyway,…

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Happy Geek Pride Day / Towel Day

If you’re a geek you know why today are those days, and I hope you’re celebrating it well. I’m doing so by taking a break from writing a blog post about one thing or another and just relaxing with a video game and some movies, like Lord of the Rings and/or Harry Potter. I haven’t decided which. So celebrate that nerd in your life, and if you are the nerd, treat yourself to something. Why…

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3 Wheels? Yeah, Doesn't Make Sense To Me Either

I have a few friends who are couples, and many who are single. But when I was in the couple situation, there always seemed to be, more or less, even numbers in our groups. Now that I’m a single again, the third wheel phenomenon is pretty evident. And boy, do they put up with me. Now, if you’re not familiar with what the third wheel is…then I’m surpised. But really, the hardest part about the…

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Help-aholic. Admit You Have A Problem

I started my very first podcast by proclaiming that all people are selfish. That we as human beings are self preserving, self serving indviduals who try to live for ourselves. So why do people go out there and help others? Well, if you stick with my theory, it’s because they get some kind of selfish gains from it. For instance, if I’m in a foul mood and I am unapproachable and things are just crappy.…

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Love & Like Transcend…How Romantic?

Many times we picture our ideal soul mate with traits that compliment our own. We give ourselves guidelines and we provide ourselves with limits so that we don’t end up getting our heart broken. Call it our own little security system for the heart. And then, someone comes along, and totally tears that all apart. Everything you say you’d never do, you do. Everything you tell yourself you’ll never feel, you feel. With that kind…

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What's Love Got To Do With…Damn, Another Cliche!

Image: photostock / FreeDigitalPhotos.net Written By: Dani People are really fond of talking about love. There have been entire books published, movies made and songs written about nothing but love. Do you know what love is? Do I? Probably not. Hell if I know what the Oxford dictionary has to say about it and I’ll be damned if I look it up because I’m lazy and because it’s probably wrong anyway. It most likely says…

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Whatever. Maybe. I Don't Know If I'm Passive Aggresive

Image: graur codrin / FreeDigitalPhotos.netLook, I’m the first to admit I have a problem with this. It’s the one thing I struggle with the most as I guilt people, use denial and avoidance, and a lot of other negative things. Okay, so maybe I’m not that bad…anymore. I’ve gone through a lot of change, but old habit die hard, and for some, this is really the only way to cope with change or anything that…

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Motivations, I Choose You!

Image: graur codrin / FreeDigitalPhotos.netThere you are, flirting with that girl, and you’re striking up a conversation. You’re spouting out slick lines from some book you read or some website you visited and you think you’re untouchable. She’s smiling, she’s laughing, and she knows where this is going. You’re not there to make any deep, meaningful connection. You’re just there to get laid. And then, after ten previous slaps in the face and drinks to…

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You Have Mail 2, Electric Boogaloo.

The whole point of online dating is meeting people you otherwise wouldn’t have had the chance to meet. You’ll have the chance to have some great conversations, hopefully hook up with people, but it all comes down to messages you send and receive. If people like your profile and think you’re super pretty, they’ll send you some mail. Sometimes it’ll be something great, like “absolutley adoring the rhyming profile man!! wish i could rhyme things…

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Moving Forward

Usually life “sucks”. We have commutes, bills to pay, we have levels of crap we have to deal with on a daily basis. In the world, people in power need to prove who they are, and men of evil topple and fall and die. If you think about it, that’s a whole lot going on. And then there’s our own personal lives, where even smaller forces push and pull at our very being, and sometimes…

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You've Got A Friend In Me

No matter who you are, where you’re from, what you did, as long as you…are breathing, there’s a part of you that seeks friendship. (See what I did there? Yeah, I’m not very proud of it either.) I believe we all have some part of us that seeks companionship, whether its romantic or platonic, we desire to have other people around. Yeah, you have family, but they’re not always around and they may not be…

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Paging Hot People, Paging Hot People…You Have A Message

It’s take me ages to write this, and for what I want to convince you is a good reason. I am intensely lazy. Also, what I’m going to talk about depends on factors known only to those involved. I am talking about sending messages to totally hot people on the Internet. When you send your messages out, it’s content will always depend on your interests, and obviously those of the recipient. I’d like to start…

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"I Wish I Had That Problem"

I’ve never experienced this personally, but I think it’s possible…well, not necessarily for me. It’s a problem that people who are looking for a relationship, or are single hope they find themselves in. Or maybe not, because it’s a pretty weird problem. You find yourself attracted and interested in more than one person, and for some strange, out of this world reason, those people are attracted and interested in you back. Now maybe you’re thinking,…

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If You're Not on Facebook, You're No Friend of Mine!

So here I am, going about my day being sick and being tired, and I stumble across this little ditty about Facebook written on Gizmodo. Now, I know people have weird opinions about that site, and I can appreciate weird. But this article, blog post, whatever it is, could not be ignored. And I’ll just give you the jist of it. It’s saying, you’re either on Facebook or you’re a loser. Now, I respect anyone’s…

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I'm Sick…

No literally, I am sick. I’m practically puking on the keyboard, which…if that’s your thing, then uhh…cool. Otherwise, expect posts starting tomorrow with an Episode of Geek Love Radio and/or an Episode of A Critical Moment of Awesome. Anyway, I’m going to bed before I die. Peace out everyone.

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What's Up People? What Do You Think?

What I like most about doing a podcast and a blog is being able to share my ideas with you and my thoughts on things. But what I REALLY like most is being able to hear from you and what you like or think. This is your chance to share your opinions and what you want to hear on Geek Love Radio, like topics, articles, questions, stories, whatever. You’re the reason the podcast exists, and…

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So This Is What Online Dating Feels Like

Written by: Dave the Drummer Like a lot of people, I don’t interact well in person. I’m a shy little dude. I mightn’t seem it on Geek Love Radio, but I have the luxury of hiding behind a screen. I’ve tried a whole bunch of stuff to loosen myself up when I’m around people. Mostly drinking, but it’s a fine line when alcohol is involved. One drink turns you from Mr. Life into that creepy…

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Too Little, Too Late

Image: nuttakit / FreeDigitalPhotos.netYou’ve seen it happen in movies and in televion. Those two characters you’ve spent hours getting to know and like somehow miss their chance at true happiness and love with one other. And yet you know, for the sake of the movie or the show, they’ll somehow be able to make it back into each other’s arms and live happily ever after. And low and behold it happens, to watery eyes, and…

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Aroma of Amour

I want you to think back to a time when you went up to a beautiful woman, or a gorgeous man, and as you were flirting you caught the scent of that sweet perfume, or that inticing cologne and that initial trifecta was reached. Their voice made your heart skip a beat, their face and eyes made your groin…tingle(?), but their smell made you want to close your eyes and revel in it. See the…

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Act a Fool For Love

Image: photostock / FreeDigitalPhotos.netYou know what’s funny? When I find myself interested in a girl, I act like an idoit. I say things without thinking, I do things that are probably pretty silly, and I lack a whole lot of coordination. In other words, I am the epitomy of awkward when it comes to the ladies. Hell, I evemn have a hard time asking them out. And the thing is, all those reading can go…

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Why Are We Growing Up?

So, this part here I’m writing after I wrote this blog post, and I’m thinking, wow…I take this stuff really seriously. I mean, I’m trying so hard to teach a lesson or something to that effect. It almost seems like I’m so uptight when I try to even write about the lighter things in life. Like, well, yeah you could be funny and silly, but you got to take that seriously! Do you guys that…

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Game On!!!

A year ago, I was a gamer. And I mean I was an avid gamer, with all the systems, all the latest and greatest games, and I even played World of Warcraft on my PC. And then, things changed. My life changed and I had to sell and give up one of my beloved hobbies. It was probably for the better too because it became my escape from responsibility and from doing what needed to…

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If Science is Right, I'm Screwed

Image: Tina Phillips / FreeDigitalPhotos.netI don’t know whether or not this article is old or not, but I’ve mentioned this time and again, and I actually am bringing up this article mostly because of the comments they produced. So if you’d like a good read, I definitely suggest reading what people say about this study. Now, I’m going to give my take on this article, one that states what women are really looking for in…

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The Concept of Fate…Destiny?

Image: Kane Gledhill / FreeDigitalPhotos.netOkay, this idea came from a podcast I’m listening to right now, and they’re using it in a different context. So I’m stealing this idea!!! Mostly because, its odd that they’re bringing this subject up at around the time that I was mentioning it with friends the night before, and watched a movie about it a few weeks back. Anyway, that’s not the point, but the subject of fate and destiny…

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How Anything Can Bring People Together

I was originally going to write about how I’m around a lot of people who are pessimistic and may be just an extention of their low self esteem, and how some of that can rub off on friends and loved one, and can actually push them away. But then I realized, why would I want to bum people out with that? Instead, I’m going to write about how pretty much anything you have in common…

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Sex Sells, Relationships Don't

When you look at a relationship websites, and blogs, you’ll find that sex plays a huge part in the grand scheme of things. It makes a lot of sense too because its what I believe to be the most complicated part about relationships. There’s so much happening to you emotionally and physically that how sex goes in a relationship determines its future. Some women are very keen on sexuality. They are very comfortable with their…

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In The Future No One Will Be Dating

via: Nokia BlogSo I love technology, that’s why I brand myself a nerd or a geek. I don’t really know which one I am, but it doesn’t really matter. I just know I happen to find myself in the “culture”. Anyway, since I love tech, I try to follow the trends and the latest news news, and I’m finding a pretty scary trend. Technology, and everything that comes with it is just ruining us as…

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Why Have A Relationship? I was going to write about that. Really.

I started writing this blog post about how great relationships are, and how psychologically and physically we react positively to being in a relationship. I had all these things I wanted to talk about, and get deep into the different things we feel when we’re in someone’s arms, when we kiss, when people make love. There’s so many positive things that come with it, but…as life happens, so do I. Okay, that doesn’t make much…

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Sometimes Online Love Is a Scam

You can never be too careful when it comes to finding love online. I did that for awhile, dating people online, having long distance relationships. It was a lot of fun, it was easy, and this was before text messaging was popular. We would fly to one other, meet up with one another for weekend tristes, and send long e-mails of love and spend nights on instant messangers, confessing our heart’s desires. It was both…

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Wow. People Really Want To Help You Stalk On Facebook.

So my computer is creeping me out as its playing random music out of nowhere. I didn’t click play on anything, and…well, that’s neither here nor there. Well, okay it’s here, but it’s not there. So, I don’t know if everyone heard the news, but I guess there are people out there creating apps for Facebook to help you do something you probably were already doing. Now with the help of http://www.breakupnotifier.com/ you can now…

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I Don't Want To Be Single, But Too Lazy To Date

If you looked at me, and you knew my situation, you’d label me easily as single. I don’t mind that because its true, but its amazing how we often label people in relationsihps pretty much in two different ways. They’re either single or with someone (which encompasses dating, marriage, sleeping around, whatever, you have someone in your life you’re being intimate in some way, shape or form). I on the other hand, am ready to…

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Breaking Up Is a Speed Bump In The Road Of Love

This past seven days I saw two different people get their heart broken, and I observed how they handled it after their significant others broke up with them. Now, when I was separated from my ex-wife and the inevitable divorce I reacted pretty drastically. I started off heart broken, depressed and ready to mope the rest of my days and later grew stronger, with the help of anti-depressants. A few months later I was able…

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Happy Valentine's Day! Share the Love

Sugar Heart Candy by Petr KratochvilOn a day like today, those who are single are hating it and those who are in a relationship are hating it more. We are reminded of how we “need” to be in relationships and at the same time how expensive it is to maintain a relationship in general. But the negative aside, the day all boils down to a feeling, an emotion, a concept. Love. You don’t need a…

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D.I.Y. Porn

I’m not going to lie and say I don’t view pornography. If that makes me less of a man, then ladies, you should look at your own men and realize, they like porn too. But when I was younger, porn was consumed mostly two different ways. Through magazines like Playboy, or through videos that you got through nefarious means. There was an industry, with some kind of production value, some kind of budget and there…

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Women & Children Last

Mother And Baby by Anna CervovaThe more women I talk to, the more I find that their idea of having children is becoming less of a dream come true and more of a nightmare. Now to get some perspective, I live in the suburbs of Southern California, and these women are busy in their career, making a living for themselves, and are either single, taking a break from dating or divorced. Even those who are…

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The Boredom Factor

Young Woman Bored by Petr KratochvilIn our society its getting easier and easier to get bored. With so much inundating us all at one time, from the internet, to all the TV shows you “need” to watch to easy access to all sorts of news and information, its easy to get that stuff, absorb it and move on. We are so easily bored that we can’t just stick to one thing at a time, we…

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You Keep Going Back, The Cycle Doesn't Have To Continue.

Are you the kind of person to break up and get back together again with your significant other? Maybe you’ve left someone and felt…remorse for it. I know that when an old friend of mine would break up and get back together again with their girlfriend, myself and other warned him that it wouldn’t end up well. We thought that if he was so miserable and got into fights so bad that they’d leave each…

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How Do I Tell Thee, That I Love Ye…?

via Public Domain PicturesSo you found a girl or guy that you’re all into, and they’re dreamy, smart, and all that good stuff that makes you wish you can just smack lips with them right then and there. We’ve all met those people, but for some…there’s a catch. they have NO idea that you’re into them. This happens to people young and old, experienced and unexperienced. Its all because relationships are…is(?) like dancing, as it…

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Be Single? Are You Crazy?

I’ve always had someone in my life to keep me company. Whether its family, friends, a girlfriend, a wife, I’ve always had someone in life to keep me company in some way shape or form. I’ve never been “alone” for a long period of time. Even when I was living out of my car, I still had friends to see almost every day. So, circumstances have never really given me alone time. But maybe it’s…

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The Internet Hates GLR…Sort Of.

Here we were ready to record a brand new show full of fun filled, geeky relationship talk. But alas, the internet was not having it. So you must wait a week, and that will only come with Lisa and I as Dave will be out of the country. So no show this week, but next week will be a brand new episode, so stick around, we’ll have one coming your way soon. So write in…

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Friends with Benefits?

There’s a new movie out right now, with the beautiful Natalie Portman that tackles the idea of friends with benefits. Now, probably not like the movie, which is probably pretty predictable that the two main leads get together and become a couple, most friends with benefits stay friends. Now I’d be surprised if you didn’t know what this is, so I’m not going to take the time to explain what it is. Either way, I’m…

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The Uptight Internet

I try to find stuff online that is interesting, funny,and informative. Okay, maybe they don’t always fall into those categories, but it deals with relationships and sex, and I want to be able to share that kind of stuff with you all. And as I continue to scour the internet for such things, I’m finding that more and more websites that used to provide this fun content are getting shut down. And they were really…

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Men Have The Sexual Advantage? Good To Know.

credit: photo8.comAll this time I’ve been telling men and women that when it comes to sex, women have the advantage, because they have the power. But apparently, that’s not the case, and I don’t know how I didn’t know this. I may have to change my ideas, and my advice, and probably flex this muscle. But anyway, let me explain briefly why I thought otherwise, and that women are the ones with the sexual advantage.…

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We're A Couple? I Can't Have Sex With Anyone? When Did This Happen?

img from Public Domain PicturesI totally get this. We talked about it on GLR. People really don’t know if they’re a couple or not. I thought it was easy, I thought it was obvious, but apparently its not. Younger couples don’t easily know when they’re sexually exclusive. It seems more and more research is on whether or not people understand monogamy, and keeps emphasizing how important sex is. Yes, there’s a romantic, intimacy involved in…

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You're Amazing & Brilliant. Who Needs Sex?

I’ve always thought that your own self image, and self esteem were important to finding a successful relationship. You need to be able to handle life solo and be happy being alone before you can successfully handle the life of being a couple. Why is that? Because you can then handle it if there is a breakup, and you don’t become obsessive over your mate, or smother them, or do things that can harm a…

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Okay, I've Seen It All. A Tool To Combat Jealousy! Chastity Belt.

My only “experience” with the concept of the chastity belt was watching Robin Hood: Men in Tights. It was in the form of reinforced, steel panties, and it was an okay joke, and it made sense in the end. I never thought about it since, thinking that it was more of a medieval thing. Now, low and behold, jealousy is so rampant among women and the desire for men to cheat so big, that…they created…

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Is Love Dying?

Via: STORNO 8BIT SESSION!Usually I like to write about something out there on the internet that deals with relationships. A new study, research, or maybe even discuss a person’s opinion on one thing or another. I realize this blog is really just a blog, and was originally meant to be about my own struggles and evolved into me wanting to bring to light things that might interest others and help people in some way. I’ve…

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Flirting Is An Art Form, Unless You Have A Cheat Sheet

For the longest time, I was under the impression that the most effective pick up line, was, “Hi, how are you doing?” Apparently, I was wrong. Its a great way to start a conversation, but its not necessarily the best way to flirt. So, someone else did the job for us trying to find out what it is that gets your foot in the door to a woman’s heart. Well at least online, and take…

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A Rant: Podcast Problems, Everyone's a Critic & Puppy Love? Really?

So, after spending hours working on the audio, and spending a few hours at Disneyland, with little to no sleep and ever growing anxiety and frustration, I have come to the conclusion, that recording on Skype is hard and the software I’m using sucks. With that in mind, the show that I was going to post yesterday, will not longer be…available, but will be done fresh and new later on, which leads me to rants,…

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Happy New Year = New Possibilities = Wait for Sex Until Marriage?

Well, you all survived another year. Its a time of resolutions, a time of doing things differently, its like the new year offers a clean slate. Almost. This year, we have a brand new Geek Love Radio coming to you, with the return of Dave the Drummer. He, Lisa, and I will be doing the show on a regular basis and it will be coming to you every Monday. Of course, like every new thing,…

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The Broken Road…(A quick thought)

You don’t have to be Christian to appreciate that song, but honestly, it makes a lot of sense. As I continue to try figure myself out, which I think we should all be doing on a continuous basis, this song comes too mind. A song used in my wedding, it was a representation of how the relationships I’ve been in were all part of this path that led to my now, ex-wife. Obviously, things aren’t…

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Personal Life And Digital Life Collide (possible only blog post)

Hello everyone. I hope that you all had a great Christmas weekend. I hope you all got what you wanted and you all had a great time with the family and the friends. No holidays would be complete without some drama, a lot of love, and overeating, and I hope everyone had a little bit of everything. Well, less drama maybe. I on the other hand, if you guys cared, am experience my own drama,…

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Life is sweet agony: A Story of the Heart in a Heartless World. Part 1:

Okay, so…I’m not used to writing in this format, in this genre. I normally write sci-fi fantasy. Let me know what you think of this. Its just an attempt to see how I feel about writing in this genre of writing. I want to do a series of stories based on relationships because I enjoy writing. Its all fiction, for the most part, taken from the lives of possibly myself or others. Busting out a…

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Sincere Cynicism: The Happy & Sad State Of Our World

Its only a few days from Christmas, and you’d think that something more upbeat, and more positive would make its way into the hearts of Sincere Sarcasm. Its a season of love, and caring, and miracles. Families get together endure each other’s company for a day. Friends and loved ones gather around sharing stories, sharing joy, and sharing gifts. There’s a spirit of the season that falls over us, that even when the worst happens,…

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Being yourself isn't a bad thing, it might just get you the girl! (or guy)

*sigh* Okay, again…I had a thought out, beautiful post, taking me half an hour to do, and what does Windows do? Refreshes my screen and deletes all that I’ve written. I hate you…Windows and your stupid updates. If you told me it was going to do that, I wouldn’t have done it in the first place!!!! Fine, here I go again. I’m writing this post because of two reasons. One, I feel like I’m going…

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GAH!!!!! I can't believe I did that!!!

Via: Video Games BloggerOkay, I had this great entry…okay, great to me, entry that was just about a whole crap load of stuff and now…its gone. I can’t believe its gone. *kicks things* I’m frustrated, mad, and well…now this post is going to be crappy because its going to be shorter, and just cut straight to the point. Not fluff, not thoughtful insight, just wham, bam, thank you blog post! Okay, maybe that’s better than…

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Quick Hits: Woman Sues To Be Husband, Cthulhu Sex Toys, Julian Assange is on OK Cupid

Punch: I understand that its upsetting when your significant other tells you they don’t want to marry you after all. Its even worse when its only a few days before the wedding. According to the article from NBC Chicago, the bride to be was so upset that her fianc eacute;e called off the wedding, that she wants to sue him for $100,000 for emotional distress. Okay, again, I get that a person would be angry…

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I saw the sign, and it opened up my eyes… (10 Points for the people who got the Ace of Base reference)

I’m going to tell you a story of what’s been happening to me lately. Why? Because I would like your opinion on something. Due to circumstances beyond my control, I had gone off the medication I was taking for Depression. I guess its not that surprising I was on it, for people who are reading the blog for the first time, but it was to help me get over my divorce. I’m fairly open when…

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Small Talk Takes A Walk

By: Lisa Small talk is a social skill I know I haven rsquo;t mastered yet (there rsquo;s a lot I haven rsquo;t mastered). Small talk usually occurs when I rsquo;m caught off guard. I don rsquo;t perform well when I rsquo;m caught off guard. I rsquo;m usually deep in thought about something and then I rsquo;ll hear my name come from behind me and I become startled. I go into ldquo;run away rdquo; mode and…

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A Blog Post About Me

I often look at this blog and wonder, why do people come on here and read what I have to write? What about my perspective or the things I bring up on this blog, makes me different from anyone else? Because honestly, there are a million blogs out there, hundreds on relationships, from news websites to personal websites, to forums. What do I do that makes me stand out? Part of me hopes its the…

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What's A Good Title? Oh, Stop Nagging & Start Passion-ing…?

I don’t know why I have to write every post with a question mark, well not every post, but a lot of them are questions for some reason. Anyway, that’s not the point now is it? As days pass, and the cold settles in for the winter, I am learning more and more everyday. I don’t know how much of that I’ll actually retain, but hey, I’m learning something, so that’s always good. First off,…

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In case you were wondering…

No post today, doing this from my phone. Computer problems are causing me to resort to this. I hope that I can get it working again soon. If you want some fun blog reading, please visit http://potentdisarray.tumblr.com/ Also, don’t forget to visit my VYou account: http://vyou.com/wizard and ask me questions. Thanks everyone. Hopefully the problem will be resolved soon.

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The One Night Stand

This is probably the first time I have nothing really to say about something, mostly because I’ve never done it before. I know of it, I’ve heard people talk about it, but I guess I’m just not suave enough to have experienced the one night stand. Now, I can’t imagine people aren’t aware of what this is, so I won’t bother explaining it, but this is where I pose the question to you folks out…

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Its Man Vs. Reality! Fight!

First off, I am once again left to reassess what this blog is all about. Simply because I’ve read so many other people’s blogs, which are much more personal, filled with ideas not just about relationships but about humor and movies, and tv and all that good stuff. So, I may or may not change the way this blog works. Now, onto what I wanted to write about. Lately I’ve been making a lot of…

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3rd Short Post: Guys Would Dump Girlfriends for Kissing Girls?

I remember when I used to tell my girlfriend, it would be so hot if you were making out with another girl, or getting it on with them. I encouraged it, and egged it on, and asked if that woman over there would be someone she’d go snogging with. Yep, I used the word snogging. And we’d have sexy time talk about it, and we’d flirt with the idea, but it never happened. Has my…

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