Geek Love Radio Podcasts

Geek Love Radio Ep 073

Click here for the new episode of GLR: HERE! Discussion: Parents and their want to control your love life. Sometimes they even tell your significant other that they look fat. How do you combat that and what should you do? Articles: Romance makes us act like children. A new website to let out your dirty laundry on ex relationships. Now there’s male birth control. Geek Love Tip of the Week: Don’t say…

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I Look Forward To Dates…UpDates…

As a techie, it doesn’t seem weird to get excited over software updates. Especially one as big as the OS5 update for Apple products, and the ever growing dessert platter that Android pushes out, like Ice Cream Sandwich. But to everyone else who don’t give a crap, they are perfectly fine not updating their stuff and moving on with their lives. Now I guess I’m just showing my geekiness when I find it ludicrous that…

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Working from a broken table

Morsels of genius rarely come to us, and it’s even worse when you never have the morsels and just try to wing it with a “clever” blog post. When I say “clever”, I mean remotely funny and informative. For now, I’m just listening to the “Nerdist” and thinking, “There’s so much I want to talk about…so much I want to write about, here, at this broken, wobbly table.” And yet, sitting here at this table,…

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Do What You Love

Today marks the day of Steve Job’s passing, and everywhere you turn on the internet you’ll find mention of it, and you’ll see people sharing their condolenses, and people sharing their memories. But buried within all of those well wishes and quotes from a man who is known as a visionary and a person who changed the world, there is a message…do what you love. A once in a life time person is sharing with…

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Geek Love Radio Podcasts

Geek Love Radio Ep. 72

Link to the show — gt; GLR #72 Discussion: The things that annoy us about our mate. People who make bad choices, continue to make bad choices. Abuse in relationships, though we don’t get too far into the subject, it seems like we never talk about the bad stuff. So we touch on this subject. Articles: A dating website for the emo, rocker, skater, or metalhead. Women should date multiple men. Tips for…

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En Garde

This may not be news to mose people, but people are not all that fantastic. I was going to start with “people suck”, but I felt that wouldn’t capture the essense of why people…suck. So yes, people are not all that great, sometimes…most of the time…okay, well, enough of the time. Which makes sense why people often find themselves on guard. Just last night I was out with a group of friends, sharing a meal,…

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The Importance Of Being Earnestly Asleep

During the week I normally try to get as much done during the day as possible. Like a lot of people in America, specifically the Los Angeles area, I drive a long, zombie inducing commute back and forth from work. This causes problems, like not getting enough of what you want done, not writing a blog post about a subject you are so into, or even gettingn sleep. And that last part is what’s screwing…

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I Can't Make Up My Mind

I’ve been itching to write something here on the blog, but real life gets in the way. I don’t really know how people do it. I’m exhausted after work, I use what’s left of my energy to try to stay physically active at night, and I do what I can to read and keep current with what’s going on in the world so that I can at least be relavant and create these exhaustive run…

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Critical Moment Of Awesome Podcasts

A Critical Moment of Awesome Ep. 24

CLICK HERE TO LISTEN TO CRIT MO # 24 Dave and I talk about Cybermen versus the Borg. I also rant about how Moneyball is a good movie, but makes one fatal mistake with a song that I actually kind of like: Lenka The Show. Then we talk about all these random subjects, which I thought I’d post here. Neutrinos The Speed of Light, how Physics may have just been broken.– articleid=1368624 format= page=1…

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Geek Love Radio Podcasts

Geek Love Radio Ep. 71

CLICK HERE TO LISTEN TO THE LATEST GLR Discussion: The bar scene and how people deal with being lonely…with drinking. Dave the Drummer and I go on tangents, never really getting to any studies or news in the world of relationships. Still, a grab bag of good topics, discussion and experience my exhaustion. I’m tired in this episode, and that can only mean trouble. Article 1: Why do people fall in and out of love.…

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The World Is A Freakin' Nightmare & It's Not Just Mine

Has anyone ever said to you “We need a global epidemic to regulate the population!”? I’ve heard that before, in history discussion, conversation, lectures, and books and most of the time they mean some kind of global disease to wipe out the populace. Well, I hope that never happens, and with movies like “Contagion”, it looks like the casualties wouldn’t be so bad (given we’re over 6 billion people living in this world and well,…

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Critical Moment Of Awesome Podcasts

A Critical Moment of Awesome Ep. 23

Click here to listen to the Latest Crit Mo #23 This week’s show Dave I talk about about naming things you own, Pokemon, Apps for those shows you used to watch when you were a kid on PBS, Bob Ross, movies that came out last weekend, wrinkled fingers, overpopulation, nerd stereotypes and so much more. As you can tell, this podcast is random. We apparently have short attention spans. Enjoy this latest episode of Crit…

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Cope A Cabana, The Hottest Place North Of Your Problems (It'll make sense)

Image: graur razvan ionut / FreeDigitalPhotos.netAre you prepared for every situation that comes your way? If someone tosses a problem at you, do you know how to react? Maybe it’s your girlfriend, your husband, your mother, your buddy, your co-worker, but it’s someone who out of nowhere helps to make life tough for you, so what do you do? No, this isn’t a job interview, it’s a life interview. Okay, that’s lame, but something I…

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Geek Love Radio Podcasts

Geek Love Radio Ep. 70

Click here for GLR # 70 Discussion/Geek Love Tip of the Week: Honesty is the best policy. Don’t listen to me about that, listen to Dave. I get all lie happy with saying lying by omission is cool, but it’s not, most of the time… Article 1: DVRs help relationships last? Article 2: Who needs monogamy anymore? Article 3: Really? Tight or Loose Vaginas? Wrapup: Email: Dani, The Universe: Dave,…

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This Be A Brief Message

via Talk Like A Pirate.comAhoy!! Today be the day we be talkin’ like pirates! I be no bilge rat, but I reckon I don’t really know how tah talk like a real pirate! Batton Down the Hatches! So in honor o’ this day, I’ll be postin’ some pirate pick up lines from Talk Like a Enoy you ruddy land lubber!!!! “They don rsquo;t call me Long John because my head is so big. You…

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Attack of the Mac

The Macbook Pro via Apple.comA few weeks ago I wrote a little ditty about how my computer was more or less in the crapper. Now, after much debate, research, and just plain curiosity, I decided my new computer of choice would be a Macbook Pro. Now, as a tech geek, I’m very familiar with the fanboi-isms and the craziness that goes with each camp. It’s like I had to join a faction, either Alliance or…

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Critical Moment Of Awesome Podcasts

A Critical Moment of Awesome Ep. 22: Top 5 TV shows

Listen above or click here— gt; for Crit Mo #22 This week Dave and I get down with our top 5 TV shows. While I keep it to the States, for the most part, Dave gives us his take on the more British side of television. We also discuss two other top 5 lists, and maybe we’re not happy about those picks. I mean, who can pick better than us?!?! Well, don’t answer that. All…

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Music – It's Like a Time Machine, My Own Personal TARDIS.

Image: Andy Newson / FreeDigitalPhotos.netWhere I work I can listen to music while typing away at the old keyboard, getting things done. I share this ominous responsibility with another coworker, while the third one in the room just contently listens to our shared playlists. That’s all find and dandy, until the day my third, silent coworker asks me if the music I listen to take me back? I had an idea of what she was…

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Geek Love Radio Podcasts

Geek Love Radio Ep. 69 – Nope, No Sex Pun Here

CLICK HERE FOR NEW GLR #69 Discussion: Why do some guys use guilt as a method of getting a girl, and what could that be a sign of? Dani, Dave I look through the different factors of what makes guy’s try so hard to get the girl, while making themselves look bad. Article 1: Flirting makes men dumb? Article 2: Apparently love makes women bad at math. Geek Love Tip of the Week:…

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Why Do I(We?) Like British TV/Movies/Everything So Much?

via BBC – Doctor Who WebsiteI normally don’t get to watch a lot of TV or movies, but I try to at least see a movie once a week. Keeps me from going crazy. Lately though, I’ve been noticing more and more television and movies from a particular part of the world. That world, happens to be in the UK, and it happens to be “Great”. That’s right, British TV and movies have somehow inundated…

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Anything You Can Do, I Can Do Better & I Won't Do Anyone Better Than Me.

Image: Ambro / FreeDigitalPhotos.netWritten By Dani the Universe It seems to be one of those weeks where I have so much to talk about and yet nothing at all to say. Fan-freaking-tastic. I’m literally about to pull this entire article straight out of my ass so bear with me. Allow me to drop my usual facade of badassery and talk about something uncharacteristically personal for a tetra second, if only for the sake of this…

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Image: akeeris / FreeDigitalPhotos.netEver since I hit puberty, I can remember days in my life that I just couldn’t explain. They were days where I was overly emotional, and overly sensitive. Now, maybe this isn’t news to anyone, but to me it was, and I learned early on in life that men are just as emotional as women, and there are days when it’s just hard to keep sane and your feelings and sexual urges…

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Critical Moment Of Awesome Podcasts

A Critical Moment of Awesome Ep. 21: The Kind of Rage Episode

Listen in the player above or click the following to listen to the latest Crit Mo #21 This week Dave and I discuss our elitist ways towards TV, we’re kind of douche baggy about our discussion of good and bad television. We also talk about what constitutes geek shows, and what shows we absolutely hate. We talk about the new Star Wars Bluray, the rarest of the Star Wars collectibles, and the new edits in…

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Geek Love Radio Podcasts

Geek Love Radio Ep. 68: Spicing It Up?

First off…I got the show number wrong because I don’t know how to count. For Ep. Click HERE: GLR EP. 68 Discussion: Listener E-mail: Dear Flancis, Dani Dave What’s up? Love the show, you guys keep me laughing every week. Now that I’ve buttered you up, I hope you can help me out. See, I’ve been dating my girlfriend for over 10 years now and things are going pretty good, except for the fact that…

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Mac Vs. PC – Can't CHOOSE!

via – Tech CrunchI have a fantastic laptop from Alienware. It’s a nice little 11 in. laptop made for gaming and it’s even got a cool little hybrid hard drive that I installed with it’s own little Solid State Drive. And okay, for many this is a boring train of thought, but the idea of PC vs. Mac, Apple vs. Windows, is something most people can relate to and the fight still rages on. You’ve…

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Life, Sex & Early Morning Honesty = Complicated On A Stick!

There are two quotes I really like. The first was said by Harvey Pekar, “Ordinary life is pretty complex stuff” and the other is “Love is the answer, but while you’re waiting for the answer, sex raises some pretty interesting questions” said by my imaginary good friend Woody Allen. In life there are rules and shit. Unfortunately, not everyone has read them, and not everyone who has agrees or goes along with them. Stuff like…

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Geek Love Radio Podcasts

Geek Love Radio Ep. 67: The Love/Hate Episode

CLICK HERE FOR EP: GLR #67 Discussion: The hopeless romantic. Do you consider yourself one? Is it so bad to be one? Article 1: On-line dating isn’t just about dating anymore, it’s about selling yourself. You’re the product and the people out there, they’re the buyer? Article 2: Maybe being in love isn’t such a great thing after all. I mean you do get sick as a result. Lovesick…can’t be good for you.…

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Time to Set the Record Straight On Love – Dani Style

Image: photostock / FreeDigitalPhotos.netWritten By: Dani, the Universe I seem to have this bad habit of lying awake at night, going over past scenarios in my mind and beating myself up over things I wish I had said instead of the things I DID say. It’s a problem. So I’ve been prodded time and time again by Flancis, numerous listeners, and acquaintances in general: Have I ever been in love? I am laying this issue…

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Hate Is So Much Easier

Image: Ian Kahn / FreeDigitalPhotos.netThis is not news, but life is hard. The difference is that some people make it look easy. I don’t know how they do it, but maybe people ignore the things that suck in life, or maybe they are the eternal optomist, or maybe they take out their frustrations on some whack a mole. Well, however it’s done, it surprises me that sometimes the moniker, time heals all wounds, does not…

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I'm addicted to love…or was it my smart phone…?

I think if you were to ask anyone, even the person standing to your right and a little further up, they’d all pretty much say the same thing. They couldn’t live without their cellphone. Now, with everyone attached to the hip with their smartphone, I think it’s no surprise that, that would be the answer. Take for instance, my situation. I was helping my buddy do some grading for his class and well, I placed…

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Critical Moment Of Awesome Podcasts

It's A Critical Moment of Awesome Ep. 19

Click HERE for Episode — gt; Crit Mo # 19 This week Dave the Drummer and I talk about music, radio, food, and general stuff as we get random on this week’s episode. So check it out now and don’t forget to write in with your thoughts, ideas, your fanboi-isms and more. We’d love to hear from you guys. Thanks for listening! You’re listening to A Critical Moment of Awesome, where two guys, a girl…

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Love waits for nomads, I mean…no man, or woman for that matter.

WRITTEN BY: Dani, The Universe You know those car rides you take with someone that end up really thought-provoking when one of you starts on a pretty casual topic and it escalates into something Dani decides to write an article about? Totally didn’t happen to me recently or anything. So without further ado… have you ever waited for someone to be single? Believe it or not, I lack the… hormone or impulse or whatever it…

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Geek Love Radio Podcasts

Geek Love Radio Ep. 66: Solo Sunday!

CLICK HERE FOR SHOW! — gt; GLR #66 Discussion: Prostitution, is that a good alternative to a lacking sex life? Are brothel’s a good place to go for some sexual attention? Article 1: Being single means you’ll live a shorter life? Article 2: Being in a relationship means you’ll live a shorter life? Geek Love Tip of the Week: We’ve always touted compromise, but this man brings up the point of the cooperation…station…what’s…

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Injury is no fun…

Okay, so I’m going to tell you a little story about how somehow…my wrist and my entire right arm is in excruciating pain. I had so many ideas for blog posts and everything. I thought, yeah, I’m going to talk about too shy to function, smartphones ruling our lives, The Guard movie, and how I have witnessed that love can last for a long time, even after the person is gone. Now, well, I’m typing…

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the legend of link, a zelda to the present

I don’t think there’s a place online where you don’t find some kind of reference to “The Legend of Zelda” and all of it’s side missions. Everywhere you turn there’s something relating to the little guy in the green cap brandishing that drool inducing master sword and shield. Love the master sword. I want to get one. Anyway, that’s beside the point. But Link, our hero, is so popular and I don’t even know why.…

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We've got to go back!…back to the past. You thought I was going to say future.

It’s become harder and harder to ignore the past. With Facebook, Twitter, and even our own blogs archiving our lives, you have to admit, it’s hard to escape what was. That’s especially tough when it comes to relationships. How does anyone forget when you have pictures of your ex still tagged on Facebook? Do you have to rummage through your Flickr photos and delete all the one’s with you and her? It’s not as easy…

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Critical Moment Of Awesome Podcasts

A Critical Moment of Awesome Ep. 18

Click above Crit Mo Image or here for the latest episode— gt; ACMOA #18 This week we take up listener Tommy’s advice and modify it a little. We talk about Star Trek in all it’s iterations from the Original Series to the latest movie. We discuss our favorite characters, scenes, and gernally what we liked and disliked about the franchise. So wave that Trekkie/Trekker flag and join us on this week’s Crit Mo! You’re listening…

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Geek Love Radio Podcasts

Geek Love Radio Ep. 65

Click here to listen: GLR 65 This week it’s Dave the Drummer and I discussing who’s better: the Butter Face vs Butter Body. Yep, we get superficial for once, or twice…? We discuss about how human touch may be what makes a relationship last, and that men may actually like the cuddling more than the women. Then apparently, there’s this hot ex-lawyer who talks about this: The 5 Truths About Relationships (That No One…

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Love is like running which is like motivation, which to some…is like bacon.

Do you know what I love about running? The fact that if you run around your neighborhood and you start to get tired or you feel like stopping, you’ll find yourself in a spot where you have to make a choice. You either stop and just set up camp where you are, or you have to actually run/walk/jog back to where you started from. The beauty of running is that it forces you to keep…

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Movie: This is Spinal Tap

Via: JoBlo.comI really didn’t start to appreciate movies until I was about thirteen years old or so when I saw Jurassic Park for the first time. So when “This Is Spinal Tap” came out, not only was I too young to even watch the movie, but it was really considered before my time. Thanks to the power of the internet and streaming video, I finally got to watch this movie. Of course, I wouldn’t have…

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Talking about a fraction of what geek's love, other than their ladies & gents

Image: Sura Nualpradid / FreeDigitalPhotos.netStarting this week, I’m going to try to do something a little different. I’ve thought long and hard about how I just write about relationships, and I realized something. That can get old quick and that can kind of information can actually run out quick. Yes, there are a ton of new studies (often stuff we already freakin’ know), and there is new research, but really… there’s not enough. And plus,…

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Critical Moment Of Awesome Podcasts

A Critical Moment of Awesome Ep. 17

Click here — gt; Crit Mo #17 This week it’s about space and why planets go around the way they do? Americanisms are attacked by the British. Pants that sag, cracks that aren’t good, and so much more on this new week of Crit Mo. You’re listening to A Critical Moment of Awesome, where two guys, a girl and a podcast geek out about practically everything. From pop culture, to music, to movies, to games,…

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Geek Love Radio Podcasts

Geek Love Radio Ep. 64

Click here for episode — gt; GLR #64 The whole gang is back this week. Dani Dave talk with me about being single versus being in a relationship. Maybe not everyone needs to be a couple. Then we discuss the relationship where two people just stay over but live in two separate homes. A study where weight is an issue, or is it? You be the judge. For some reason, food is the…

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I forgot to press the button

Here I was, ready to post the show notes of the brand new Geek Love Radio and what do I do? I forget to press the button that actually publishes the episode. Now it has to go through the approval process, etc, etc. Then when I get that little e-mail I’ll actually be able to share and share alike! I must have been really tired last night. About as tired as I am today really.…

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Busy busy busy

Okay, I’m not that busy, I just don’t manage my time very well. How’s everyone doing? I hope you all are having a great start of the week. I take this opportunity to just say, what’s up? What’s going on with everyone? I thought I’d throw out a quick question to everyone. What are some of the things you all are geeking about recently? What’s got you getting nerdy? For me, it’s the upcoming second…

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Who Needs friends when you've got booty…calls?

You know what I hear about a lot? The dreaded Friend zone. You people (and by “you people,” I mean FUCKING EVERYONE) have beaten this issue into death, then resurrected it with self-pitying Necromancy just so you could continue beating it. But you know what no one ever talks about? Something that’s even harder to escape than the Friend zone. Yep. I’m talkin’ ’bout the Booty Call zone. Now hear me out, denizens of the…

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Geek Love Radio Podcasts

Geek Love Radio Ep. 63: Red 42's Day Solo Tuesday Lovefest Extraordinaire!

Click Here — gt; GLR Ep. 63 This week it’s just me talking about being single, and why everyone seems to hint at me needing to date or getting a girlfriend. I then talk about relationships, couples, and the way romance is perpetuated by night. Finally we hear from Vimes in a comment about GLR Ep. 62, and Girl Gamers. Don’t forget to share the word and share Geek Love Radio with everyone. Talk to…

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Critical Moment Of Awesome Podcasts

A Critical Moment of Awesome Ep. 16

For the latest episode of Crit Mo click here. It’s all about that awkward movement called dancing, and our own experiences, what we like about it, as well as how geeks too can dance and sing and actually enjoy music. Well, not that geeks didn’t do this already. But yeah, we share what we like, and our own take on the club scene. You’re listening to A Critical Moment of Awesome, where two guys, a…

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A week without internet is like, you know…night.

Image: photostock / FreeDigitalPhotos.netMaybe you’ve thought about it. Maybe you’ve even tried it. But with the internet as such a part of our lives, it’s difficult to think of a life without it. Well, I’m tempted, to unplug, simply to know what it feels like. Now, this last week you may have noticed a void of blog posts, and that was because I tried to at least unplug a little. I avoided Facebook, Twitter, Google…

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Geek Love Radio Podcasts

Geek Love Radio Ep. 62

Click here for episode — gt; GLR Ep. 62 This week’s episode is riddled with articles from around the web, both good, bad, and ugly. To start off, we talk about a ridiculous, but fun study on gamer girls and how they prefer gaming over sex. This scientific study brought to you by none other than a snack company. Next we discuss the woman who was paralyzed and about to get married and how…

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Critical Moment Of Awesome Podcasts

A Critical Moment of Awesome Ep. 15

Click here for episode — gt; Crit Mo Ep. 15 This episode has us geeking out on the Harry Potter midnight showing, how people get tested for things at the hospitals, bodily functions, and much more on this kind of childish, but always funny Critical Moment of Awesome. You’re listening to A Critical Moment of Awesome, where two guys, a girl and a podcast geek out about practically everything. From pop culture, to music, to…

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See Spot. See Spot Run. See Spot Chase Dave For One Great Workout

After the excruciating pain the “supposed” beginner level exercise gave me, I realised I needed something meant for total wimps. Thank fuck for the Wii! I wanted to keep this whole thing, object free; as in using no weights, not leaving the house, and pretty much doing what I normally do, only with more movement. The last thing I wanna do is head to the gym. That would suck for me. Also it’s far away…

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World of Flancraft: Level 2 – What do I do with myself?

So, I started my workout and have been going strong for about the last two weeks. I’m running every other day. Okay, maybe it’s less of a run and more of a jog. Well, maybe less of a jog and more of a stumbling forward. But you get the idea. Mixing that in with some push ups, crunches, and the ocassional weight lifting, I think I’m in the right direction to a better body. And…

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Sex, Sex Will Keep Us Together! Think of me babe whenever!

Alright, so… not gonna dance around the issue so let’s jump into it. Sex. Sex is… pretty cool, right? Not a lot of people would disagree unless they have some really unique problems like… well, fuck, I don’t know. If you have a problem with it, go ahead and email me because I’m kind of fucking curious. Image: photostock / FreeDigitalPhotos.netHow important is sex in a relationship? I guess the answer would vary for different…

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The End of An Epic. The Midnight Showing Dilemma

The Movie: Harry Potter The Deathly Hollows Part 2 The Situation: I didn’t know the Situation was a part of my blog post… (rim shot) Firstly, I want to share my love of this franchise. I enjoyed the books immensely, often times consuming them in a single day. I get a kick out of the movies, where I get teary eyed at the trailers, and feel deeply about the words of the book being realized…

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Dave the Drummer & The Rock 'Em Sock 'Em Work Out…"Francis, why are you invading my blog post?"

By Dave the Drummer I realised the other day that there is pretty much no way I’m ever gonna be a fatty. I’ve been very thin my whole life, I’m one of those people that can pile away the food and never put on any weight. Lately, I’ve been eating more than usual, and LOST weight. So lame. So instead of giving up, like I usually would, I figured I’d do something else, because I…

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World of Flancraft – The First 20 Levels of Becoming Better Than You Are

Roll Intro fade into cool cinematic and lead to a splash screen of the title: World of Flancraft Level Up! via – World of WarcraftI am currently on a quest to find out who I once was. I’ve often talked about it on the blog and the podcast about how I lost who I once was. I can remember being hilarious (if I do say so myself), and being such an uplifting person. For years…

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Finally on Google + & New GLR Ep. 60: Tough Love

Of course…I join while I’m at work, so I can’t really play around with it. But I’m excited. I’m looking forward to adding people and goofing around with the settings and inviting…the handful of people I actually know. If it’s awesome, I may have to just give up Facebook all together. Well, only if everyone else joins me on this thing. Anyway, I’ll post a blog sometime in the future, and I’m thinking of changing…

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Critical Moment Of Awesome Podcasts

A Critical Moment of Awesome Ep. 12

To tell you what we talked about would just ruin the show. It’s a laugh, a smile, and a nerding out that can’t be contained. So check out the podcast above, or click on the link below to get your fill of geekery. Also for those who prefer iTunes, that will be coming soon as I have finally…may have…sort of…found a solution. Keep you guys posted. A Critical Moment of Awesome Ep. 12

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Rapid Rants & Fast Fantastic-ness! BOOM BOOM BOOM!

And…we’re off!! I hate how fragile people’s relationships are. And I’m not just talking about couples, I’m talking about friends and the like. It really does take very little to make that house of cards drop if you say something you regret or do something out of haste. You don’t think it through, you get drunk, and then you make the big step to do something about it. You tell someone you love them or…

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Perpetual Friends In Perpetual Motion

Image: photostock / FreeDigitalPhotos.netLately I’ve been finding myself surrounded by incredibly attractive women. It’s not me, personally, its my circumstances. And each woman has something I really like about them. They’re geeky, nerdy side, they’re interest and love of certain things, their sense of humor. Whatever it is, I find them fascinating. Now, I don’t want to be with all of them, but I wouldn’t mind dating some of them to find out whether or…

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Explain to me why I should like you and then we'll talk.

Written by Dani: Unreciprocated feelings. That’s what I wanna talk about. Sit down, children, and shut up and listen. Dani’s talking now. You know that shit feeling you get when you have the hots for someone and they either A. designate you to the friend zone or B. couldn’t give less of a shit? Of course you do. Everyone does. And as much as we all absolutely love playing victim, it’s really nothing you can…

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Fantasy Is Back-ish! Game of Sword of Thrones of Truth!

The first season of “Game of Thrones” is all done and gone; season 1 being ten episodes of pure awesome. Why is it so awesome, you may have asked…supposedly? Well, having read the George R R Martin series of books, I was a fan from the get go. This series of books and the resulting tv shows were critically acclaimed, and loved by fans who have read the books or are new to the whole…

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The Comfort Zone…When Good People Go Lazy

Image: graur codrin / FreeDigitalPhotos.netIt was recently pointed out to me that I’ve gotten comfortable in my life. You know, complacent, fine, lazy, conforming, accepting the mediocre, etc etc. I’m content with the way things are, I’m okay with the way things look in the future, and I have very little ambition outside of the podcasts and this blog. I want to see Geek Love Radio, A Critical Moment of Awesome, and Sincere Sarcasm grow…

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Gay Marriage Approved In The Big Apple!

Image via: The Daily PoliticalThe New York governor has recently laid down the law and said to the people of his state, same-sex marriage is legal, something I honestly thought California would have down pat by now. With states so diverse with culture, with people of all types, and with a very accepting populace, you’d think we’d all be right there with Governor Cuomo in saying that the gay and lesbian community have the right…

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Mr. Kirkland, it's a disorder. You're out of order! No wait…you're right. It's a disorder.

Image: Idea go / FreeDigitalPhotos.netWritten by: Dave the Drummer When I was way younger, I got diagnosed as having bipolar disorder, which basically means I’m an emotional wreck. Being Irish, I thought so what else is new? You can tell a lot about a culture by their drinking songs. Americans love the shit out of counting groups of things in reverse order, Australia has one where the person drinking is a bastard or something, and…

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It's Summer Time & It's Time To Get SortaNaked!

I’m not complaining. Today is the first day of summer and the clothes are coming off for both women and men. The guys are showing off their guns and their six pack, the ladies are spreading the love with their cleavage and booty shorts, and then there’s me. The medium sized (thanks Dani) observer, watching the people go by as they look all good. I mean, how does a geek, who’s primary muscle that they…

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Spoiler Alert!? I Think Not!

This has nothing to with anything relationship and whatnot based, but it is a little bit of a rant. How did we find ourselves in a world where spoilers are okay? I know with the internet, it’s so easy to get spoilers out there, pirate out video of movies yet to be released, and even ruin the ending to your favorite book series. (I’m looking at you, ruiners of Harry Potter) So when did this…

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My Carpet Is Dirty & No, That's Not A Euphemism

Image: federico stevanin / FreeDigitalPhotos.netBy Dave the Drummer I’d like to write more for this blog. Mostly I don’t know WHAT to write. My day-to-day life consists of sitting on my ass, watching movies and blathering away on the Internet to people I know on there. Once in a while I’ll think “Shit, I should really do something with my time right about now.” I’ll sit with Notepad open, then what seems like an hour…

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Critical Moment Of Awesome Podcasts

Brand New Critical Moment of Awesome

It’s two guys, a girl and a podcast, as we geek out over comics, games, movies, and more. We’re the Nathan Fillion, Ryan Reynolds, Traylor Howard of the 21st Century. This week, we have special guest Dani, from Geek Love Radio giving her take on the world of pop culture and nerd-dom. You’re listening to A Critical Moment of Awesome, where two dudes geek out about practically everything. From pop culture, to music, to movies,…

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Geek Love Radio Podcasts

Brand New Geek Love Radio & Juggling Worlds & Questions

I live in three different worlds. One is at work, the other is social, and the other is GLR/CritMo. Juggling all three is really hard, so I apologize if blog posts are sporadic. I’m working on getting a routine going to where I actually share what’s on my mind and hopefully things you all are interested in, instead of just writing it down somewhere, forgetting it exists, and then…writing long run on sentences like this…

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You'll Love the Smell of Pine-ing

I was told a story, which means I guess I’ll be telling you a paraphrased story, of a boy/man…probably more “boy” than man, who, on a fairly regular basis, confessed his undying love for this girl. Okay, that’s a mild exaggeration, but you get the idea. He told her how he’s perfect, she’s perfect, so they’re perfect together, born to be forever…and she tells them that there’s no way in hell that they’d ever be…

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This Deserves A Blog Post?

Stay tuned, because tomorrow I will be posting the first ever drunk episode of Geek Love Radio. Now, if you’re easily offended and easily annoyed, I suggest you probably skip this Red 42’s Day and go for the “regular” show. BUT if you are easily amused, like I am…(I laugh probably the entire episode), then enjoy the next one. So this is a forewarning or a hype up…or just me wanting to fill this sad,…

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Emotional Warfare!

Just a quick little post while I have a few minutes left on my lunch break. For a lot of people, or maybe it’s just me, it’s hard to tame your emotions. Like a wild stallion (guitar riff), it’s difficult to rein in and even harder still to control. Now I’m not going to harp on and on again about the whole “passion rules reason” thing, thank you Terry Goodkind, because in this case it…

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Stop Using Your Vagina As An Excuse To Be Lazy

Written by Dani: So… feminists… Yeah, you feel that? The air just got a lot more tense. I’m not a feminist; I’m an equalist. I don’t expect being given the right to vote without also being expected to pull my own fucking weight. “Yeah, I can open my own fucking doors but wait… you want me to lift BOXES? I mean, I know it’s equal opportunity employment but seriously? Oh hell no. Get the BOYS…

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Don't Be Happy, No One Will Like You

Image: federico stevanin / FreeDigitalPhotos.netEverything is a bit off today, as well…there was a holiday this weekend in the States, so things are all going to be off by a day. Yeah, I know, there’s no set schedule in the world of Geek Love Radio or anything, but just letting people know. There are shows ready to go up, but they’re not ready to go up. Do you know what I mean? Err…never mind. Anyway,…

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Happy Geek Pride Day / Towel Day

If you’re a geek you know why today are those days, and I hope you’re celebrating it well. I’m doing so by taking a break from writing a blog post about one thing or another and just relaxing with a video game and some movies, like Lord of the Rings and/or Harry Potter. I haven’t decided which. So celebrate that nerd in your life, and if you are the nerd, treat yourself to something. Why…

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Geek Love Radio Podcasts

Geek Love Radio 1 Year Anniversary

Episode 50 is up and running. It marks a year from when I started doing a podcast about helping people in relationships. I was struggling from having left one, I was heartbroken and searching for some kind of light in the darkness. I hope that this podcast does a little of that, or at least show that there’s a light at the end of those tunnels. Whether you chose to be single or find love…

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3 Wheels? Yeah, Doesn't Make Sense To Me Either

I have a few friends who are couples, and many who are single. But when I was in the couple situation, there always seemed to be, more or less, even numbers in our groups. Now that I’m a single again, the third wheel phenomenon is pretty evident. And boy, do they put up with me. Now, if you’re not familiar with what the third wheel is…then I’m surpised. But really, the hardest part about the…

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Help-aholic. Admit You Have A Problem

I started my very first podcast by proclaiming that all people are selfish. That we as human beings are self preserving, self serving indviduals who try to live for ourselves. So why do people go out there and help others? Well, if you stick with my theory, it’s because they get some kind of selfish gains from it. For instance, if I’m in a foul mood and I am unapproachable and things are just crappy.…

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Geek Love Radio Podcasts

Geek Love Radio Ep. 48

LINK: This week it’s me and Dave the Drummer talking about some e-mails sent in from Frank and Thomas. We’ll be discussing when is age a problem and is there a limit to the difference in age between two people in love. Then we talk about how far apart is too far apart. Finally we discuss whether a woman being smarter than you could be a problem, or dumber? All that and more on…

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Love & Like Transcend…How Romantic?

Many times we picture our ideal soul mate with traits that compliment our own. We give ourselves guidelines and we provide ourselves with limits so that we don’t end up getting our heart broken. Call it our own little security system for the heart. And then, someone comes along, and totally tears that all apart. Everything you say you’d never do, you do. Everything you tell yourself you’ll never feel, you feel. With that kind…

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What's Love Got To Do With…Damn, Another Cliche!

Image: photostock / Written By: Dani People are really fond of talking about love. There have been entire books published, movies made and songs written about nothing but love. Do you know what love is? Do I? Probably not. Hell if I know what the Oxford dictionary has to say about it and I’ll be damned if I look it up because I’m lazy and because it’s probably wrong anyway. It most likely says…

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Whatever. Maybe. I Don't Know If I'm Passive Aggresive

Image: graur codrin / FreeDigitalPhotos.netLook, I’m the first to admit I have a problem with this. It’s the one thing I struggle with the most as I guilt people, use denial and avoidance, and a lot of other negative things. Okay, so maybe I’m not that bad…anymore. I’ve gone through a lot of change, but old habit die hard, and for some, this is really the only way to cope with change or anything that…

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Motivations, I Choose You!

Image: graur codrin / FreeDigitalPhotos.netThere you are, flirting with that girl, and you’re striking up a conversation. You’re spouting out slick lines from some book you read or some website you visited and you think you’re untouchable. She’s smiling, she’s laughing, and she knows where this is going. You’re not there to make any deep, meaningful connection. You’re just there to get laid. And then, after ten previous slaps in the face and drinks to…

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Geek Love Radio Podcasts

Geek Love Radio Ep. 45 Red 42's Day

Link: Topics: – Jealousy – How chicks duke it out when fighting for the same guy – Dating amongst friends – How to deal with bad traits when dating – And way more. To send questions, comments and and more to Blyth and Dani, send an e-mail to: Wrapup: Email: Blog: Subscribe to the blog and the podcast. Look us up on iTunes and rate the show Facebook, and Twitter Geek…

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You Have Mail 2, Electric Boogaloo.

The whole point of online dating is meeting people you otherwise wouldn’t have had the chance to meet. You’ll have the chance to have some great conversations, hopefully hook up with people, but it all comes down to messages you send and receive. If people like your profile and think you’re super pretty, they’ll send you some mail. Sometimes it’ll be something great, like “absolutley adoring the rhyming profile man!! wish i could rhyme things…

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